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There will be two audios in listening section


There will be two texts in reading section


 Perhatikan penggunakan adjective clause (who, whose, whom, which)

 Verb pattern
Setelah kata REMEMBER, harus diikuti Verb ing
Setelah kata FORGET, harus diikuti Verb ing
Setelah kata TRY, bisa diikuti to atau Verb ing (tapi harus lihat konteksnya)
Setelah kata STOP, harus diikuti Verb ing
Setelah kata REGRET, harus diikuti Verb ing
 Dependant preposition
e.g: She is the greatest scientist of all time
attribute to
immerse in
Di modul ada di halaman 66

Write at least 3 paragraphs of analytical exposition in the topic of “Millennial Votes in 2019 Indonesia
Presidential Election 2019”. Your work should cover the thesis, arguments, and conclusion which may be
based on but not limited to this following guidelines.
1. Who millennial voter is.
2. Why millennial voter should participate in 2019 Indonesia Presidential Election.
3. Your conclusion and point of view towards participation of millennials voter in 2019 Indonesia
Presidential Election.
Your title must be different from the topic!

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