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Subject: Introduction to Indian Society, Politics and Culture

Q.1 How was the Indian Empires Before moguls? Discuss in detail.

Answer: Indian empires had tremendous ups and downs before moguls; it started with the rule of
number of emperors who brought political unity in Indian peninsula. This ups and downs are as

a. Chandragupta was succeeded by Bindusara; and emperor Ashoka Succeeded Bindusara who
captured almost entire country.
b. Alexander of Macedon defeated Darius III, the last of the achaemenids and set out to
subdue the whole of the former Persian empire
c. Chandragupta overthrew the last of Nandas and occupied his capital Pataliputra; and he was
assisted by his eminent scholar Chanakya.
d. Bindusara son Ashoka was a tyrant and had killed all his rivals to get the throne; However
there was a change in heart for Ashoka in Kalinga war where almost 1, 00,000 people died.
e. Ashoka then became Buddhist and promoted Lord Buddha.
f. Ashoka physical victory was followed by his spiritual campaign, and thus he had laid the
foundation of India as a country to the world.
g. After Ashoka, the modern empire started fragmenting. During this period in 183 BCE,
Pusyamitra Sunga, a general of Brhadratha, the last mauryan king, succeeded in gaining
power by a Palace revolution.
h. Immediately after Pusyamitra , a new empire was born under leadership of Kanishka who
set up his capital at Varanasi, UP
i. During the third century Ce, new kingdoms emerged in the northern India Chandragupta II
regained much of the Mauryan Empire.
j. Chandragupta II also defeated the Shakas. Thus he became the Paramount sovereign of
k. During the gupta period, King Vikaramaditya Drove out the Shakas from Ujjain. The court of
Vikramaditya was very famous during those days.
l. With the decline of Gupta Empire, King Harsha Ascended the Throne of Kannauj at the age of
sixteen in CE 606. During his forty—one year rule, north India Attained new high level
prosperity and culture.
m. In the ninth and tenth century, the Gujjars and Pratiharas were ruling North India. It was the
time when India’s prosperity was known across globe and it was the period when Muslim
Invaders had started Planning to Invade India.
n. Jayapala’s son, Anandpala, formed a league of Hindu Kingdoms to resist the Muslim
Invasion, but the Muslim Pressure was formidable for them.
o. The General of Muhammad of ghor, Named Qutb-ud-din was an emancipated slave. He
became the first sultan of Delhi. With this the Muslim Rule in India began and continued till
the eighteenth century when British arrived.
p. In 1336, a new kingdom was founded in Vijayanagar on the banks of the Tungabhadra River.
The Vijayanagar Empire was known for its splendour and affluence.
Q.2. Explain the Basic differences between the Indian and British Systems

Answer: The Difference between Indian and British System are as Follows.

a. The British Imperial Strength was not only based on the Armed Forces but also on the
Academicians of the oldest universities like oxford and Cambridge.
b. Both the academia and media maintained high professional standards of neutrality and
independence, yet serve the cause of strategic policies and political goals of the
c. Whereas both the Two in India the media and Academia are for the Business Interest owned
by Political Owners or Business Tycoons.
d. Both media and universities in India have not yet achieved the key role assigned to them in
the western world.
e. Most of the Indian universities and centre for Higher Education seldom contributed to the
ethos of the Indian state on the other hand scholars of British universities fathered the
concept of Dravidian and Aryan differences in the subcontinent sowing the seed Difference
among People.
f. Here the subject studied by scholars as well as students are not studied in depth the way
westerns do.
g. There is lack of seriousness with respect to studies, media and education field in Indian
h. There is still a difference between Perfect administrative services adopted by the country
and there are flaws in running the country; the same with British Reign; India had developed
a perfect administrative service during that period.
i. India is still untied today with different inter-caste and inter-religious issues.
j. The Scholars in India generally do repitative research and their work is mostly cutting and
pasting from other research materials.
k. Till now in India, the History is not drafted in proper way there is lot of omission done by the
l. The Indian society too is undergoing revolutionary changes due to new scientific inventions
directly affecting Human society. The Previous caste barriers are being Dismantled with the
new division on the basis of education and prosperity.
m. The world, both the developing as well as the developed world, admires India’s leap into the
present hi-tech world.

There are enough differences right from administrative service, media, education, history,
culture etc. but India as a country is coming out with flying color of success in every field and
is drastically changing its nature from developing country into developed country.
Q.3. Discuss the Constitution for Strong Centre.

Answer: The points for constitution for strong centre are as follows

a. India successfully survived the assassinations and political instabilities due to strength of
basic laws, the Indian Constitution.
b. The drafting committee of the constituent assembly was chaired by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
c. The Basic Laws of India Took some salient features from the constitution from other
countries too.
d. The concept of public interest litigation PIL rest on the principle that any member of the
public initiate legal proceedings on behalf on the aggrieved person, especially a poor person
who is unable to move the court on his or her own.
e. It goes to the credit of Baba Sahib Bhimrao Ambedkar, who framed the Indian constitution,
which provided for a strong union or central authority while allowing functional autonomy
to the states.
f. The Indian Constitution is one of the bulkiest of the constituencies of the world because it
has tried to incorporate all possible issues as a part of laws to cater to the needs of the
g. The Indian constitution strikes a balance between constitutional supremacy and
parliamentary sovereignty
h. Three tier governance prevails in India.
i. Both IAS and IPS runs the union government. With their rich experience in their respective
states these officers provides the backbone to the union government
j. The Indian Civil services was the steel framework of colonial India. But it provided strong
accountable system to the constitutionally governed India.
k. Sardar Vallabhbhai patel, the first union home minister of India decides to retain the civil
service job of the colonial Raj.
l. The Parliament has the power to create more all India Services by law.
m. The nodal agency for selection of IAS and IPS officers is UPSC and it is determined by thr
n. India has adopted parliamentary system of democracy in which the loyalty of the civil
services is to the constitution of India and not to any Individual or Political Party.

That is why a need for constitution that a strong constitution with properly led rules and regulation
for diverse India which is having different caste and religion in bound in it.
Q.4. What are the Roots for Communalism in India? Discuss.

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