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QUES1. What is constitution?
ANS1. A constitution is a legal document of a country. It specifies
the power and function of the government, rights and freedoms of
the citizens and the relationship between government and people.
QUES2. Why do we need a constitution? OR What is the
significance of constitution?
ANS2. We need a constitution due to the following reasons:
1. It generates the degree of trust and condition among the people
so that they can live together.
2. It keeps a check on the power of the rulers.
3. It specifies the powers and functions of the government.
4. It guarantees rights and freedoms to the people.
5. It fulfils the needs and aspirations of the people.
QUES3. ‘A constitution is a living document.’ Comment.
ANS3. A constitution is not merely a written book of law. It is a
living document which can be modified. It keeps on evolving
according to the needs and aspirations of the people, changing
conditions and international obligations. That is why it is called a
living document.
QUES4. Why do you think that a constitution is important in
democratic country like India?
ANS4. In a democratic country like India, the constitution has
more significance.
1. It gives chance to people to participate in the functioning of the
2. It also provides rights to the citizen and specifies the power of
the government.
3. In India the government works within the limits set by the
QUES5. What was the difference between European imperialism
in South Africa and India?
ANS5. In India European people like Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese
and English came and ruled but never tried to settle down there
where as in South Africa the white settle their along with the
black and became the local rulers of the country.
QUES6. Many international events which inspired national
leaders, name any three of them.
ANS6. International events which inspired national leaders are:
1. The glorious revolution in England, 1688.
2. American War of Independence, 1776.
3. French Revolution, 1789.
QUES7. Name the basic values accepted by our National leaders
in 1946 to draft the Indian Constitution.
ANS7. Basic values accepted by our National leaders in 1946 to
draft the Indian Constitution are:
1. Universal Adult Franchise.
2. Right to Freedom and Equality.
3. Protection of interests of the minorities.
QUES8. Mention the significance of Preamble in the constitution.
ANS8. Significance of Preamble in the Constitution:
1. It contains all the values and ideals that our country wants to
2. It sets the standards to examine and evaluate the actions of
3. It is the guiding light to the constitution.
4. It fulfils the aspirations of the people that is why it is called the
‘soul of the constitution’.
QUES9. Describe the role of African National Congress during
the freedom struggle in South Africa.
ANS9. The role of African National Congress:
1. It was an umbrella organisation that led struggle against racial
2. It included many workers union, communist party and many
sensitive white people.
3. It launched protest marches and strikes against discriminatory
4. It played a leading role in gaining independence of South
QUES10. Write a short note on constituent assembly of India.
ANS10. Short note on constituent assembly of India:
1. The drafting of the constitution was done by a body of elected
representatives called constituent assembly.
2. Its members were indirectly elected by provision legislatures.
3. Its election was held in July, 1946 and it met for the first time in
December, 1946.
4. After the partition of India, it was divided into constituent
assembly India and Pakistan.
5. Finally, 299 members of this assembly signed the constitution
and it came into effect in 26 January, 1950.
QUES11. Describe in your own words ‘the freedom struggle of
the South Africa.’
ANS11. South Africa remained under the foreign rule for a very
long time. The white minority government followed the policy of
apartheid and discriminated against blacks. Finally the white
government had to give up because of internal struggle and
international pressure. Ultimately it became independent on 26th
Aril, 1944.
QUES12. Define apartheid.
ANS12. An official policy of racial discrimination and ill-
treatment of blacks followed by the white government of South
Africa between 1948 and 1989 is called Apartheid.
QUES13. Define Preamble.
ANS13. It is an introductory chapter which contains the ideal,
values and philosophy of our constitution. It provides the
standard to examine and evaluate the action of government that’s
why it called soul of the constitution.
QUES14. What kind of discrimination faced by blacks during the
white government rule in South Africa?
ANS14. Discrimination faced by Blacks:
1. The Blacks were not allowed to work in areas reserved for
2. They were not allowed to visit the churches where Whites
3. All the public facilities such as trains, hospitals, schools etc.
were separate for Blacks and Whites.
4. They could not form any association and union.
5. They were not allowed to protest against ill- treatment.
QUES15. Why should we accept the constitution made by the
constituent assembly more than 60 years ago?
ANS15. We should accept the constitution made by the assembly
1. It expresses the broad consensus of its time.
2. The constituent assembly represented the people of India and
covered all the sections of the society.
3. There were discussions and debates on all the provisions of the
4. It has been subjected to change with the changing conditions
and social needs.
QUES16. Describe the challenges our country faced while
framing the constitution.
ANS16. Challenges our country faced while framing the
1. Our constitution was framed under difficult circumstances.
2. The country was divided between India and Pakistan.
3. Thousands of people were killed in partition related violence.
4. The Britishers gave choice to the Princely states to either merge
with India or Pakistan or to remain independent.
5. It was a challenging task for the Indian leaders to frame the
constitution that keep the country united and integrated.
QUES17. Describe the values given in the Preamble of the
ANS17. Following are the value:
1. Justice: social, economic and political.
2. Liberty: belief, faith and worship
3. Equality: of status and opportunity
4. Fraternity: promoting brotherhood
5. Unity and Integrity of the country
QUES18. Describe the main features of Indian Constitution.
ANS18. Uniqueness: it contains the best features of many foreign
constitutions. But also caters to the needs of the Indians.
Lengthiest Constitution: it has 395 articles, 22 parts, 12 schedules
which make it the lengthiest constitution of the world.
Written Constitution: it was framed by the constituent assembly,
chaired by D.R. Rajendra Prasad. Its draft was prepared by
drafting committee which was headed by D.R. B.R. Ambedkar.
Living Document: it keeps on changing according to the changing
conditions and needs of the society.
Rigid and Flexible: some parts of the constitution are amended
with simple majority which shows flexibility. Some parts of the
constitution are amended with special majority which shows the
rigidity of the constitution.
QUES19. “India is a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic and
republic.” Explain.
ANS19. Sovereign: India is free from internal as well as external
control internally we are free to take our own decisions.
Externally no country can impose its will on us.
Socialist: India is against all forms of exploitations. The
government tries to remove all inequalities by providing social
and economic justice to all.
Secular: there is no official religion of our country. The state gives
equal respect to all the religions. Every citizen enjoys freedom of
Democratic: The government of India is elected by people
through free and fair elections after the interval of 5 years. The
government is accountable to the people.
Republic: The head of the state i.e. the president is elected
indirectly by the people. There is no hereditary rule of king or
QUES20. Both Blacks and Whites sat together to draw a common
constitution of South Africa. How did they reach to agreement?
ANS20. Both Blacks and Whites reached to certain compromises
to draw a common constitution of South Africa.
1. The Whites agreed to the principle of majority rule.
2. They were also ready to give some basic rights to the poors and
3. The Blacks agreed that the majority rule will not be absolute.
4. They decided that they will not take away the property of

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