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• Natural or synthetic substance

which, when taken into a living

body, affects its functioning or
structure, and is used in the
diagnosis, mitigation, treatment,
or prevention of a disease or relief
of discomfort.
• It can also refer to a habit forming
stimulant or narcotic substance,
such as alcohol, cannabis
(marijuana, hashish), cocaine,
nicotine, hallucinogens (LSD,
mescaline), inhalants (gasoline,
glue), heroin, sedatives,
stimulants, or a derivative of cocoa
or poppy, which produces a state
of arousal, contentment, or
• pertains to the taking in of a drug in such a
manner that the sought-for-effects are attained
with minimal hazard.
• pertains to the
use of a
prescribed or
• pertains to the repeated and willful use
of a drug in a way other than prescribed
or socially sanctioned.
• is the physiological
adaptation of the body to
the presence of a drug.
• It is defined by the
development of withdrawal
symptoms when the drug is
discontinued, when the
dose is reduced abruptly,
or when an anti-agent is
is a dependency of the
mind and leads to
psychological withdrawal
symptoms such as:
• Cravings
• Irritability
• Insomnia
• Depression
• Anorexia
• is a physiological state characterized by a decrease in
the effects of a drug with chronic administration.
• It is a condition wherein one needs higher doses of a
substance to achieve the same effect previously
achieved with a lower dose.
• is a constellation of signs
and symptoms that appear
when a person stops
taking a drug or chemical
substance on which he or
she has become physically
• These physiological
changes that occur due to
the discontinuation of use
of some drugs after a
prolonged, regular use is
unpleasant and sometimes
• Drug education can help teens make right and
responsible decisions about using drugs.
• Increase their knowledge and understanding
of the risks and consequences of legal and
illegal drugs.
• Explore their own and others’ attitudes and
values towards drugs and drug users
• Develop their personal and social skills so
they feel able to communicate effectively,
recognize choices, make decisions and
access help when needed.
• Laws and
control the
quality and price
of the "legal"
• Medicines that
doctors prescribe
to patients are
examples of legal
• Have no price or
quality controls.
• A user can never be
sure that the drug
they are taking is in
fact what they think
it is.
• The user also
cannot be sure of a
drug's strength or
• Antidepressants
are a prescription
medication used to
treat depression
and mood
disorders like
disorder, eating
disorders and
other anxiety
• Many barbiturates
are prescription
drug and work by
depressing the
central nervous
system, causing
sedation and
• While used to treat
seizure disorders,
insomnia and other
problems, they can
be abused.
• Also known as
marijuana and
has psychoactive
• It is taken in the
form of smoke or
vapor and can
even be
consumed and
mixed into food or
seeped in a tea.
• type of drug that
works by reducing
the function of the
central nervous
• Hallucinogens
work by producing
hallucinations in
users involving any
of the five senses.
• Common
substances that
fall within this
category include
LSD, PCP and
• drugs that are
inhaled in the
form of a gas or
solvent and can
be found
anywhere like
nail polish
gasoline, glue
and aerosol
• a substance
derived from
opium (opiates) or
its synthetic
such as cocaine,
morphine and
heroin, and are
highly addictive.
• Anabolic steroids are
not the same as the kind
used in medicine for the
reduction of
• These substances are
used to build muscle
mass and strength.
• They typically consist of
male sex hormones and
can be very damaging
when used without a
• Stimulants are a
class of drugs that
boost alertness
and increase the
activity of the
central nervous
• such as GHB and
(Rohypnol) are
known for their use
as date rape drugs
(also called a
Mickey) and being
administered to
patrons in bars or
guests at parties to
reduce the intended
victims' defenses.
• among the
oldest drugs,
naturally occur
in mushrooms,
cacti and a
variety of other
• natural, semi-
synthetic, or
substances that
behave like
morphine, the
primary active
constituent of
natural opium
• increase the heart and
respiration rates,
blood pressure and in
some users, dilate the
pupils of the eyes and
decrease appetite.
• comes either in
tablet or capsule
form (known as
ecstasy, zoom,
scrap) or as
powder or crystal.
• are antidepressant
medications that
block the action of
increasing the
amount of active
and dopamine
throughout the
• made from the
leaves of the
coca shrub. It is
a stimulant and
is used clinically
as a local
particularly in
• a drug that is found
naturally in coffee,
tea, and to a small
extent cocoa, soft
drinks, and energy
• Caffeine stimulates
the body, increasing
heart rate and blood
pressure, and
alertness, making
some people feel
better and able to
• an alkaloid found in
the nightshade
family of plants
predominantly in
tobacco, and in
lower quantities in
tomato, potato,
(aubergine), and
green pepper.
• are stimulants that
tend to increase
alertness without
the peripheral
(body) effects or
e/abuse potential
of the traditional
among the oldest drugs,
substances naturally
occur in mushrooms,
cacti and a variety of other
natural, semi-synthetic, or
synthetic substances that
behave like morphine,
the primary active constituent
of natural opium poppy.
• Loss of short term memory
• Trouble stringing together simple sentences and
slurred speech
• Decrease in appetite and severe mood swings
• Poor personal hygiene
• Active one minute and subdued the next
• Inability to concentrate for even short period of
• Dilated pupils
• Serious changes in facial coloring
• Highs and lows, a negative outlook on life
• Loss of interest in all social activities even with close
• Withdrawn, depressed, serious self esteem issues
• Happy one minute and angry the next
• Fighting with family members and friends for no reason
• Sleeps in all day after a night out with friends
• Refusal to participate in school and family activities
• Denies there is a substance abuse problem even after
they’ve been caught drugs and other possession
• Promises to get help but then doesn’t follow through
with those promises
• Poor marks in school when grades used to be
• Cutting class, ditching school all together and
having a general bad attitude about
• Being argumentative with their superiors
• A total loss of interest in their studies and
anything school related
• Is absent for family functions
• Doesn’t make eye contact or engage
at all with siblings
• Spends most of his or her time in the
• Is at home less and less
• Has a whole new set of friends and
doesn’t talk to their old friends at all
• Flakes out on plans all the time
• Never had a problem with the law
before but now is constantly in
• The police have visited the home on
more than one occasion
• Lies about where he/she has been
• Hangs out with known trouble
• Has been accused of shoplifting and
petty theft crimes
• Individuals become addicted.
• Lack of interest in studies, sports and
other activities of daily life.
• Loss of appetite and decrease in body
resistance to disease.
• Impairment of intelligence, memory and
body coordination.
• Damage to brain cells.
• Indulgence in crime.
• Accidents and mishaps.
• Tendency to commit suicide.
• Peace in the family is disrupted.
Members become hostile to the drug
user because he demands money and
sometimes even steal money and other
household goods.
• Poor reputation in the neighborhood.
• Quarrels in family.
• The family members are at greater risk
to acquiring diseases like AIDS and
Hepatitis B from the drug user due to
sharing of syringes and needles with
other drug users.
• The community and society
will not progress.
• Education will suffer, jobs
and occupation will suffer.
• Peace and order within the
community or society will
suffer because of increase
in crime rate.
• Expenditure of the
government will increase
as drug rehabilitation
centers have to establish.
Republic Act 9165, known as Comprehensive
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 was approved on January 23,
2002. It is an act instituting the comprehensive Dangerous
Drug Act of 2002, repealing Republic Act 6425, otherwise
known as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, as amended, and
providing funds for its implementation. It establishes the
Dangerous Drugs Board, which is the policy-making and
strategy-formulating body in the planning and formulation of
policies and programs on drug prevention and control. It also
creates the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA),
which serves as the implementing arm of the Board, shall be
responsible for the efficient and effective law enforcement of
all the provisions on any dangerous drug and/or controlled
precursor and essential chemical as provided in this Act.

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