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Here’s a list of how you don’t turn into a toxic person:

1. Slow down, go with your own pace— life is not a competition. So what if
others are enjoying the perks of life while you are still building your ladder to success.
Always put in mind that a healthy competition is good but crab mentality isn’t. Take it
one step at a time.
2. Everything should not be an issue— one small thing should be left to just be a
small thing, not make it bigger. We become toxic when we always color things out.
It’s when we think that everyone’s pinning you down. Let it go, move on and live your
life stress-free.
3. Detoxify from social media— the culture of jealousy is all over social media.
The life we see others get to live and the posts our “friends” post make us feel like
everything is about us or you! That’s not what you need to see every day. So if a day
or two without social media helps, do it! Block those people who you find “toxic”
online, promise, it will do you good.
4. Celebrate others’ success— it is not always you! So, celebrate the little things
others are happy about. Celebrate your officemate’s promotion or your classmate’s
good grades. You will have your own time to be celebrated too, so as of now, be the
best cheerleader.
5. Always communicate— if you feel like there too many issues in your place,
open your communication lines. You can always solve things if you talk about it
upfront and never behind each other’s back. So if you think something should be
talked about, talk about it.
In our lives today when stress and dreams collide we often forget to remain calm and
often lash out and become the person we never wanted to be.
Never allow toxic traits to eat you alive, hold it back by taking a break and by
breathing in and out and let positivity flow through you. /dbs

Acknowledgement to the real author:

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