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Should we send people to prison?

For hundreds of years all around the world, offenders have been sent to
prison after they have commited a crime. The prison system is designed to
punish criminals. While prison has many advantages, there are a lot of
disadvantages to the lives of the prisoners and their families .

There are several advantages. Removing people who commit crimes

from the populous is a pro of prisons. Once a criminal is found and caught, the
severity of the crime must be weighed and the appropriate punishment
given.Criminals need to be removed from society to protect law-abiding
citizens and assure a pattern of peace in the community. An other big
advantage of prison is to prevent repeat offenders,Some ex-convicts will
attempt to follow the law as closely as possible to avoid returning to prison. In
this case, the prison system is effective in rehabilitating prisoners and
creating responsible citizens.

In the other hand there are a variety of disadvantages. Sending offenders

to prison is very expensive, first there is a legal situation which involves
lawyers , a trial and a judge, then the security guards, then the move from the
trial to the prison implicate lots of police officers and vehicles. And the
goverment has to pay all this with the money of the citizens. An other
disadvantage is that prisons are schools of crime, there a first offender can
learn the tricks of the trade of a criminal life from other convicts, and tempt to
reoffend once the sentece is over, and eventually return to jail.

In conclusion, I think prison is usefull and necessary to lock away

criminals who are dangerous or cannot adapt to society laws. But first
offenders like shoplifters, muggers and drunk drivers shouldn’t be sent to
prison, instead can do some rehabilitation and be punished with an alternative
sentence that fits the crime. So in that way we can avoid the fact that
wrongdoers learn the tricks of the trade inside prison.

Brandon BECHER

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