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Name : Rikhi Mukhammad Aromahu

NPM : 113060214

Title : Designing Teaching Instruction in Teaching Writing

Procedure Text by Using Thinglink Application at Senior High
School 1 Dukupuntang

Designing teaching instruction is to design the plan for the purpose of supporting
the process of learning that is started from the beginning to the end of teaching
process and stages that are used in the learning process. To design it the writer
should know the students’ need in order to create the better learning process. This
research entitled “Designing Teaching Instruction in Teaching Writing Procedure
Text by Using Thinglink Application at Senior High School 1 Dukupuntang”. The
objective of this research was to design and describe the result of the teaching
instruction in teaching writing using thinglink application as the media to students
of XI IPA 5 at Senior High School 1 Dukupuntang. The writer obtained the data
by qualitative research. The writer used descriptive analitc. The data were
collected trough questionnaires and a test. The data were explained by describing
the overall data. Based on the finding, the writer designed the teaching instruction
called PSG (penetration, shooting, and goal) based on the students’ need that
related to the media which is often be used in students’ nowadays. It is hoped that
model will give some benefits for the education field especially for both students’
and teacher.

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