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NIM: 21291074





A. Background of the Study

In the learning process, the learning strategy is not the only one

that plays an important role in managing the course of the learning process

between students and teachers. The continuity of the learning process is

influenced by the teacher's important role in managing the course of the

learning process both in terms of delivery of material and the assessment

given to students. Students certainly also play an important role in the

learning process where students have a role as objects of delivering

material or teaching materials by the teacher, and become objects of

teacher assessment. The course of the learning process can be influenced

by various factors, one of which is learning techniques. Learning

techniques can affect the course of the learning process, so that it becomes

one of the important roles of a teacher to control the course of the learning

process by choosing suitable learning techniques in teaching students, so

that the learning process has clear objectives. In addition, learning

techniques are also influential in determining the level of understanding of

students in receiving material provided by the teacher, learning techniques

also regulate the way of learning and assessment given by the teacher to

students, so that the selection of quality learning techniques greatly

influences the smooth learning process for students and teachers.

The selection of quality learning techniques aims to increase

students' understanding of material acceptance so that the teacher can

easily organize a good learning process for students, because the level of

student understanding is influenced by how good the learning techniques

are applied by the teacher during the learning process, so this is the

responsibility of a teacher. teacher to ensure that the chosen learning

technique meets the criteria for its application in the learning process.

In the world of education there are various kinds of learning

techniques that can be applied in the learning process. Various kinds of

learning techniques were created by experts and have been tested in many

learning processes so that the level of success is beyond doubt, but of

course these learning techniques cannot be applied evenly at existing

levels of education. There are several learning techniques that can be

applied at different levels of education, and there are also learning

techniques that can only be applied at certain levels of education. Learning

techniques that have been tested are usually confirmed by existing

educational institutions as accurate learning techniques to be applied in the

learning process.

Based on the results of observations that the researchers made at

SMA 1 Gerung on May 22, 2022, the researchers found that many students

had difficulty understanding narrative texts, they had difficulty writing

narrative texts where a lot of understanding was needed about information

from various sources so that it could be used as a reference in writing

narratives. text. The students complained a lot about the difficulty in

making sentences that can produce information so that it can be included

in the text. The learning technique previously used, namely Total Physical

Response (TPR), is known to be less effective in learning writing due to

the lack of interaction between students and teachers, causing a lack of

students' understanding of the learning material. Based on the problem

above, the researcher is interested in conducting the study entitled “The

Effect of Round Robin Technique Towards Students’ Creativity and

Writing Competence at SMAN 1 Gerung”. Round Robin can be the bridge

for students to know something important or some knowledges in writing.

This Technique will be used by researcher hopefully can be a solution to

solve students’ creativity problem in writing comprehension.

B. Statement of the Problems

Based on the background above, the authors describe the formulation of

the research problem as follows:

1. Does the round robin learning technique affect students learning


2. Does the round robin learning technique affect students writing


3. Is there any correlation between learning activity and writing


C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the research problem above, the objective of study as follows:

1. To find out whether the Round Robin technique can affect students

learning creativity.

2. To find out whether the Round Robin technique can affect students

writing competence.

3. To find out is there any correlation between learning creativity and

writing competence.

D. Significance of the Study

1. Theoretically

This research can be used as a reference for making scientific

papers and materials for making assignments that have similar

topics so that they can facilitate the manufacturing process.

2. Practically

a. For Student

Students be able to understand the application of the round

robin learning technique so that they can improve their

skills in reading, and by understanding the concept of this

learning technique they can receive learning well.

b. For Teacher

The teacher can properly apply the round robin learning

technique in the learning process in the classroom and

provide good understanding to students so that students can

easily understand existing learning material through the

application of round robin learning techniques in the


c. For School

The learning process in schools will be better by applying

round robin learning techniques and developing the abilities

of students and teachers in the learning process to improve

the quality of the school.

d. For the Next Researcher

Future researchers will receive in-depth information and

understanding of the application of the round robin learning

technique, so that for further research this research proposal

can be used as a reference and reference for explaining

material or research content related to the application of

round robin learning techniques.

E. Scope of the Study

This study will be focus on study about teaching narrative text writing by

students in the classroom at SMAN 1 Gerung.

F. Definition of the Key Terms

1. Round Robin

Round Robin is a technique developed in 1994 by Dr. Spencer

Kagan developed. He briefly explained the meaning of the round

robin technique as follows: “...students in small groups participate

in turns. The same structure works well for balancing participation

in cooperative learning groups. When students in small groups

discuss a topic in an unstructured way with no interaction rules,

one or two students often dominate the interaction. Telling students

to take turns speaking encourages more equal participation"

(Kagan, 2003).

3. Creativity

Creativity means believing in new ideas and translating them into

new products or services that the organization offers to the market

(Kilroy, 1999).

Definition of writing. According to experts, there are three

meanings of writing.

4. Writing

According to White (1986:10) Writing is the process of expressing

thoughts, information, knowledge, or experience and

understanding of writing to obtain information or knowledge to

share and learn.



A. Theoretical Review

1. Definition of Writing

According to experts, there are three meanings of writing.

According to Valkea (1986: 10) Writing is a process of expressing

thoughts, information or knowledge Experiencing and

understanding writing to obtain information or knowledge share

and learn. In addition, Tarigan (1994: 3) It was found that writing

is an activity that must be produced or draw graphic symbols that

represent the language people understand that other people can

read the displayed graphic symbols. people understand graphic

symbols if they understand both the language and the graphics

themselves. Almost the same as Tarigan, Ramelan (1992: 14) also

shows the writing is language representations or symbols.

1. Indicator of Writing

According to Tarigan (1994: 3) It was found that writing is

an activity that must be produced or draw graphic symbols that

represent the language people understand that other people can

read the displayed graphic symbols. people understand graphic

symbols if they understand both the language and the graphics

themselves. Almost the same as Tarigan, Ramelan (1992: 14) also

shows the writing is language representations or symbols.

a. Descriptive

Descriptive writing paints a picture. In its pure form,

nothing much happens "Description" tells us what

something looks like, feels like, tastes like, sounds like, or

smells like ‐without action or events. It doesn't explain a

relationship or a process beyond oneself; it focuses on one's

immediate subjective perceptions. Thus, descriptive writing

connects the outer world with our feelings. It is usually

concerned with creating a verbal picture of what we

experience and feel at one moment, and it will use many

rich and vivid adjectives and adverbs. So, as a writer, you

should make the reader long to smell the rich essence of the

trees, the haunting call of the wolves, or the rank odor of

the sewer if that's what you're writing about. Descriptive

paragraphs and essays are usually written in the first-person

point of view and are much more emotional and personal

than expository writing. It should be said that you will

rarely write a purely descriptive passage. Normally

speaking, descriptive writing is mixed in with other styles

as a supplement.

b. Exposition

Expository writing "exposes" or explains things about a

subject. It is also sometimes called "information writing"

because it gives information about a person, place, thing,

relationship, or idea. To accomplish that, it is best

developed using clear reasons, facts and statistical

information, cause and effect relationships, or examples.

Since expository paragraphs are factual, they are written

without emotion and usually written in the third person.

Nevertheless, you can use "I" in your expository writing if

the focus is on external, neutral descriptions and

explanations, rather than personal feelings (personal

feelings move you into "descriptive writing"). Indeed,

expository paragraphs and essays are sometimes confused

with descriptive writing, because both can spend a lot of

time describing things. But again, the big difference is that

expository description tends to focus on external objects,

situations, and processes, in order to explain something in a

neutral, matter‐of‐fact manner.

c. Argumentation

Argumentation or often called persuasive writing because it

aims at persuading and convincing the reader of writers‟

point of view in a particular issue. Therefore, persuasive

writing can found in editorials, letter to editor, reviews

business or research proposal, opinion essay, magazine and

books that argue a point of view.

d. Narrative

Narrative is to amuse, entertain, and to deal with an actual

or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative deals

with problematic events that lead to a crisis or turning

points of some problems, which in turn finds a resolution.

2. Definition of Creativity

Creativity is the human capacity to use your imagination

and create to create solutions for complex problems (Welch and

McPherson, 2012). Therefore, it is essential for our survival and

prosperity. Creativity has been recognized as one of the most

important “twentieth century skills,” which should be leading in

shaping current and future educational policy and practice. For

teachers, managers, and others who wish to stimulate creativity, it

is therefore important to gain an understanding of how creative

processes unfold in the here and now.

3. Indicator of Creativity

Creative indicators such as flexible thinking, fluent

thinking, originality, and elaboration can be built through practice

with a creativity test that refers to Torrance's theory. Torrance

(1990) stated that the main criteria or characteristics of creativity

are fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration.

a. Flexible Thinking

Flexible thinking is the ability to think about things in a

new or different way. It helps us deal with uncertainty,

solve problems, adjust to changes, and incorporate new

information into our plans and ideas.

b. Fluent Thinking

Fluent thinking is the ability to generate LOTS of ideas, not

necessarily different. Fluent thinkers can also “hitchhike”

on one idea to come up with many more ideas. When

brainstorming ways to mop up an oil spill, one idea might

be to use hair clippings.

c. Originality

Originality is the quality of being special and interesting

and not the same as anything or anyone else.

d. Elaboration

Elaboration means "adding details." Kids are famous for

answering "good" when asked how school was and

"nothing" when asked what they did there. If pressed for

elaboration, they might talk about recess, lunch, and even

what they learned.

4. Definition of Round Robin

The basic structure of a round robin session begins with a

central theme, question, or issue which the facilitator identifies for

discussion. Arranged in a circle, participants begin by considering

the question. One participant is selected to lead off the process by

offering a single thought or reaction, either out loud or on a piece

of paper/index card. In a verbal format, the rest of the participants

remain quiet during his or her answer. Once this first participant is

finished contributing, the participant sitting directly to his or her

right contributes an additional point, idea, or thought. Working

clockwise around the circle, each participant either speaks or writes

a single idea - ideally one which has not yet been mentioned - until

a full circle has been completed or the time reserved for the

exercise has passed. During this period, the facilitator records

insights and central points raised. The session then concludes with

a group discussion.

5. The Way of Teaching

According to Ibrahim (2000) round robin is a type of

learning in which students take turns contributing to answer

questions in a group in writing and orally expressed last.

 The teacher forms students into several groups with the

number of each group of 4 – 5 students.

 The teacher introduces the lesson.

 The teacher suggests an idea or asks a question to have

many answers.

 Then the teacher asks each group to submit thoughts.

 When one of the groups begins to contribute, the teacher

asks the second group to express opinions about the

contributions made given to the first group.

 After all groups have had their turn to give donations and

opinion, the teacher gives an explanation.

 The teacher gives awards to each group.

B. Previous of Study

In this study, the researchers found previous research entitled The

Use of Round Robin Skills to Improve Students’ Speaking Skills by

Rosnani Sahardin, Hendra Heriansyah and Mutia Dara Authari. The

purpose of this study was to find out whether the use of the round-robin

technique can improve high school students' speaking skills. This research

was conducted in one class and used a pre-experiment, namely pre and

posttest design for one group. There were four meetings in this study,

including pretest and posttest. The sample consisted of students from a

class of 32 students, 15 of whom were girls and 17 boys. The instruments

used for data collection were pre-test and post-test. The average score of

students' pretest speaking was 43.71 and the average posttest was 79.2.

The increase from pretest to posttest was 35.49 points. The student's

average score was 79.2, higher than the Banda Aceh Junior High School

Mastery Learning Criteria (or KKM, Minimum Mastery Criteria) which

was 70.00. The results of this study can be shown by the t-test that the

students' speaking skills increased, t-test 25.3, degrees of freedom 31 and

t-table 1.696. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that the use of

the round-robin technique improves students' speaking skills. This

technique provides opportunities for students to exchange thoughts and

opinions with their peers, speak in class and present their arguments.

In this previous study researcher found the similarities and

differences in analyze the research. The differences and similarities are

listed below:

Table 2.1 Differences and Similarities

Title Differences Similarities

The Use of Round Provides opportunities for This study conducted one

Robin Skills to Improve students to exchange thoughts class and uses a pre-

Students’ Speaking and opinions with their peers, experiment

Skills speak in class and present their


The Effect of Round Provides opportunities for This study conducted one

Robin Technique students to exchange class and uses a pre-

Towards Students’ imagination and thinking with experiment

Creativity and Writing their peers, written in class and

Competence at SMAN 1 send their result.


C. Theoretical Framework

Researchers found problems in understanding writing. According

to Valkea (1986: 10) Writing is a process of expressing thoughts,

information or knowledge Experiencing and understanding writing to

obtain information or share knowledge and learn. In addition, Tarigan

(1994: 3) suggests that writing is an activity that must produce or draw

graphic symbols that represent language understood by other people so

that other people can read the graphic symbols displayed. From the

results of using the method taught by the previous teacher, namely Total

Physical Response (TPR). Total Physical Response (TPR) is one method

that can be applied. TPR is a method that uses gestures to interpret

words. The purpose of holding training using this method is to help

teachers teach English and create a pleasant classroom atmosphere. The

method used is still very monotonous, so it is claimed to be ineffective in

teaching students' writing.

Based on the results of research conducted by researchers on

these problems, researchers want to find out whether the round robin

method is effective in giving students an understanding of learning to

write, the basic structure of round robin sessions begins with a central

theme, questions or problems identified by the facilitator for discussion.

Arranged in a circle, participants begin by considering a question. One

participant is chosen to lead the process by offering one thought or

reaction, either out loud or on a piece of paper/index card. This round

robin technique is more effective in providing an understanding of

writing in student learning so that it can be used more in the learning

process than the previous method, namely Total physical response (TPR).

In applying the round robin technique, the researcher uses the

experimental method, for the quasi-experimental it is a form of

experimental design developed from true experimental design. This

design has a control group but cannot fully control external variables that

affect the implementation of the experiment. (Sugiyono, 2010: 114).

With data collection techniques using tests in the form of pretest and post

tests given to students, so that from the results of data collection the

researcher analyzes the results of the effectiveness of the method offered,

so that it can be seen what the shortcomings of the method are previously

less effective for student teaching.

D. Hypothesis

Based on the object of the study, the hypothesis in this study is:

1. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

a. Round Robin technique can affect students learning creativity and

writing competence.

b. There is a correlation between learning creativity and writing


2. Null Hypothesis (Ho)

a. Round Robin technique can doesn’t affect students learning

creativity and writing competence.

b. There is no correlation between learning creativity and writing




A. Research Design

This research is used quantitative research with experimental

study. (Bryman, 2001, p20) argue that quantitative research approach

is the research that places emphasis on numbers and figures in the

collection and analysis of data. Imperatively, quantitative research

approach can be seen as being scientific in nature. Quantitative inquire

about is the method of collecting and analyzing numerical data. It can be

utilized to discover designs and midpoints, make forecasts, test causal

connections, and generalize comes about to more extensive populaces.

The research design of this research is experimental research. this

is empirical studies in which the study exploits and controls for one or

more independent variables and observing the dependent variable (Munir,

2016, p.27). So, experimental research requires the group that can be the

control group and the other group is the experimental group.

This research has independent variable (X) and dependent variable

(Y), which Round Robin as the independent variable (X) and students

writing comprehension as the dependent variable (Y),

This one-group pre-test, post-test design consists of a specific

group. In this design, the test will performed twice, before treatment

(pretest) and after treatment (posttest). According to Sugiyono (2013: 75).

As for the research pattern of the one group pretest-posttest design. As


O1 X O2

O1 = pretest value (before treatment)

X = AIR learning model

O2 = post-test value (after being treated)

A. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Sugiyono (2011, p.90) population is composed of the

generalization object or subject that has quality and certain

characteristics’ set by the researcher to learn and then take a

conclusion. The population in this research is all of student XI IPS

SMAN 1 Gerung in academic year 2022/2023. There are 2 classes,

those are IPS 1 class consists of 20 students and IPS 2 consist of 20


2. Sample

The researcher chooses Class IPS 1 in SMAN 1 Gerung with 40

students as the sample to observe by using random sampling. In this

research the researcher takes one classes as the experimental class and

the control class that were IPS 1 class consists of 20 students from the

population of students in IPS class as the sample. The research sample

is selected by the cluster random technique. It is the sample selection

in which all members of the population are naturally grouped in units

(Wiersma and Jurs 2009: 355).

B. Research Instrument

Creswell (2012) states that research instrument is assessing, monitoring,

and recording data device. The researcher adopts secondary instrument to

ascertain the result. In this research, researcher used writing test only as

the research instrument.

1. Writing Test

In this research, the researcher used writing test to collect the data.

Writing test is used to know the effectiveness of using Round Robin

technique towards students’ creativity and writing comprehension. The

researcher gives the test of multiple choices that conduct of 15 items.

2. Questioner

In this study, the researcher will be use questionnaire as test to

measure students’ creativity. The researcher provides 30 items of


C. Validity and Reliability

1. Validity

Arikunto (2010, p.211) claims that validity is a standard which shows

the degree of validity or valid instruments. In this research, the

researcher used Person product-moment formula to analyze the

validity of the instrument.

2. Reliability

Reliability refers to extention to which the test is consistent in it is

score and give an indication how accurate the test score is. According

to Arikunto (2010: 221) the reliability of the test is an instrument can

be believed to be used as instrument for collecting data because it has

been good.

B. Technique of Data Collection

The foremost imperative thing in this inquire about is

collecting the information that can decide the result of the inquire

about. Brown (2009, p.384) argues that ‘’a test could be a strategy of

measuring a person’s capacity or information in each domain’’. So, an

advancement of students’ accomplishment can be tried by employing a

test as a method. The most imperative thing in this investigate is

collecting the information that can decide the result of the inquire

about. A few methods will be utilized in collecting information in this

inquire about are:

1. Pre-test

Pre-test is given before the researcher given the treatment to the

experimental class and control class. The aim of pre-test is to know

students' writing mastery before the researcher give treatment.

2. Post-test

After doing treatment, it is given posttest to all students. Posttest is

used to know the student’s writing skill after teaching use Round

Robin technique. Apparently, the result of the test will show that the

students’ writing mastery improved significantly, whether their scores

after giving treatment is higher or no than before. Finally, after the

class has been exposed to the treatment for some period, the

administering test of the dependent variable (or otherwise measures it).

After reducing, classifying, analyzing the data, and then determining

whether there is/are any significant different between before use

Round Robin technique and after use Round Robin technique. it is

determined whether the treatment made the different or not.

C. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the researcher uses Technique of Data Analysis by using

analyze data from SPSS. The technique that researcher is:

1. Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive qualitative research is a type of qualitative research that

investigates the characteristics of phenomena rather than explaining

underlying causes or mechanisms. It is the collection and analysis of

data in the form of words, images, and other non-numeric forms of

information. Descriptive analysis such as:

a. Mean

mean is a technical term for what is commonly called a mean.

mean is defined as the sum of all points divided by the number

of points. Determined by adding up all points and dividing the

total by the number of points. 

b. Median

Median is an alternative measure of the central value of a set of

values. It is simply defined as a value for which there are as

many points as below.

c. Mode

Mode is defined as the value in the record that occurs most


d. Standard Deviation

Standard deviation is the most used measure of the spread of a

series and is usually denoted by the symbol’s’ (pronounced

sigma). Standard deviation is defined as the square root of the

mean of the squares of the deviations, if any, of the individual

item values. 

2. Inferential Descriptive

Inference analysis is used to generalize the results of a random

(probabilistic) sample to the population from which the sample was

drawn. This analysis is only necessary if: A random sample is drawn.

and. The response rate is very high. 

a. If the value sig. (2 tailed) > 0.05, the alternative hypothesis is


b. If the value of sig. (2 tailed) < 0.05, the null hypothesis is



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