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First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing the
paper entitled “IDEA ENGINEERING” right in the calculated time. The purpose in
writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mrs Yuni Ansari introduction
to literature. in arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and
obstructions but with help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer
also realized there are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper.because of
that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process of writing this
paper. Hopefully allah replies all helps and bless you all.the writer realized tha this paper
still imperfect in arrangment and the content. then the writer hope the criticism from the
readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper.last but not the least Hopefully,
this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge about introduction to literature.

FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................... 2

SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER I ..................................................................................................................................... 5

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 5

A. BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER II ..................................................................................................................................... 6

DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................................. 6

A. IDEAS ......................................................................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER III ..................................................................................................................................... 9

CLOSING ....................................................................................................................................... 9

A. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 9

REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................ 10

According to Danial (2010)1, the involvement of metacognitive aspects in the learning

process is one aspect of the knowledge dimension that is important in regulating and
controlling cognitive processes carried out by students in learning and thinking, so that
learning and thinking are done more nicely, conducive, effective, and provide a
positive response so that more effective learning strategies are needed, namely
making students more active in the learning process. To improve students' ability to
write short stories requires an effective and efficient method. According to Istarani
(2012:1)2, The learning model is a whole series of presentations of teaching materials
which includes all aspects before and after the teacher learning is carried out and all
related facilities are used directly or indirectly in the teaching and learning process.
One of the learning methods that can improve students' ability in writing short stories is
the application of metacognitive strategies. The application of metacognitive strategies
is very effective in learning to write short stories. This metacognitive strategy can
improve students' ability to write short stories because this learning method can
stimulate students' activeness in understanding the concept of short story writing.

1Danial, E, & Warsiah. (2009). Scientific Writing Methods. Bandung: Citizenship Education
2 palace. (2012). 58 Innovative Learning Models. Medan: Media Persada. page 1


Teachers as one of the determinants of educational success who act as
educators and as people who provide knowledge to their students must really
understand the concept of professionalism. Therefore, teachers have a great
responsibility in shaping students' learning experiences. In addition to mastery of the
material, the form of a teacher's responsibility is also the use of strategies, models or
learning patterns that are in accordance with the demands of the applicable
curriculum, namely by using innovative learning strategies with the potential to develop
students' metacognitive abilities and cognitive outcomes. This is based on one of the
demands of the curriculum in learning English so that students master various
concepts and develop knowledge,
Metacognition is knowledge about self-learning or about how to learn (Mc
Cormick, 2003 in Slavin, 2009) 3. Thinking ability and study ability are examples of
metacognitive skills (metacognitive skills). Metacognition refers to the awareness and
monitoring of one's thoughts and work, or more simply: thinking about your thoughts
(Flavell, 1979)4. Metacognition consists of two main groups, namely knowledge
metacognition and regulation of metacognition. Metacognitive knowledge refers to
knowledge of conditions such as knowledge of skills and work strategies that are
good for learners how and when to use these metacognitive skills and strategies.
Metacognitive regulation refers to activities that control one's thinking and learning
such as planning, monitoring understanding, and evaluation (Schraw and Dennison,
1994)5. According to Daniel (2010)6, the involvement of metacognitive aspects in the
learning process is one of the aspects of the knowledge dimension that are important
in regulating and controlling cognitive processes carried out by students in learning
and thinking, so that learning and thinking are carried out more nicely, conducive,
effective, and provide positive responses so that more effective learning strategies are
needed, namely making students are more active in the learning process.

1. To find additional solutions to increase children's interest in learning

2. The effect of metacognitive strategies on the ability to write short stories

3 Cornick. Mc and Tiffin, 2003. Performance Management. Alphabeta, Bandung.

4 Flavell, JH 1979. Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive-developmental
inquiry:American Psychologist.
5 Schraw, G. (1998). Promoting General Metacognitive Awareness. Instructional Science, 26, pp. 113-125.

6 Danial, E, & Warsiah. (2009). Scientific Writing Methods. Bandung: Citizenship Education Laboratory.



1. Additional Solutions in Increasing Children's Learning Interest

There are three metacognitive strategies that can be developed, namely as follows:

1) Stages of the conscious learning process

Includes setting learning objectives, considering learning resources that will be

accessible and, determining how the best performance of students will be evaluated,
considering the level of learning motivation, determining student learning difficulties.
Writing is always based on tedious assumptions with a high level of difficulty. Though
the importance of writing skills possessed by a student, will further support his future.
However, because of this lack of ability, it becomes an obstacle in improving writing
skills. These obstacles were born due to class conditions, in this case the teaching and
learning process was ambiguous. Of course, the main point in this case is the level of
creativity of educators in deliveringmaterial in class.

In this case, the portion between theory is not balanced with practice. So, to
minimize these obstacles, several innovations are needed in the selection of learning
media that are more creative and relevant to the subjects to be delivered. One of the
media that is considered suitable for short story writing material is audio-visual
learning media. Its complex nature will make it easier for students to understand how
to write well, increase students' imagination, and lead students to think critically,
analytically, and systematically.

2) Study planning stage merencanakan

Includes the process of estimating the time needed to complete learning tasks,
planning time in the form of a schedule and determining the priority scale in learning,
organizing subject matter, taking appropriate steps to learn using various learning
strategies.outlining, mind mapping, speed reading, and other learning strategies).

a) Teachers must prepare lesson units first and then choose audio-visual media
that are relevant to the material to be taught.
b)The teacher must know the duration of the use of audio-visual media.

c) Preparing for class, which includes preparing students by providing a global

explanationof the content of films, audio, or television shows.
d) Follow-up activities, after the screening of the film or video is complete, the

teacher should reflect and ask questions with students to find out their level of

3) Monitoring and learning reflection stage

Includes the process of reflecting on the learning process, monitoring the

learning process through questions and self-tests (self-testing), maintain high
concentration and motivation in learning. Learning reflections like this are important to
be written by anyone who teaches subjects including short story writing material.
Besides being useful for correcting learning deficiencies, notes like this can be used
as research material and comparative information on student assessments of
teachers. For me personally, this note is a reminder if I will teach this material again
and a kind of accountability report for the institution where I teach. For anyone who
will teach this course as a substitute for me, these notes can be taken into
consideration for efforts to improve the effectiveness and quality of learning.

2. The effect of metacognitive strategies on the ability to write short stories

To improve students' ability to write short stories requires an effective and

efficient method. According to Istarani (2012:1), The learning model is a whole series
of presentations of teaching materials which includes all aspects before and after
learning is carried out by the teacher and all related facilities used directly or indirectly
in the teaching and learning process. One of the learning methods that can improve
students' ability in writing short stories is the application of metacognitive strategies.
The application of metacognitive strategies is very effective in learning to write short
stories. This metacognitive strategy can improve students' ability to write short stories
because this learning method can stimulate students' activeness in understanding
the concept of writing short stories. Explore story ideas through their subconscious,
stimulate their thinking power, and find their own answers to a problem faced so
that students are able to write short stories well. Metacognitive strategy is a
method that emphasizes the subconscious communication of students that can be
done inside or outside the classroom. In other words, teachers are also very
concerned about the psychological condition of students and their affective
aspects. In its application in the classroom the teacher is not only a teacher, but
also must act as an educator. Thus, he must also have sympathy and empathy for
students. In addition, the teacher must also say his words by choosing good and
appropriate words so that they can be accepted easily by students.


According to Istarani (2012:1)8, The learning model is a whole series of
presentations of teaching materials which includes all aspects before and after the
teacher learning is carried out and all related facilities are used directly or indirectly in
the teaching and learning process. One of the learning methods that can improve
students' ability in writing short stories is the application of metacognitive strategies.
The application of metacognitive strategies is very effective in learning to write short
stories. This metacognitive strategy can improve students' ability to write short stories
because this learning method can stimulate students' activeness in understanding the
concept of short story writing.

The author is fully aware that this paper still has many errors and is far from
perfect. Therefore, to improve the paper, the writer asks for constructive criticism from
the readers.

8 palace. (2012). 58 Innovative Learning Models. Medan: Media Persada. page 1


Danial, E, & Warsiah. (2009). Scientific Writing Methods. Bandung: Laboratory Civic
palace. (2012). 58 Innovative Learning Models. Medan: Media Persada. Cornick. Mc
and Tiffin, 2003. Performance Management. Alphabeta, Bandung.
Flavell, JH 1979. Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive-
developmentalinquiry: American Psychologist.
Schraw, G. (1998). Promoting General Metacognitive Awareness. Instructional
Science, 26,pp. 113-125.
Danial, E, & Warsiah. (2009). Scientific Writing Methods. Bandung: Laboratory Civic

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