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As a Student Entrepreneur

Background of the Study

Being a working student is not easy for them to be successful in their lives. They

learn early to stand on their own, it is not easy for them to work or do business

while studying but for them it is fun because they learn little by little and not who

depend on their parents but they are the ones who help their parents while



In the Philippines, around 45 percent of those engaged in early stage

entrepreneurship belong to the group of 18-34 years old, with high school

graduates dominating the start-up phase (Reyes, 2015). In addition, various well-

known and successful business establishments in the country are owned by

individuals who started their business when they were in their early 20’s, with
some starting at the age of 17, without necessarily having specific entrepreneurial

backgrounds (Concepcion, 2011).Correspondingly, Malolos (2017) states that not

all successful entrepreneurs have entrepreneurship or business degrees. Oftentimes,

these individuals have inherent entrepreneurial skills which they hone overtime to

propel their business to success, factors such as leadership skills, creativity and

problem-solving skills contribute effectively to a students’ entrepreneurial

capabilities (Ramos, 2014). Ateneo de Davao University, a school known for

producing excellent business-inclined individuals, is not an exception to this trend.

We, the researchers, transact with these student entrepreneurs on a daily basis and

as a result, they have become the subject of interest for this particular study. As

students ourselves, we know how stressful it is to manage academics alone. Hence,

this reality of student life has made us question how these particular student

entrepreneurs balance their business and personal lives. Management is defined as

the judicious use of means to accomplish an end (, 2018).

The knowledge gleaned from this study, in our opinion as researchers, should have an impact on

our lives in more ways besides only business.

We, the researchers, hope that the information gathered from this study will create an impact on

our lives not just in terms of business but also in other aspects. Through Qualitative Inquiry, we

will gather all the necessary information on the student entrepreneur's time management,

resource management, and customer management.

We also want to find out about the management abilities and methods of student entrepreneurs

who don't come from an entrepreneurial background, including those who study in a different

field than accountancy, business, or management.

Statement of the Problem

This study discusses the importance of entrepreneurship, particularly youth entrepreneurship.

The following questions:

1. How is the life of a student entrepreneur to start to develop your idea?

2. What strategies did first use to market your business?

3. What challenges did encounter in starting up business to overcome at the beginning of your


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