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A. The Background of the Problem

Education is very important for a development human life that develop, it

is required for the quality education. To create a quality education, it’s also

required media that supporting to improve the quality of the teachers as one of the

quality education supporting. Media will make the students be easier to

understand the lesson that will be taught by teacher.

The Indonesian government is very concerned with the goal of English

teaching, especially that of developing of students reading skill. The school

Based- Curriculum for senior high school states that English is a means of

transferring idea, thought, point of view and feeling in the way the native speaker

does, and is a tool to get a develop knowledge and also culture. In junior high

school (SMP), English must be implemented as a teaching material and as a

means of improving the students’ knowledge technology and art. The goal of

English teaching is to develop the four major language skills, i.e. reading,

listening,speaking, and writing through themes which are selected in accordance

with interest, vocabulary andstressedon the reading skill. The government has

provided English textbook to be used as compulsory material in senior high

school Based-Curriculum. The government has also given professional training to

English teachers that relate to the product knowledge and other teaching



“Reading is a constructive process involving translation between reader,

text and context”.1It is necessary when students in their study, they need reading

skill for acquiring knowledge and learning new information. Comprehension is a

process in which readers construct meaning by interacting with text through the

combination of prior knowledge and previous experience, information in the text,

and the stance the reader takes in relationship to the text.

So, based on these explanations “reading comprehension is the

construction of the meaning of a written or spoken communication through a

reciprocal, holistic interchange of ideas between the interpreter and the

message”.2The presumption here is that meaning resides in the intentional

problem solving, thinking processes of the interpreter, that the content of the

meaning is influenced by that person’s prior knowledge and experience.

However, we can see that most students’ reading comprehension abilities

are not good enough to do so,the researcher found when she conducted her field

practice that most of the students got low score in reading text because the

students are still low to mastery vocabulary. Many students are difficult to find the

meaning in a text and they didn’t know how to answer without read all of the text.

They did not have any motivation to study English as well as some English

textbook and dictionary. Therefore, it is important for teachers has media when

they teach, considering the wide discussion about media when teachers teach by

using flashcard.

K. Johnson, an introduction to foreign Language learning and Teaching. (London :
longman, 2000) page 31

Media is a mediation to give more information to the receptor. Education

media has the general characteristic as follow:
a. Media pendidikan memiliki pengertian fisik yang dewasa ini dikenal sebagai
hardware, yaitu sesuatu benda yang yang dapat dilihat, didengar atau diraba
dengan pancaindera.
b. Media pendidikan memiliki pengertian nonfisik yang dikenal sebagai software
yaitu kandungan pesan yang terdapat dalam perangkat keras yang merupakan
isi yang ingin disampaikan kepada siswa.
c. Penekanan media pendidikan terdapat pada visual dan audio.
d. Media pendidikan memiliki pengertian alat bantu pada proses belajar baik di
dalam maupun di luar kelas.
e. Media pendidikan digunakan dalam rangka komunikasi dan interaksi guru dan
siswa dalam proses pembelejaran.
f. Media pendidikan dapat digunakan secara massal (misal: radio, televisi)
kelompok besar dan kelompok kecil (misalnya film, slide, video, OHP) atau
perorangan (misalnya: modul, komputer, radio tape/kaset, video recorder).
g. Sikap, perbuatan, organisasi, strategi, dan manajemen yang berhubungan
dengan penerapan suatu ilmu.3
Based on various opinion above , can be concluded that all of learning

media can be used to deliver message from sender to receiver so it can stimulate

thinking, feeling, caring , interesting and also students’ willing so learning process

happens to reach the learning goal as if effective.

The researcher chooses a flashcard as a media to improve students’

reading comprehension ability in descriptive text.According to Cross, “flashcard

is a simple picture on a piece of card or paper, which is probably the most widely

used visual aids in language teaching”.4 In addition,Flashcard is one of the

mostfamous learning media that is known in every learning activity, caused the

simplicity media without need equipment.

Prof. Dr. azharArsyad, M.A, Media Pembelajaran, (Jakarta : 2002) page: 6
Cross, David, A Practical Handbook of Language Teaching. (London:Cassel, 1991),
page. 119.

Therefore, the researcher uses flashcard to improve their reading

comprehension skill in descriptive text because descriptive text is a text that

describe something (such as name of place, food, country, town things, animal,

person etc). So by using flashcard, students can be easier to improve their

understanding; to explain a problem in everything all ages and to help students to

convey their ideas based on the flashcard that has been served.In this study, the

influence of flashcard media on students’ reading comprehension in descriptive

text will be discussed.

Referring to the background above, the researcher interest to conduct a

research under the tittle “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability

through Flashcard in Descriptive Text of 2015/2016 in Eight Year of SMP Negeri

9 Binjai”.

B. The Identification of the Problem

Based on the background above, the researcher can identify the problem,

as follows:

1. The students are still difficult to find the meaning from descriptive text.

2. The students are still difficult to answer the questions from descriptive text in

reading comprehension.

3. The teacher has not be able to improve students’ active through an usual media.

C.The Limitation of the Problem


Based on the identification of the problem , the researcher makes the

limitation of the problem is “using Flashcard to Improve Students’ Reading

Comprehension Ability in Descriptive Text”.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

Referring to the background above, it is necessary to formulate the

problem of the researcher as:

“Does flashcard improve the students’ reading ability in descriptive text of

2015/2016 in eight year of SMP Negeri 9 Binjai?”

E. The Objectives of the Study

Based on the background, the aim of this study is to find out the

improvement students’ reading comprehension ability in descriptive text through


F. The Significance of the Study

The researcher expects that the result of the study can give significant

improvement about reading comprehension ability in descriptive text and also the

researcher expects that the result of the study can use for:

1. The students

The research can improve the learning result by using flashcard, to give an

input to the students to improve their ability in reading comprehension, to increase

their vocabulary to help them to answer the question of the text easier and they

can improve and appicate their ability without they know if they can understand it


2. The English Teacher

The result of this study is useful for English teachers at Junior HighSchool

level to get information about teaching descriptive text in reading comprehension

using flashcard. The teacher applicates a suitable media in teaching text especially

in descriptive text andThis research result can improve the interaction between the

students and the teacher.

3. The School

Flashcard can be used as an interesting material for school in improving

teacher’s strategy especially by using flashcard; it can be gotten better result, not

spend much time, it will make all the teachers are not bored when they are

teaching, the effect is other schools can judge the school is the creative school.

4. The Researcher

For further researchers who are interested in teaching descriptive text at

junior high school level can get the basic information from this study to do the

further research. To improve the researcher’s knowledge and experience about the

classroom action research in application by using Flashcard in descriptive text.





A. The Theoretical Framework

To support the idea of this research, some theories and some information

will include helping the researches form the design of this research.

1. Definition of Reading

At this page, the researcher will discuss about reading and types of reading

but before it there research aill give explanation abaout reading.

“Reading is a constructive process involving translation between reader,

text and context”.5 While Marcus said “reading is a complex process-complex to

learn and complex toteach”.6

And Richards stated that “reading is an active process which means that

readers bring to the task a formidable amount of information and ideas, attitudes

and beliefs”.7

Then, Kenneth says, reading is a result of the interaction between the

perception of graphic symbols that represent language and the reader’s language

skills,and the knowledge of the world.8Reading is a constructive process involving

Johnson K, an introduction to foreign Language learning and Teaching. (London :
longman, 2000) page 31
Mary Marcus. Teaching of the Language Arts. (new jersey : john willey and sons, 1999)
page : 8
Richards Jac C.The context of language Teaching. (Cambridge : CUP, 200) page: 3

Chastain Kenneth. Developing Second Language Skills : Theory to practice .( Chicago :

Rand Me Naily, 2003) page 3

translation between reader, text and context. 9 While marcus said “reading is a

complex process-complex to learn and complex toteach”.10

And Richards stated that “reading is an active process which means that

readers bring to the task a formidable amount of information and ideas, attitudes

and beliefs”.11

Then, Kenneth says“reading is a result of the interaction between the

perception of graphic symbols that represent language and the reader’s language

skills,and the knowledge of the world”.12

So, based on the discussion above reading is one of the way to get

information that we want to know and reading not just in a text but bodylanguage,

mark for traffic etc.There are also some types of reading. The researcher will

discuss and give the explanation about them one by one clearly :

1.1 Types of Reading

The research writes types of reading so that it can help the research and the

readers more know about reading. Here are types of reading :

a. Extensive Reading

Hedge supposed that there have been conflicting definitions of the term

“extensive reading.Some use it to refer to describe “skimming and scanning

Johnson K, an introduction to foreign Language learning and Teaching. (London :
longman, 2000) page 31
Mary Marcus. Teaching of the Language Arts. (new jersey : john willey and sons,
1999) page : 8
Richards Jack C. The context of language Teaching. (Cambridge : CUP, 200) page: 3
Chastain Kenneth.Developing Second Language Skills : Theory to practice .
( Chicago :Rand Me Naily, 2003) page 3



activities,” others associate it toquantity of material”. 13 Hedge also states that

since extensive reading helps in developing reading ability, it should be built into

an EFL/ESL programmes provided the selected texts are “authentic” – i.e.“not

written for language learners and published in the original language” – and

“graded”.14 Hedge briefs the advantages of extensive use in the following lines:

1. “Learners can build their language competence, progress in their reading

ability,become more independent in their studies, acquire cultural knowledge, and

Develop confidence and motivation to carry on learning”.15

b. Intensive reading

In intensive (or creative) reading, students usually read a page to explore

the meaning and to be acquainted with writing mechanisms. Hedge argues that “it

is “only through more extensive reading that learners can gain substantial practice

in operating these strategies more independently on a range of materials”.16

1.2. The Importance of Teaching Reading

Hedge states that any reading component of an English language course

may include a set of learning goals for :
a. The ability to read a wide range of texts in English. This is the long-range

goalmost teachers seek to develop through independent readers outside


b. Building a knowledge of language which will facilitate reading ability.

c. Building schematic knowledge.

Hedge, Tricia.Teaching& learning in the language classroom.( UK: 2003)page:202
Ibid, page : 218
Ibid, page: 204-205
Ibid, page: 206

d.The ability to adapt the reading style according to reading purpose (i.e.

skimming, scanning)

e. Developing an awareness of the structure of written texts in English.

f. Taking a critical stance to the contents of the texts.17


It is important to discuss, what is meant by reading comprehension and its

aspects but before clarifying this topic, the researcher will explain about


The RAND Reading Study Group stated that “comprehension is

“theprocess of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through

interaction and involvement with written language”.18

Comprehension is a complex process that hasbeen understood and

explained in a numberof ways. On the other hand, comprehension is a process in

which readers construct meaning by interacting with text through the combination

of prior knowledge and previous experience, information in the text, and the

stance the reader takes in relationship to the text .reading comprehension is also

making connection to the text.

Similarly, Grellet states that “there are three factors affecting

comprehension”.19 The first factor, the nature of the reader, is a string factor

affecting reader’s comprehension. The reader’s background and experience,

interest, motivation, physical condition, and reading comprehension. Ali should

Ibid, page : 207
18 22 june 2015
Grellet J.Activities for Reading. (Cambridge : CUP, 1999) page 35

be considered. The second factor, the purpose of the reader Must be known as an

important influencing factor. The last factor, the type of material that is read may

also affect comprehension. Difficult reading passage will influence the readers’

comprehension negatively. Complicated language patterns and style also will

contribute to comprehension problems of many students because the emphasis

must be placed on the aspects rather than the comprehension itself.

Based on the explanation, the researcher combines reading with

comprehension,it will be Reading Comprehension.

3. Reading Comprehension

Based on the explanation of reading and comprehension, the researcher

give the explanation of reading comprehension. “Reading Comprehension is the

construction of the meaning of a written or spoken communication through a

reciprocal, holistic interchange of ideas between the interpreter and the

message.The presumption here is that meaning resides in the intentional problem

solving, thinking processes of the interpreter, that the content of the meaning is

influenced by that person’s prior knowledge and experience”.20

Reading comprehension has different levels. According to Byme, it is

imposible to understand material on a number of different levels. To take in the

ideas that are directly stated is literal comprehension, to read between the lines is

interpretative comprehension, to read for evaluation is critical reading.21

2. Interpretative Comprehension
Donn Byrne. Technique for classroom interaction. (Essex : longman. 2003) Page. 177

Interpretative comprehension focuses on understanding of ideas and

information, which is not explicitly stated in the text. The abilities required in the

interpretative comprehension are as follows:

a. Reason with the information presented to understand the writer’ tone, purpose

an attitude.

b. Inter factual information, main ideas, comparison, cause – effect relationship

that is not state explicitly in the text.

c. Summarization of the story content.

4. Ability

Before we clarify this topic, the researcher will explain the ability

definition itself as below:

The word “ability “ is derived from the adjective “able” that has the similar

meaningas “can”. The meaning of this word is the situation of being able. It is

also a potential capacity or power to do something physically or mentally.

There are many definitations about abiity, but the researcher would like to

convey some definitations about that, as below:

1. “Ability is the mental or physical capacity, power or skill required to do


AS.Hornby.Oxford Advance Learners (New York:oxford university press,2009), page:2

2. “Ability is capacity, fitness or tendency to act or be acted on in a specified


3. “Ability is the capacity of the students or intelligence in answering the


Thus ability shows a performance that can be done in the future. Talent

and ability determine the achievement of the students. A student may have a talent

in mathematics that is considered sustain the achievement. So, the best

achievement comes from the talent and the ability of someone.25

Ability naturally can be increased. There are three factors can make the

students’ ability increase, they are:

1.The Original Ability

The originally ability is a set of basic ability and it is calledFitrah ability

(basic ability that can be developed automatically). The basic ability will develop

by integral that can move all of its aspects. So that, all of the aspects can influence

each other to get special aims mechanically. Some factors that can improve

original ability are talent, instinct, heredity, intuation, and human character. It

means, human beings have the original ability since they were born. Commonly,

this ability comes since they were babies, in which the ability to have a talent will

show when we were interested in something.

Meriam –Websters. Collegiate Dictionary (Massaachusets : Britania Company, 2003),
Chadijah-Hasan.Dimensi – DimensiPsikologipendidikan, (Jakarta : BulanBintang, 2009)
page: 24
UtamiMunandar, MengembangkanBakatdankreatifitasAnaksekolah (Jakarta: Gramedia,

2. Thinking Ability

In the structure of human body there is what is called brain extension,

which is used to think about something. Thinking as a sign of soul can make a

correlation between incidents that has done. There are three processessb in

thinking ability to form inner ability, namely form of sense, from of thinking,

form of decision. This ability needsb a long process from experiences. The

experiences could be in the form of learning from our surrounding or from our

learningprocess.some people may have this ability by learning process either

fromformal or non formal situations.

3. Ability Derived from Willingness

Willingness as assign of soul, describes one active of feeling as an effort

of individual soul. “Willingness is an effort to rise something in us. Ability

derived from willingness can be seen from the inner side of human’s brain.People

may have some interest that may develop into a good ability in along prfrocess”.26

It can be concluded that ability is a power or skill needed to do something.

The people who have knowledge are better than other people.

Based on the explanations of reading, comprehension,reading

comprehension and ability, the researcher concludes that reading comprehension

ability is a skill from the reader to get clear information by making connection to

the text from the meanings of the text those the reader has read.

5. Media

Op.cit. page 64

In this case, To support reading comprehension ability so the researcher

uses the media, it will be discuss here.

5.1. Definitation of Media

It is important to us to know all about media but before we clarify this

topic, the researcher will explainabout the definitation of media, as below:

“Mediaberasaldaribahasalatin yang


Gerlach& Ely said in Prof. DrAzharArsyad, MA’s book“

Mediaadalahmanusia, materiataukejadian yang membangunkondisi yang


AECTA ( Association of Education and Communication technology)

uttered that“setiapbentukdansaluran yang digunakanmengantarkan


Koyo K, dkk statethat“Media sebagaisegalabenda yang

dapatdimanipulasikan,didengardandibicarakanbesertainstrumen yang


Heinic and his friends said in Prof. Dr.AzharArsyad, MA’s book

that“Media berasaldari kata “perantaraan” terhadap yang

Arifsadiman, dkk, Media Pendidikan:pengertian, pengembangan, dan

pemanfaatannya, (jakarta, 2006) Page: 6

Prof. Dr. AzharArsyad, M.A, Media pembelajaran , (Jakarta, 2002) Page: 3
Dr. Sukiman, M.Pd, Pengembangan Media Pembelajara,(Yogyakarta, 2011), page: 28
Koyo K, dkk, media Pendidikan, (Jakarta:, 1985)page: 42
Prof. Dr. AzharArsyad, M.A, Media pembelajaran , (Jakarta, 2002) page 4

5.2. The Characteristics of Media

Based on the meanings of media above, here are the general characteristics
of Media according to prof. Dr. AzharArsyad, M.A.
a.Media pendidikan memiliki pengertian fisik yang dewasa ini dikenal sebagai
hardware, yaitu sesuatu benda yang yang dapat dilihat, didengar atau diraba
dengan pancaindera.
b. Media pendidikan memiliki pengertian nonfisik yang dikenal sebagai software
yaitu kandungan pesan yang terdapat dalam perangkat keras yang merupakan
isi yang ingin disampaikan kepada siswa.
c. Penekanan media pendidikan terdapat pada visual dan audio.
d. Media pendidikan memiliki pengertian alat bantu pada proses belajar baik di
dalam maupun di luar kelas.
e. Media pendidikan digunakan dalam rangka komunikasi dan interaksi guru dan
siswa dalam proses pembelejaran.
f. Media pendidikan dapat digunakan secara massal (misal: radio, televisi)
kelompok besar dan kelompok kecil (misalnya film, slide, video, OHP) atau
perorangan (misalnya: modul, komputer, radio tape/kaset, video recorder).
g. Sikap, perbuatan, organisasi, strategi, dan manajemen yang berhubungan
dengan penerapan suatu ilmu.32
5.3. The Advantagesof Using Media

To make the significant of using media, the researcher writes the

advantages of using media.

Hamalik in Prof. Dr. AzharArsyad, M.A’s book, proposed

that“Pemakaianmedia pembelajarandalam proses

belajarmengajardapatmembangkitkan keinginandanminat yang baru,



Prof. Dr. azharArsyad, M.A, Media Pembelajaran, (Jakarta : 2002) page: 6
Prof. AzharArsyad, M.A.,MediaPembelajara.(Jakarta: 1995). Page: 15

According to Levie& Lentz in Prof. Dr. AzharArsyad, M.A’s book ,

There are four advantages of media .
1. Fungsi Atensi yaitu manarik dan mengarahkan perhatian siswa untuk
berkontrasi kepada isi pelajaran yang berkaitan dengan makna visual yang
ditampilkan atau menyertai teks materi pelajaran.
2. Fungsi Afektif media visual dapat terlihat dari tingkat kenikmatan siswa.
3. Fungsi kognitif media dapat dilihat dari temuan penelitian yang
mengungkapkan bahwa lambang visual atau gambar memperlancar pencapaian
tujuan untuk memahami dang mengingat informasi atau pesan yang terkandung
dalam gambar.
4. Fungsi Kompensatoris media yang terlihat dari hasil penelitian bahwa media
visual yang memberikan konteks untuk memahami teks membantu siswa yang
lemah dalam membaca untuk mengorganisasikan informasi dalam teks dan
mengingatnya kembali.34
According sudjana&Rifai in Prof. Dr. AzharArsyad, M.A.There are some
advantages of educational media.
a. Pembelajaran akan lebih menarik perhatian siswa sehingga dapat
menumbuhkan motivasi belajar.
b. Bahan pembelajaran akan lebih jelas maknanya sehingga dapat lebih dipahami
oleh siswa memungkinkannya menguasai dan mencapai tujuan pembelajaran.
c. Metode mengajar akan lebih bervariasi,tidak semata- mata komunikasi verbal
melalaui penuturan kata-kata oleh guru, sehingga siswa tidak bosan dan guru
tidak kehabisan tenaga, apalagi kalau guru mengajar pada setiap jam
d. Siswa dapat lebih banyak melakukan kegiatan belajar sebab tidak hanya
mendengarkan uraian guryu, tetapi juga aktifitas lain seperti mengamati,
melakukan, mendemonstrasi, memerankan dan lain lain.35

5.4.Kinds of Media

Beside the advantages of media , the researcher also writes kinds of

media,before we clarify about them, we will discuss about Graphs first.

Ibid, page : 16-17
SudjanaRivai, Media Pengajaran,(bandung, 1990) Page: 2

Graphic is as a visual media is an educational media to transfer message

through sensory can be distinguished become two kinds. There are

graphs and print media. In this research, the researcher chooses graphic media, it’s

flashcard(picture or photo). Here are more explanation about flashcard.

1. Picture or Photo (Flashcard )

In this research, the researcher takes Flashcard as a media learning.

According to Cross, flashcard is a simple picture on a piece of card or paper,

which is probably the most widely used visual aids in language teaching. 36John

Haycraftstates that “flashcards are cards on which words and or pictures are

printed or drawn and they are also some kinds of media that can be used by the

teacher in the classroom. They can increase their span of attention and

concentration to study new words in English”.37

Based on discussed above, it can be taken a general view that flashcards

are cards with a word or words, number, or a picture on it for use in the classroom

by teacher and students that help to learn and memorize new words.

1.1 The Abundances of Graph media (Flashcard)

The researcher writes that there are the abundances of flashcard for instances:

Cross, David, A Practical Handbook of Language Teaching. (London:Cassel, 1991),
page. 119.
Haycraft, Jhon, An Introduction to English Language Teaching. (England: Longman,
1978), Page. 102.

1. Flashcard (Graph media) can solve observation limited our visual.Cell of leaves

that impossible we see by eyes can be served celearly in flashcard.

2. Photo can explain problem, in everything and for the level of the age, however

so it can clarify view or concept.

3. A cheap photo and easy to get and use without need special tool.38

Flashcard are included in visual (Picture),flashcard has some excessslike

Susilana and Riyana’a statement:
1. Mudah dibawa kemana-mana; yakni dengan ukuran yang kecil flashcard
dapat disimpan di tas bahkan di saku, sehingga tidak membutuhkan ruang yang
luas, dapat digunakan di mana saja, di kelas ataupun di luar kelas.
2. Praktis; yakni dilihat dari cara pembuatannya dan penggunaannya, media
flashcardsangat praktis, dalam menggunakan media ini guru tidak perlu
memiliki keahlian khusus, media ini tidak perlu juga membutuhkan listrik. Jika
akan menggunakannya kita tinggal menyusun urutan gambar sesuai dengan
keinginan kita, pastikan posisi gambarnya tepat tidak terbalik, dan jika sudah
diguanakan tinggal disimpan kembali dengan cara diikat atau menggunakan kotak
khusus supaya tidak tercecer.
3.Gampang diingat; kombinasi antara gambar dan teks cukup memudahkan siswa
untuk mengenali konsep sesuatu, untuk mengetahui nama sebuah benda
dapat dibantu dengan gambarnya, begitu juga sebaliknya untuk mengetahui nama
sebuah benda atau konsep dengan melihat hurufnya atau teksnya.
4. Menyenangkan; media flashcard dalam penggunaannya dapat melalui
permainan.Misalnya siswa secara berlomba-lomba mencari suatu benda atau
nama-nama tertentu dari flashcard yang disimpan secara acak, dengan cara berlari
siswa berlomba untuk.39
1.2 Some Steps of Flashcard:

1. The flashcard had beenheld as high as chest and face in front of


Dr. Sukiman, Pengembangan media pembelajaran, Yogyakarta: 2011) page 87

Susilana, R. dan Riyana,C. Media pembelajaran.(Bandung : CV Wacana
Prima,2009)page : 94

2. The teacher and students discover the picture together.

3. The teacher gives explanations about the picture.

4. Giving the flashcards that had already exlained to the students.

5. If the flashcard was served by using game, the way to use like a game.

Based on the meanings of media, media learning, and flashcard, the

researcher concludes the advantages by using Flashcard for teacher, it can help

the teacher to not spend much time, make be clear the supplying lesson and

information, impove the students attention so it can make the students become

more interesting in learning, and also students’ understanding

On this paper , The researcher applicates the media of flashcard to improve

reading comprehension in descriptive text.

6. Descriptive Text

6.1. TheDefinitationof Descriptive Text

To make clearer explanation about descriptive, the researcher explain

about descriptive text.

“Descriptive text is a part of factual genres. It social function is to describe

a particular person, place or thing”.40 “Description helps the reader, through his or

her imagination, to visualize a scene or a person or to understand a sensation or an

emotion”.41Descriptions are divided into two catagories: objectives and

subjectives. In objectives description, you record details without making any

personal evaluation or reaction. In subjectives description, you are free to interpret

Mark Anderson and Katty Anderson, Text Type in English 2, (Australia:macMillan,
1998). Page. 20
George E. wwishon and Julia M. Burks,Let’s Write English, (New York:
LittonEducationalPiblishing, 1980), Page. 128

the details for your reader; your reaction and description can be emotional and


6.2. ThePurposes ofDescriptive Text

To make more significant,so the researcher writes the purpose of the

descriptive text. As social beings, we use despcription to describe and persuade

others to thinkor act in particular ways.As the example in the following chart

show, description enables us to entertain, express feelings, relate experience,

inform and persuade.

Table 2.2

Purpose for Description42

Purpose Description
Top entertain An amusing description of a teenager’s

To express feelings A description of your favorite outdoor

retreat so your reader understand why

you enjoy it so much

To relate experience A description of your childhood home

to convey a sense of the poverty you

grew up in.
To inform (for a reader unfamiliar with A description of a newborn calf for a

the subject) reader who has never seen one

To inform (to create a fresh A description of an apple to help the

appreciation for the familiar) reader rediscover the joys of this simple


Barbara Fine clouse, The student write, (McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc,2004). Page.

To persuade ( to convince the reader A description of a degrading music

that some music videos degradewoman video)

Although, it can serve a variety of purposes, description is most often

expressive, so it most often helps writes share their perceptions. As human being,

we have a compelling desire to connect with others by sharing our experiences

with them.

6.3. Kind of Descriptive Text

As we know that descriptive text is a text to describe it

normally takes on there forms, they are:

1. Description of a People

People are different, and writing description of people is different. You are

probably already aware of some of the complications because you have often been

asked,”What’s so-and-like?” In replying, you might resort to identification, an

impression, or a character sketch, depending on the situation. Let’s examine each.

a. Identification

Although you might provide identification, you would probably want to go

further than that. Used mainly in officialrecords and documents, “identification

consists only of certain statistical information (height, weight, age), visible

characteristics(color of hair, skin, and eyes), and recognizable marks


Michael E. Adelstein and Jean G. Pival, The Writing Commitment, (HARCOURT,
BRACE JOVANOVICH, INC 1976) page. 149

b. Impression

Unlike the identification, the impression may not identifya person, but it

does convey an overall idea of him or her. Manydetails may be missing, yet the

writer does provide in a few broadstrokes a general feeling about the

subject.Although “impressionis usually less complete and informative than

identification, itmay be more effective in capturing an individual’s striking or

distinctive traits. 44

c. Character Sketch

More complete descriptions of people are usually called character sketch;

they may also be referred to as profiles, literary portraits, and biographical

sketches. As its name indicates, a character sketch delineates the character of a

person, or at least his or her main personality traits. In the process, it may include

identification and an impression, but it will do more than tell what people look or

seem like: it will show what they are like. “A character sketch may be about a

type rather than an individual, revealing the characteristics common to the

members of a group, such as campus jocks, cheerleaders, art students, religious

fanatics, television devotes”. 45

2. Description of a Place

In describing a place for example a room, what should youdescribe first?

The walls?The Floor? Unlike a chronologicallydeveloped paragraph, there is no

set pattern for arranging sentences indescriptive paragraph. It is not necessary to

Ibid, page. 150
Ibid, page. 151

begin with one area andthen proceed to another one. Nevertheless, the sentences

should not be randomly arranged. The description must be organized so that the

reader canvividly imagine the scene being described to make the paragraphmore

interesting, you can add a controlling idea that states an attitudeor impression

about the place being described and the arrangementof the details in your

description depend on your subject andpurpose.46

3. Description of a Things

The researcher will explain about the the main of description a thing, to

describe a thing the writer must have a good imaginationabout that thing that will

be describe. Besides, to make our subjects asinteresting and as vivid to our readers

as they are to us: using propernouns and effective verbs.

1) Using Proper Noun

In addition to filling our descriptive writing with concrete details and figures of

speech, we might also want to include a number of proper nouns, which, as we

know, are the names of particular persons, places, and things. For example;

Arizona, University of Tennessee. Including proper nouns that readers recognize

easily can make what we are describing more familiar to them.

2) Using Effective Verb

We know how important verbs are to narration, but effective verbs can

also add much to a piece of description. Writer uses verbs to make descriptions

Regina L. Smalley and Mary K. Ruetten, Refining Composition Skill, (New York:
International Thompson Publishing Company, 4th Edition), page.69

more specific, accurate, and interesting. For instance, “the wind had chiseled deep

grooves into the sides of the cliffs” is more specific than “the wind had

made deep grooves.” The verb chiseled also gives the reader a more accurate

picture of the wind’s action than made does.47

6.4. TheStructure and Example of Descriptive Text

To make reader know how to develop descrivtive text, the researcher write

the generic structure of a description but before it, the researcher will give the

explanation of generic structure.

Generic structure is a contruction to develop a tex especially in descriptive

text. When we want write we must know about the generic structure of the text. In

generichstructre will explain what the content of paragraph one, two make

clearer, here are the generic structure of descriptive text.

Generic structure of a description are as follows:

1. Identification : identifies the phenomenon to be described.

2. Description of features : describes features in orderof importance:

a. Parts/things (physical appearance)

b. Qualities (degree of beauty, excellence, or


c. Other characteristics (prominent aspects that are

Santi V. Buscemi, A Reader for Developing Writers, (New York: McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc., 2002), page 267


The generic features of description are:

1. Verb in the present tense.

2. Adjective to describe the features of the subject.

3. Topic sentences to begin paragraphs and organize the

various aspects of the description.49

The factual description scaffold

1. A general opening statement in the first paragraph.

a) This statement introduces the subject of the descriptionto the audience.

b) It can give the audience brief details about the when,where, who, or what of

the subject.

2. A series of paragraphs about the subject.

a) Each paragraph usually begins with a topic sentence.

b) The topic sentence previews the details that will becontained in the

remainder of the paragraph.

c) Each paragraph should describe one feature of thesubject.

d) These paragraphs build the description of the subject.

3. A concluding paragraph (optional)

a) The concluding paragraph signals the end of the text.50

Example of descriptive text

ArtonoWardiman, et. al. English in Focus……………..., Page. 122
Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Type in English 3, (Australia: MacMillan,
1998), Page. 26

Ibid, Page . 27

To make clearer of all the explanation above, the researcher give the

example of descriptive text.

Mr. Kartolo, the Farmer

Mr. Kartolo is very happy. The rainy season of this year makes the farm

beautiful. It is planting time! Rice fields become fresh and greenduring this season

and by the end of this season Mr. Kartolo is ready toharvest his corps.

Mr. Kartolo ploughs the land at the beginning of the rainy season.Then, he

usually works early and finishes at noon. Milking the cows,feeding the livestock,

and cleaning the barns are among Mr. Kartolo’sduties before breakfast. He does

most of the hard outdoor work byhimself.51

Based on the text, we can find kind of the text and the generic

structure.Now, the researcher will show what kind of the text and where is the

generic structure.

1. Kind of The Text is description of a people but from this text, not describe how

the appearance someone or the characteristic but describe feeling.It’s meant why

he feels happy, We can see from these sentences “ Mr. kartolo is very happy.the

rainy season of this year makes the farm beautiful.”

2. The Generic Structure of the text are

a.First paragraph is the identification.

The researcher writes the reasons why the first paragraph is

identification,based on the generic structure in the firs paragraph must be

ArtonoWardiman, et. al., English in Focus: for grade VII Junior High
School(SMP/MTs), (Jakarta: PusatPerbukuan, DEPDIKNAS, 2008), Page. 113

identification and we can read from the text , he just identifies or mentions why he

feel happy.

b. Second paragraph is description.

The researcher also write the reasons for the second why description,

especially same for the reason of the first paragraph because for the second

paragraph must be description and based on the text we can also read that Mr.

Kartolo describes his activity in rainy season of this year.

B. The Conceptual Framework

There are some factors that influence students’ ability in learning reading

comprehension. The researcher writes such as low in vocabularies, motivation,

teaching strategy and media. The teaching strategy must be enjoyable, interesting,

innovative, so it can be improvable for the students’ ability.

To combine this strategy , the researcher has already found the media. It is

flashcard,by using flashcard to improve students’ reading comprehension ability

in descriptive text. Reading is difficult to be mastered, especially reading

comprehension in foreign language. In Reading, one must be able to grasp the

information that writer wrote. The purpose of teaching reading is to improve the

students’ comprehension in getting information and to make comprehension from

the text.

Flashcard is as one of media in teaching is suitable in improving students’

reading comprehension ability. By using Flashcard in reading comprehension

learning, students can develop their ideas based on the picture, they can answer

the questions without find all the meanings of the text, it can make the learning

time well and it can make the students enjoyable, more interesting, and


C. The Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a tentative conclusion of research and it needs a test. The

most essential element in research is hypothesis. The hypothesis might be

accepted or rejected, it whole depends on the final result data.

Based on the theoretical of some related theories in the conceptual

framework.the researcher makes a tentative conclusion that the students know

English : vocabulary, tenses, etc but they can’t answer the questions perfectly.

From the explanation above, the hypothesis can be formulated “Teaching

by using flashcard significantly improves the reading comprehension ability of the

2015/2016 eighth Year Students of SMP Negeri 9 Binjai”.




A. The Location and Time of the Study

1. The Location of Study

In this research, the researcher did the research at SMP Negeri 9 binjai, this

school was in Jl. Gunung Bendahara no 185 Binjai. There were 19 classes, 663

students and 43 teachers.

2. The Time of Study

The researcher also showed the time of the study, it conducted on 17

August of 2015 to 22 August of 2015.

B. The Design of the Study

Here, the researcher mentioned the design of the study, this research

conducted by applyingClassroom Action Research (CAR). There were the

explanations about Classroom Action Research (CAR).

SuharsimiArikunto said that “Penelitian tindakan kelas merupakan sebuah

penelitian yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran yang fokus

dalam proses mengajar dan belajar didalam kelas”.52

ClassroomAction Research is an action research conducted by teachers in

the classroom. Action research is essentially a series of “research – action-

Ibid, Page : 86


research- action”, which carried out cycles in order to solve the problem. There

were two cycles such on this research that wasn’t conducted by the writer.

According to Arikunto, Classroom ActionResearch consists of three

words that can be understood as follow:

1. Research

Examined the activities of an object, used the rules of a particular

methodology to obtain data or information to improve the quality of a thing that

interest and important for research.

2. Action

Some activities that were deliberately made with a specific purposeswhich

is in this study form a series of cycle of activity.

3. Class

Class is agroup of student who are in the same time receive the same

lesson from a teacher. Restrictions of written for understanding of the notion that

class is long to knock out a misconception and was widely understood by the

public with the room of classroom but a group of students who were studying.53

By combining three words, Classroom Action Researchwas a reflection to

activity which is intentionally appeared and happened in class.54The Classroom

Ibid, Page.27.
Ibid, Page 88

Action Research termwas originally created by Kurt Lewin, an American

Sociolog. He was the first expertto introduce Action Research.

Kurt Lewin’s model represented elementary model which was later

developed by other experts. Action Research, according to KurtLewin, consists of

four components.55

There were planning, acting, observation and reflection. Here, the

explanation of them would discuss below:

1. Planning

Planning represents the early which must learn before conducting

something, with a good planning a researcher will be easier to overcome problems

and push all the practitioner to do the research more effectively.

2. Acting

Acting represent applying from planning which had been made in the form

of an applying model certain study with aim to improve, repair or complete model

which is running. The action could be conducted by those who directly involved

in execution of a study model which is its result also used for the completion.

3. Observation

This perception’s function is to see the result of an in the class. Result of

this perception represent base the conducting of reflection so that perception have

%20lewin&sourch//, 22 june2013

to earn to narrate situation truthfully. In perception, things required to be noted by

researcher is process from action, action effect, environmental and resistance

which emerge.

(4) Reflection

Reflection here covers activity: analyzing, explaining concluding. Result

of this reflection is performing a revising to the planning which have been

executed, to be utilized to improve, repair the teacher performance in the next


In addition, the design of the study usedDesain Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart’s

design(in Arikunto) such as the picture below:57

%20lewin&sourch//, 22 june2013
Ibid, page:16

Based on the design of the study, the researcher had some steps from a

cycle.Every cycle will be done based on the changing that would be reached in

this study would be done two cycles as follow:

1. Cycle 1

a. Planning

In this planning, the researcher did some steps as below:

1). Preparing the material/lesson based on the main of material. It’s about

descriptive text.

2). Preparing the media (Flashcard)

3). The teacher and the students discovered the picture and give explanation.

4). Preparing the observation sheets to know the condition of the activity of

learning and students activity.

5). Arranging the evaluation equipment to know the students’ skill result in each


b. Acting

1). The teacher told the students the goal of learning and to motivate the students

about the importance of learning.

2). The teacher and the students discovered the picture and give the explanation

about the material.


3). The teacher gave the question sheet and the students do the question.

4). The students did it well based on their understanding and they are sure with

their answers.

5).The teacher gave a chance to the students who want answer the question.

6). The teacher gavethe strength explanation of the material.

7). The teacher gave the student a reward who gets the high score.

8). The teacher and the students concluded the material together.

9). At the last of learning, there was evaluation/ test.

c. Observation

In this observation, the researcher observed the students’s activity as


1) Students’ Activity

There were some students’ activities as follow:

a) Attention to the teacher explanation.

b) The active student in doing assignment.

c) The relation of helping each other.

d) The courage to do assignment in front of the class.

e) The courage to ask the question.


2). The Observation of Aspect

The researcher mentioned some aspects of the observation that had been

observed as follow:

a) Telling the goal of learning.

b) Motivating the students.

c) Relating the material with the first students’ understanding.

d) Giving short explanation about the material clearly.

e) Guide the students to the answer by using flashcard.

f) Giving feedback/evaluation.

g) Giving homework.

h) Giving the conclusion of the material.

d. Reflection

In this reflection, the teacher did evalution to the activity that had done and

students activity for the learnin process. The teacher had to give the conclusion of

the material and looked the result that already achieved in learning process. So,

it’s discovered the weakness in learning and it’s repaired in cycle II.

2. Cycle II

a. Planning

Cycle II was a reflection of Cycle I. In this step, the teacher already known

the difficulties that had been faced by students who not be success in learning

process. Therefore, the first focus that must do is the difficulties in cycle I. So, in

this cycle the researcher gave explanation the steps to solve the problem as below:

1). Making the new lesson plan

2). Before the students did the new material, the teacher discussed the last


3). Giving more explanation to the pictures in the flashcard and more explanation.

4). Giving the reward to the students who more accurate and more spirit, to solve

the students’ difficulties.

5). Preparing the material

6). Preparing the media (flashcard)

7). Preapring the observation sheet to know the increasing of the students by using

flashcard in descriptive text.

b. Acting

In this acting, the teacher gave a test to know the students’ understanding

of the material as follows;

1). The teacher told the students the goal of learning andmotivated the

students about the importance of learning.

2). The teacher gave explanation about the material (descriptive text) by using

flashcard clearly and more.

3). The teacher gave the question sheet and the students did the question.

4). The students did it well based on their understanding and they were sure

with their answers.

5). The teacher gave a chance to the students who wanted answer the question.

6). The teacher gave the student a reward who got the high score.

7).The teacher and the students concluded the material together.

8). At the last of learning, there was evaluation/ test.

c. Observation

In this observation, the researcher observed the students’s activity as


1. Students’ Activity

There were some students’ activities for instance:

a) Attention to the teacher explanation.

b) The active student in doing assignment.

c) The relation of helping each other.

d) The courage to do assignment in front of the class.

e) The courage to ask the question.

2. The Observation of Aspect

The researcher mentioned some aspects of the observation that had been

observed as follow:

a) Telling the goal of learning.

b) Motivating the students.

c) Relating the material with the first students’ understanding.


d) Giving short explanation about the material clearly.

e) Guide the students to the answer by using flashcard.

f) Giving feedback/evaluation.

g) Giving homework.

h) Giving the conclusion of the material.

4. Reflection

The result of this observation was used as base the conclusion “was the

cycle II success to improve students’ reading comprehension ability in descriptive

text through flashcard?if in the cycle II was still many students who had the

difficulties, so it continued by cycle III.

C. The Subject and The Object of the Study

Here were the subject and the object of the study , the researcher showed

them. The subject of this research were all of the 2015/2016 eighth year

students,there were seven classes. The researcher took only one class, it was VIII4

consist of 37 students . The object of the study was reading ability in descriptive


D. The Variables of the Study

Before the researchershowed the variables, here was the definitation of


A variable iwas an object, event, idea, feeling, time period or any other

type of category a researcher was trying to measure. An experimental research

commonly discussed two or more variables. In this study, there were two

variables involved namely: dependent (Y) and independent (X) variables. If one

variable depended upon or was a consequence of the other variable, it was termed

as a dependent variable, and the variable that is antecedent to the dependent

variable was termed as an independent variable.58

Based on the definitation, the researcher wrotethe variable in this study

were teaching by using flashcard was as independent variable and students’

reading comprehension ability was as dependent variable.

E. The Definition of Variable

Referring the variable of the study above, the researcher will state the

definitation of variable.

a.“Reading Comprehension is the construction of the meaning of a written or

spoken communication through a reciprocal, holistic interchange of ideas

between the interpreter and the message.The presumption here is that meaning

resides in the intentional problem solving, thinking processes of the interpreter,

that the content of the meaning is influenced by that person’s prior knowledge

and experience”.59

Kothari CR, Research methodology, (New Delhi: New Age International
Publishers,2004), page: 34.

b. “Ability is the capacity of the students or intelligence in answering the


c. “Flashcard is a simple picture on a piece of card or paper, which is probably the

most widely used visual aids in language teaching”.61

d. “Descriptive text is a part of factual genres. It social function is to describe a

particular person, place or thing”.62

F. The Instrument of the Study

The researcher used observation to find out the the scopes of observation,

they are: the location, facilities, teaching and learning ,process, the condition of

students and class at the location of research. Then for the students did the test

about reading comprehension in descriptive textwas given by the teacher to find

out their reading comprehension ability. There are two tests in this research,both

of them were given to the students to know the improvment students’ reading

ability, they are :


The pre –test was administered to measure the previous ability or the basic

knowledge of students’ reading comprehension ability. This test was given before

the treatment of teaching both groups.

Chadijah-Hasan. Dimensi – DimensiPsikologipendidikan, (Jakarta : Bulan Bintang,


page: 24
David Cross, A Practical Handbook of Language Teaching. (London:Cassel, 1991),
page. 119.
Mark Anderson and Katty Anderson, Text Type in English 2, (Australia:macMillan,

1998). Page. 20

2. Post Test

The post –tes was given to measure the students achievement after

teaching learning process. In this test, the researcher did two cycles. If the

researcher was still failed in first cycle, the researcher continued to the next cycle

(Cycle II).

Both control and experimental groupswas given the other test.The tested

were consisted of 10 questions in each cycle. The questions were arranged in kind

Multiple choice and Essay Test.

G. The Technique of Data Analysis

The researcher exxplained the formula for the technique of data analysis as

examples were:

According to Arikunto to know the mean of the students’ score of each

cycle, the researcherapplied the formula bellow:

N¿ x 100

Where :

N = The score in each cycle of all questions.

x = The total number of the right questions.

n =The total of the questions.63

SuharsimiArikunto, ProsedurPenelitianSuatuPendekatanPraktek, (Jakarta:


RhinekaCipta, 2006). Page: 203


According to Dewi to know the presentation of the students’ improvement

in learning, the researcher used the formula as example :

P= x 100

Where :

P= The percentage of students.

f = The number of students who get the improvement.

n = Thetotal number of the students who do the test.64

Referring the formulas above , the research made the conclusion for

instance :

A students were said passed if P > 65%, and a class was said passed if

PKK > 100 %.

64.Dewi Rosmalai, PenelitianTindakanKelas, (Medan: 2008). Page : 117



A. The Result of Pre Implementation of The Action

1. The Result of Pretest

Before the learning process using flashcard media, firstly the researcher

did pretest to the students of eighth year in reading comprehensiaon of descriptive

text. The goals of this pretest were to discover the students’ fisrt skill before the

researcher gave explanations and to know the difficulties of the students to do the

exercisess in reading comprehension of descriptive text, so the researcher could

solve the problems.

Beside that, the researcher did observation to the students’ activities when

they was doing the exercises. Based on the observation, the researcher got that the

students’ learning activity is still low. The students still didn’t focus, they still

bothered their friends and not paid attention to the researcher.

Based on the students’ result of pretest, could be known that the students’

learning result as follows:

Table 4.1 : The Students’ Result of Pretest

No. Students’ Type of Question Total Score

Name Multple choice Essay

1. 01 3 3 6 30
2. 02 9 8 17 85
3. 03 7 5 dr12 60


4. 04 6 6 12 60
5. 05 5 6 11 55
6. 06 6 6 12 60
7. 07 7 5 12 60
8. 08 6 8 14 70
9. 09 7 6 13 65
10. 010 7 6 13 65
11. 011 5 3 8 40
12. 012 6 3 9 45
13. 013 7 7 14 70
14. 014 7 5 12 60
15. 015 7 5 12 60
16. 016 7 5 12 60
17. 017 6 6 12 60
18. 018 4 6 10 50
19. 019 7 3 10 50
20. 020 4 4 8 40
21. 021 6 4 10 50
22. 022 5 5 10 50
23. 023 5 4 9 45
24. 024 6 4 10 50
25. 025 4 4 8 40
26. 026 4 6 10 50
27. 027 4 7 11 55
28. 028 3 4 7 35
29. 029 6 4 10 50
30. 030 6 5 11 55
31. 031 3 5 8 40
32. 032 7 2 9 45
33. 033 4 3 7 35
34. 034 3 6 9 45
35. 035 6 4 10 50
36. 036 5 5 10 50
37. 037 6 5 11 55
TOTAL 1945

Referring the table above, it could be concluded was from 37 students, the

students’s score was good enough by the average 52,56 to know the students’

precentage change in the level of learning result could be looked in this chart:

Table 4.2 :The Category of Students’ Achievement in Pretest

Score The Number of The Percentge of Adjustment

Students Students’ Number
90- 100 - - Very High
80-89 1 2, 70 High
70- 79 3 8, 10 Medium
65- 69 2 5, 40 Low
<64 31 83, 78 Very Low
Total 37 100

Based on the classical formula of the students’ mastery, the researcher got

PKK= x 100 %=2, 70from the result the researcher got the conclusion that

from 37 students only 5 student got Merit (pass), the category of students’

achievement was Very Low. It’s because of some problems as below:

1. The students didn’t know the meaning of the text.

2. The students didn’t know how to answer the question withoutread all the


3. The students didn’t not have any motivation to study english about the


B. Implementation of Action

1. Cycle I

a. Planning

Based on the discussion above , so it was constructed alternative to solve

the problems by using Flashcard. The construction form of cycle 1 as follows:


a. Arranging the lesson planby using Flashcard.

b. Making a plan of the learning condition by using flashcard.

c. Arranging the observations’ sheet of the researcher and the students’


d. Arranging the answer sheet.

e. Preparing the media (flashcard).

f. Making the questions, Pretest and cycle 1.

b. Acting

Firstly, the researcher said greeting and asked the students some questions

about their activities or news, after that the researcher did some steps as follows:

a. Choosing the material (descriptive text).

b. Preparing the sheets.

c. Preparing the media (flashcard).

At this step, the researcher did the learning activity that were the

improvement and learning action that had been arranged two times meeting and in

each meeting was needed time allocation 2 x 45 minutes.

In this meeting, the researcher was like the real teacher that learnedreading

comprehension in descriptive text by using flashcard. The teacher gave the

advantages to learn this material as a motivation before started the learningprocess

and they were be more interesting to learn about descriptive text.


Picture 1 : When the students heard the teacher gave the motivations.

The first step was the teacher gave the explanation about descriptive test and

gave the example of descriptive text. The goal was to excite the studenst to know

more about the material. So the students would ask about it.

Picture 2 : The teacher gave the explanations


The students started to excite, they wanted to try describing without the

text and answer the teachers’ questions without read all the text.After the teacher

gave explanations the material, the teacher asked to the students about the material

and asked them to do the assignment or questions well, so the teacher would know

the students’ seriousness and their understanding about the material. Then, the

teacher divided the question’s sheets and answer’s sheets to the students and

reminded them not to cheat to other friends and make noisy, when they did the

questions, the teacher also limited the time and observed when the students did the


Picture 3: The students did the questions


Picture 4 : The teacher observed the students while the students were doing
the questions.

After the students did the questions, the teacher asked the students to

change the answer’s sheet to their friends and present their answer. At the last

learning, the teacher and the students together made the conclusion about

descriptive text.

Table 4.3 :The Result of Cycle I

No. Students’ Type of Question Total Score

Name Multple choice Essay

1. 01 6 7 13 65
2. 02 9 9 18 90
3. 03 7 6 13 65
4. 04 7 8 15 75
5. 05 8 7 15 75
6. 06 7 7 14 70
7. 07 7 6 13 65
8. 08 6 9 15 75
9. 09 10 5 17 75
10. 010 8 6 14 75
11. 011 8 4 12 60
12. 012 7 5 12 60

13. 013 9 5 14 70
14. 014 8 5 13 65
15. 015 8 7 15 70
16. 016 6 7 13 65
17. 017 6 6 12 60
18. 018 8 6 14 70
19. 019 7 3 10 50
20. 020 6 4 10 50
21. 021 8 4 12 60
22. 022 9 5 13 65
23. 023 8 4 12 60
24. 024 9 4 13 65
25. 025 5 7 12 60
26. 026 9 8 17 85
27. 027 6 7 13 65
28. 028 7 4 11 55
29. 029 6 7 13 65
30. 030 9 5 14 70
31. 031 6 5 11 55
32. 032 7 5 12 60
33. 033 5 6 11 55
34. 034 7 6 13 65
35. 035 8 6 14 70
36. 036 5 5 10 50
37. 037 6 9 15 75
SCORE 2415

Based on the result above, it could be concluded was from 37 students, the

students’s score was good enough by the average 65,27 to know the students’

precentage change in the level of learning result could be looked in this chart:

Table 4.4 : The Category of Students’ Achievement in Cycle I

Score The Number of The Percentge of Adjustment

Students Students’ Number
90- 100 1 2, 70 Very High
80-89 1 2, 70 High
70- 79 12 32, 43 Medium
65- 69 10 27, 02 Low
<64 13 35, 13 Very Low
Total 37 100

Based on the classical formula of the students’ mastery, the researcher got :

PKK= x 100 %=5 , 40 ,from the result the researcher got the conclusion

that from 37 students there are 2 students got Merit (passed), the category of

students achievement was low , because of that the researcher still wanted to find

out all students, So the researcher had to do the next cycle.

c. Observation

At the same time, the english teacher (sir Nurianto)observed the

researcher, the goal was to make scoring of the succession level to the researcher

in teaching reading comprehension of descriptive text by using flashcard and the

students’ learning activities. According to English teacher that teaching activity

was good but there were some non effectives that hadn’t done because of that the

teacher repaired her teaching activity by paying attention to the various indicators.

d. Reflections

Referrring to the cycle I, the researcher could take the conclusion that

there are. So, at the cycle I hasn’t success to do and it needed repairing for the

next cycle II.

There are some of the problems why the students got low score are:

1. The students did the questions not by themselves.

2. The students still played when they did the questions.


3. The students were still confused about the meaning of the text and the


4. The students were still shy to ask the teacher about the questions and the


5. The teacher were still be able to discover the students’ characteristics.

6. The teacher were still low to manage class.

Based on the data and problems above, the teacher had to repair the

teaching process to improve the students’ achievement and score continuing

learning process at cycle II.

2. Cycle II

Referring the data of Post-test, were stiil discovered that the score was still

low. Some students were low to understand the lesson, so the researcher made the

new planning with the same steps.

a. Planning

In the cycle II, the researcher did the learning well by using flashcard in

descriptive text. The researcher gave manyexamples and took one of the students

as the media, at the same time the researcher gave them some questions to all the

students orrally first, after that the researcher show the flashcard and asked the

students to describe the picture and answer the teachers’s question orrally to

improve their skill and made the students be more active.

To improve the students’ achievement, the researcher did some steps:


1. Developing the lesson and make tthe lesson plan

2. Preparing the flashcard.

3. Giving a chance to demonstrate the lesson to the students.

4. Preparing the post-test questions at the last cycle II.

5. Preparing the observations sheet.

Because of the more explanations about the lesson, the students more

interested to learn the lesson, it could be seen when the students asked the lesson

and they pay attention to the teacher and tehe lesson, they also answer the

teacher’s question.

Picture 5 : The teacher reexplained the lesson using flashcard

The next step was giving the more explanations about the lesson and asked

the students as a media and the others described their friend, and also one of the

student tried to describe something based on the flashcard, it was to make the

students be more active and more understood about the lesson.

Picture 6 : The student tried to describe something

The next activity, the teacher divided the questions sheet and reminded the

students not to cheat and did by themself. The teachers also made promise who

get the best score would get the reward, it could make the students be more

serious, interest, carefull to answer the questions and spirit while the students

aswered the questions the teacher observed the students who did the questions

seriously without playing and making noisy.

After the students finished to answer the question, the teacher asked the

the students to change the answer sheets and they checked together, because the

teacher wanted to tha the best score. After finishing the teacher gotthe best, there

are three persons who get reward as follows:

1. The student was active.


2. The student who been seriously when he/she answered the questions.

3. The student who got higest score.

Picture 7: The students who got the reward from the teacher.

The teacher called their name and gave them the reward on by one. Then,

the teacher made the conclusion about the descriptive text and told the students

the way to answer question without read all the text and also the teacher gave the

motivations to the students so that the students be more active and pay attention to

the teacher and lesson.


Picture 8 : The teacher gave the conclusion and re-motivated the students.
There are the result of cycle II after the teacher gave more explanations

and using flashcard well.

Table 4.5 : The Students’ Result in Cycle II

No. Students’ Type of Question Total Score

Name Multple choice Essay
1. 01 10 7 17 85
2. 02 10 10 20 100
3. 03 10 8 16 80
4. 04 10 10 20 100
5. 05 8 7 15 75
6. 06 9 7 16 80
7. 07 7 8 15 75
8. 08 9 6 15 75
9. 09 9 9 18 90
10. 010 7 10 17 85
11. 011 8 8 16 80
12. 012 9 6 15 75
13. 013 9 7 16 80
14. 014 8 9 17 85
15. 015 10 9 19 95
16. 016 8 7 15 75
17. 017 10 10 20 100
18. 018 10 9 19 85
19. 019 10 6 16 80
20. 020 10 9 19 95
21. 021 8 8 16 80
22. 022 9 6 15 75
23. 023 10 10 20 100
24. 024 9 7 16 80
25. 025 9 9 18 90
26. 026 9 9 18 90
27. 027 9 7 16 80
28. 028 10 10 20 100
29. 029 8 7 15 75
30. 030 9 9 18 90
31. 031 9 7 16 80
32. 032 7 10 17 85
33. 033 9 7 16 80

34. 034 8 9 17 85
35. 035 8 7 15 75
36. 036 9 5 18 90
37. 037 10 10 20 100
SCORE 3150
Referring the table above, it could be concluded was from 37 students, the

students’s score was good enough by the average 85,13 to know the students’

precentage change in the level of learning result could be looked in this chart:

Table 4.6 : The Category of Students’ Achievement in Cycle II

Score The Number of The Percentge of Adjustment

Students Students’ Number
90- 100 13 35,13 Very High
80-89 16 43,24 High
70- 79 8 21,62 Medium
65- 69 - - Low
<64 - - Very Low
Total 37 100
Based on the classical formula of the students’ mastery, the researcher got :

PKK= x 100 %=78 , 37 from the result the researcher got the conclusion that

researcher already successed to do the research, the category of students

achivement was high, because there are 13 students got very high and 16 students

got high.

b. Observation

In this observation, the teacher hadn’t to do the next cycle because the

researcher already success to do the research, it could be seen the students’

learning result. The media (flashcard) could influence the students’ skill in

descriptive text and this lesson was good enough.


c. Reflection

The acting in cycle II, the students were very interesting to answer various

questions. The students focused on the lesson and the teacher, they listened and

cared of the lesson. In the cycle II, there was reflection with the teacher to reflect

the learning action. Based on the observation could be known that the researcher

had repaired the learning process in the clasroom, it was seen from the students’

improvement because of that the researcher hadn’t to do the next cycle. After the

cycle II had been done, it could be explained that :

1. The students had already demonstrated the lesson.

2. The students had done the assignments by themselves.

3. The students could understand the text.

4. The teacher had know the students’ character.

Based on the reasons above, the researcher didn’t continue for the next

cycle. To know the students result in cycle I and II as follows:

Table 4.7 : The Students’ Result

No Students code Pretest Cycle I Cycle II Explanation

1. 01 30 65 85 Improving
2. 02 85 90 100 Improving
3. 03 60 65 80 Improving
4. 04 60 75 100 Improving
5. 05 55 75 75 Improving
6. 06 60 70 80 Improving
7. 07 60 65 75 Improving
8. 08 70 75 75 Improving
9. 09 65 75 90 Improving
10. 010 65 75 85 Improving
11. 011 40 60 80 Improving

12. 012 45 60 75 Improving

13. 013 70 70 80 Improving
14. 014 60 65 85 Improving
15. 015 60 70 95 Improving
16. 016 60 65 75 Improving
17. 017 60 60 100 Improving
18. 018 50 70 85 Improving
19. 019 50 50 80 Improving
20. 020 40 50 95 Improving
21. 021 50 60 80 Improving
22. 022 50 65 75 Improving
23. 023 45 60 100 Improving
24. 024 50 65 80 Improving
25. 025 40 60 90 Improving
26. 026 50 85 90 Improving
27. 027 55 65 80 Improving
28. 028 35 55 100 Improving
29. 029 50 65 75 Improving
30. 030 55 70 90 Improving
31. 031 40 55 80 Improving
32. 032 45 60 85 Improving
33. 033 35 55 80 Improving
34. 034 45 65 85 Improving
35. 035 50 70 75 Improving
36. 036 50 50 90 Improving
37. 037 55 75 100 Improving
Score 1945 2415 3150 Improving
Students’ Merit 1 2 29 Improving
Students’ Distinction 36 35 8 Improving
Average 52, 56 65,27 85,13 Improving

Referring the table above, it could be described that when the pretest had done

the average was 52,56, here was 1 who got passed and the category was very low,

at the cycle I the average of the students’ result was 65,27 there were 2 students

got passed and the category was Low and at the cycle II the average of the

students’ result was 85,13 there were 29 students got passed and the category was

high. So, it could be concluded that the research was success.


C. Testing Hyphotesis

Referring the description above, the action hyphotesis was proposed in this

research was receiving the hypothesis that by using flashcard in reading

comprehension of descriptive text could improve the students’ ability in eighth

year of SMP Negeri 9 Binjai in 2015/2016.

D. Research Finding

The researcher foundthe media of flashcard to improve students’ reading

comprehension abilitygave a good significant. By using flashcardcould improve

quality of reading comprehension from each students. The result showed the value

was higher after giving the treatment. It meant that flashcard gave an

improvement to improve students’ reading comprehension ability in descriptive


There are the differences of significantbefore and after the students got

treatment. From the 37 students, all got the result more than 75 point. It’s meant

that 90 percent of the students get more ability in reading comprehension in

descriptive text after getting the treatment.




A. Conclusion

Referring the research finding and the data analysis can be concluded that :

1. From the beginning research (Pretest) was gotten the learning

process was very low where only 1 student got passed from 37 student, at this

pretest the researcher just told the goal of teaching, gave the question sheets.

2. At the cycle I, there are 2 students who got passed and 35 students

more still failed, the category was still low,in this cycle the researcher told the

goal of teaching, gave more explanations about the text and gave the question

sheets, because the result was still low so the researcher continued the next


3. And at the cycle II, the researcher solved the problem in cycle I by

giving more explanation about the descriptive text and gave the way to answer

the questions by using flashcard. Finnally, the students could the improvement

there are 29 students got passed with the average 85,13, the category of

students’ achievement was high.

4. So, it could be concluded that using flashcard in reading

comprehension of descriptive text could improve the students’ ability in eighth

year of SMP Negeri 9 Binjai in 2015/2016.

B. Suggestions

1. To the school could improve the learning result in eighth

year by using flashcard.


2. The media of flashcard could be used to improve the

students of learning result special in reading comprehension of descriptive text.

3. To the students were hoped to be more active and more

demonstrated in learning process so that could be gotten better score.

4. The teacher should motivate the students in reading

comprehensionin order to improve their comprehension of the text.



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School : SMP Negeri 9 Binjai

Subject : Descriptive text

Class/ Semester : VIII

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

A. Abstract Competence

1. Respect and appreciate the learning of their religion.

2. Appreciate attitude, honest, discipline, responsibility of caring, polite, curious,

confident, tolerant, internal motivation, healthy lifestyle, and environmentally

friendly) to interact effectively with the social and natural environment in a

range of relationships and existence.

3. Understand knowledge (facts, conceptual, and procedural) in science, science,

technology, arts and culture, and humanities insight religious, national, state,

and civilization-related phenomena and events that seem eye.

4. Trying, process, prepare various things in the realm of the concrete (use,

reduce, stringing, modify, and create) and the realm of the abstract

(writing,reading, counting, drawing, and writing) in accordance with the


learned in school and from various other sources of the same the standpoint of


B. Basic competence:

1.1.1 To thank for the occasion can learn English as receptor language

international communication that is created in spirit learning.

2. 2.1 Showing polite attitude and be care to do international communication with

teacher and friend.

3. 3.10 To apply the structure of the text and grammatical language to do sociall

function of descriptive text by giving statement and asking about description

of person, animal, and things, short and simple to fit in the context.

4. 4. 11 to understand the meaning in descriptive text by spoken and written, short

and simple.

5. 4.12 to arrange descriptive text in oral test and written test, short and simple

about person, animal, and thing by caring the function of social, the structure of

text and the right grammatical and as the context.

C. Indicator:

a. The students understood the text seriously, politly, care.

b. Using the right generic structure of the text and suitable of the context.

c. The students ccould read the text fluently and andaswer it well.

D. The Goal of Learning:

The students were be able to read descriptive text fluently and answer it

well to interact with the nearest environment by understanding generic structure

and the right grammatical, seriously, polite and careness and also the students can

answer the questions well.

E. Material

Generic Structure :

a. Identification (first paragraph) and

b. Description (paragraph 2)

Significant Lexicogrammaticalfeatures :

a. The use of adjectives and compound adjectives

b. The use of linking verbs

c. Using Present Tense (S + V1 + obj + adv)

F. Media, Instrument and Source learning

1. Instrument : Questions and Answer sheet.

2. Source Learning : Teacher’s book and students’ book.

G. Learning Method:

Answering the question sheet.


H.Teaching and Learning Process:

Pretest :
* Opening/ greeting (the teacher greet the students : how are you?)
*Checking the attendance list
*Giving the questions and answering sheets.
Cycle I :
*Opening/ Greeting.
* Telling the goal of material.
* Giving exlanation about descriptive text.
* Giving the conclusion and closing.
Cycle II :

* Opening/ Greeting.
* Telling the goial of \naterial and reviewing the last material.
* Giving the more explanation about the descriptive text using the flashcard.
* Telling how to answer the question using flashcard.
* Giving the conclusion and closing.

b. Discussing

Students Teacher
Discovering/ Understanding: 1. Teacher introduces descriptive text

Discover the picture and the answer the to the students.

question. 2. Teacher gives example of descriptive

text by using flashcard.

3. discovering the picture together.

Asking : Teacher gives the rational, the goal,

1. Students ask about descriptive text. and more explanations and examples

2. Discover the picture. about descriptive text

3. Answer the question.

Applying: The teacher gives various of

1. Comparing the descriptive text with descriptive text such as persons,

others text. animals,and things.

2. giving another example.

Communicating : 1. Motivating the students to

The students can read fluently. understand the descriptive text.

Writing down the problems 2. give flashback to the students.

indescriptive text
c. Closing

a. The teacher and the students made the summary of the material together.

b. the teacher and the students corrected the questions together.

b. The teacher gave the evaluation for the activities.

d. The teacher told the next material for the next meeting.

The Characteristics of Scoring

H. Scoring

1. The Characteristics of Scoring

 The achievement level of the social function in descriptive text

about place.

 The complete level and the generic structure descriptive text about


 The grammatical structure level : Grammar, vocabulary, speech,

and intonation.

 Responsibility, help each other, care, confident and also

understanding and answering the question of descriptive text.

2. The Way of Scoring:

a. Practice : Scoring the skill

 To analyze, to understand and to answer the question in

descriptive text as the fact function.

b. Observation : Scoring the attitude

 The students’ action to understand and to answer the question

in descriptive text as social function, inside and outside of the


 The students’ seriousness, responsibility and cooperative in the

learning process in each step.

 Careness and confidence to do communication inside and

outside the class.

c. Wriiten test :to know the knowledge

The students are asked to do :

* Reading the text fluently and using the right pronunciation

* Answering the question based on the context.

* Answering the question based on the tenses.


A. The Result Scoring

The Indicator of Scoring Scoring Form Instrument

Achivement Technique
Reading the text *Paper Sheet

fluently and using

the right

Understanding *Question sheet

and the question

based on the text

and the right


B . The Scoring Column

a. The Attitude Aspect

No Attitude Description Scoring

1. Serious 5: always serious

4: often serious

3: sometimes serious

2: seldom serious

1: never serious

2. Responsible 5: always responsible

4: often responsible

3: sometimes responsible

2: seldom responsible

1: never responsible

3. Care 5: always care

4: often care

3: sometimes care

2: seldom care

1: never care

4. Confident 5: never show confident

4: ever show confident

3: a few times show confident

2: often show confident

1: very often show confident

b. Knowledge Aspect

No Attitude Description Scoring

1. Speech 5 = almost perfect


4 = there mistake but not bothering the


3 =there are some mistakes and bothering

the meaning.

2 = many mistakes ang bothering

1 = over mistakes so difficult understood

2. Intonation 5 = almost perfect

4 = there mistake but not bothering the


3 =there are some mistakes and bothering

the meaning.

2 = many mistakes ang bothering

1 = over mistakes so difficult understood

3. accuration 5 = very accurate

4 = accurate

3 = enough accurate

2 = less accurate

1 = not accurate

4. Understanding 5 = really understandig

4 = understanding

3 = enough understanding

2 = less understanding

1 = not understanding

2. The Attitude Action

No. Attitude Description Scoring

1. Doing 5 = always do communication

communication 4 = often do communication

3 = a few times do communication

2 = ever do communication

1 = never do communication

2. Helping ech 5 = always help each other

other 4 = often each other

3 = a few times do communication

2 = ever do communication

1 = never do communication

B. The Column of The Total Student

1. The Attitude Aspect

NO Students’ The Scoring Aspect The Total

Serious Responsible Care Confident
. Name scoring

2. The Knowledge Aspect

NO Students’ The scoring aspect The

. Name Total


Pengucapan intonation Ketelitian understanding

3. The Action Aspect

NO. Students’ The Scoring Aspect The total

Name scoring

Doing communication Helping each




Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is Hindu – Budhist temple. It was build in the nineth century

under Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in
Magelang, Central Java,Indonesia.Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its
construction is influenced by the Gupta architecture of India.
The temple is constructed on a hill 46 m high and consist of eight step like
stone terrace. The first five terrace are square and surrounded by walls adorned
with Budist sculpture in bas-relief. The upper three are circular.  Each of them is
with a circle of bell shape-stupa. The entire adifice is crowned by a large stupa at
the centre at the centre of the top circle. The way to the summit extends through
some 4.8 km of passage and starways. The design of borobudur which symbolizes
the structure of universe influences temples at Angkor, Cambodia.Borobudur
temple which is rededicated as an Indonesian monument in 1983 is a valuable
treasure for Indonesian people.

1. What is the text about......

a. Borobudur Temple c. Prambanan Temple
b. Church d. Vihara

2. When was it built?

a. The ninteenth century c. The nintieth
b. The nine century d. The ninth century

3. “It” (in the second sentence) refers to….

a. Hindu c. Temple
b. Budhist d. Borobudur Temple

4. Where is it located?
a. West Java c. Central Java
b. Central Jakarta d. Bogor

5. What is the similar word of Well Known atthe forth sentence….

a. Familiar c. Bad
b. Famous d. Good

6. Whatwas Borobudur’s shape?

a. Pyramid c. Circle
b. With a circle of bell Shape Stupa d. Oval

7. Where is it constructed?
a. On a hill c. On the valley
b. On a mountain d. In the lake

8.What is the temple consist …….

a. Eighty flowers art c. Eight motive
b. Eight step like stone terrace d. Eight stone

9. What is a valuable treasure for Indonesia people…….

a. Borobudur Temple c. Prambanan
b. Mosque d. President House

10. When was Borobudur temple as an Indonesian monument……

a. It was in 1993 c. It was in 2015
b. It was in 1983 d. It was in 1893

Answer the questions correctly based on the text above!

1. What was Hindu – Budhist temple called?

2. Who was Borobudur temple builtunder?
3. Was it in Magelang?
4. What was the construction of Borobudur temple influenced ?
5. How many are the appearances of Borobudur temple?
6. How was Borobudur temple’s high?
7. When was Borobudur temple as an Indonesia moment?
8. How did we go to the summit extends?
9. How far was Borobudur Temple from the passage and starways?
10. What was rededicated in 1983?

Choose the correct answer from the questions and circle a, b, c or d on your

Justin Beiber was born on March 1, 1994 at St Joseph’s Hospital in

London, Ontario and he was raised in Startford, Ontario. His full name is Justin
Drew Beiber. He is the son of Jeremy Jack Bieber and Patricia Mallette. His

parents were never married, but they keep up a close friendship. Justin Beiber’s
weight is about 120 to 130 ponds and he is about 6 feet tall. He has brown hair
and sharp nose. He has a very innocent face.

Justin is a Canadian pop singer, actor and songwriter. His talent was
discovered in 2008 by American talent manager Scooter Braun on YouTube. He
made his first debut in his seven-track, My World in November 2009. He became
the first artist to have seven songs from a debut record to chart on the Billboard
Hot 100. Justin’s first studio album, My World 2.0 was released in March 2010.
His song, “baby” became a famous song in the world. Right now, he is an icon of
teenager popular singer in the world.

1. Who is in the picture above?

a. Justin Beiber c.Westlife
b. Ariel Peterpen d. Maherzain

2. What’s his fulname?

a. Justin Lewis Beiber c. Justin Drew Beiber
b. Justin Murphy Beiber d. Justin Darwin Beiber

3. When was he born?

a. On march 10th,1993 c.Inmey 02nd, 1993
b.In march 01st, 1993 d.On march 01st, 1994

4. Is justin Drew Beiber an ugly young man?

a.Yes, he does c. Yes, he is
b.No, he is not d. Yes, he does not

5. What’s colour of his hair?

a. Brown c. Black
b.Dark Brown d. White

6. What is the shape of his nose?


a. Flat Nose c.Sharp Nose

b.Pointed Nose d.Big Nose

7. What color of his skin?

a. Black c. Yellow
b. White d. Light Brown

8. Is he handsome?
a.Yes, he is c. Yes, he is not
b.No, he is not d. He is

9. What’s the name of his hospital when he was born?

a. Adam malik hospital c.Margaret hospital
b. St Joseph’s hospital d. St Jose Hospital

10. He made his first debut in…….

a. His 27 tracks b. His 7 tracks
b. His 17 tracks d. His 21 tracks

Answer the questions correctly based on the text above!
1. What are the characteristics of Justin Beiber?

2. Where was Justin Beiber raised?

3. Who are Jeremy and Patricia?

4. What is the relation between Jeremy and patricia?

5. When was Justin Beiber’s talent discovered?

6. What is Justin Beiber’s profession?

7. Is he a Canadian pop singer?


8. How many tracks did Justin make

9. What is the name of his song became famous in the world?

10. Who is Justin Beiber in the world?





Giraffes are truly giant animals. They can grow up to 17 feet tall and

weigh as much as 3, 000 pounds. The male giraffes are called bulls, they are

typically larger than the females, called cows. The babies aren’t exactly small

either a baby giraffe is called a calf, it is 6 feet tall at birth. Giraffes also have

large hearts, their hearts can be up to 2 feet long and weigh over 20 pounds. They

need these large hearts to pump blood all theway up their long necks.

It is always fun to watch giraffes eat from the tree. Their favorite types of

leaves are from te acica tree. Giraffes are herbivores, meaning they eat plants

rather than meat . They use their long necks and tongues (which they can stick out

up to a foot and a half ) to get to leaves on a trees. A typical full – grown adult

giraffe will eat over 70 pounds of leaves and fruit each day. Giraffes don’t need to

drink water very often because there is so much water in the leaves they eat.

However, when they drink water, they can drink several gallons at atime.

Post tes II

1. What is the tittle of the text....

a. The Animals c. The Zebras
b. The Giraffes d. The Tigers

2. How tall are they......

a. Seventeen c. Seven
b. Seventy d. Seventeenth

3. What is the male giraffes called..........

a. Bully c. Calf
b. Bull d. Doggy

4. Which is larger, the female or male giraffes.......

a. Female c. Men
b. Male d. Woman

5. What is the female giraffes called...........

a. Carrol c. Cows

b. Bull d. Calf

6. What is the type of the giraffes.....

a. Carnivores c. Mamalias
b. Herbal d. Herbivores

7. What do the giraffes eat.........

a. Leaves c. Vegetables
b. Meat d. Trees

8. What is the giraffes’ favorite food.........

a. Fruit c. Brocolli
b. Humberger d. Acica trees

9. Do the giraffes have long neck.....

a. Yes, its do c. Yes, Ofcousre
b. Yes, they does d. Yes, they do

10.How many gallons are the giraffes to dring at the time....

a. Many gallons c. Several gallons
b. Some gallons D. Several glass


1. How is the giraffes’ weigh?

2. are they as much as 3,000 pounds?

3. Do the giraffes have large heart?

4. How long the giraffes’ heart can be up?

5. What is the function of large hearts?

6. Do the giraffes like meat?

7. Where do we feel fun to watch giraffes?

8. How do the giraffes get leaves on the trees?

9. When will the giraffe eat over 70 pound 0f leaves?

10.Do the girraffes need to drink water very often? Why?


Multiple Choice

1. a. Borobudur Temple 6. b.With a circle of bell shape stupa

2. d. The ninth Century 7. c. On a hill
3. d. Borobudur temple 8. b. Eight steps like stone terrace
4. c. Central Java 9. a. Borobudur Temple
5. b. Famous 10.b.1983

1. it was called Borobudur.
2. It was under Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom.
3. Yes, it was
4. The construction of borobudur temple wass influenced by the Gupta
architecture of Media

5. It’s consist of eight step like stone terrace.

6. It was 46 m
7. It was in 1983
8. The way to the summit extends through some 4.8 km of passage and
9. It was 4.8km of oassage and starays.
10. It was rededicated as an indonesian monument in 1983 is avalue treasure
for Indonesian.



Multiple Choice

1. a. Justin Beiber. 6. c. Sharp Nose

2. c. Justin drwe beiber. 7. b. White
3. d. On march 01st, 1994. 8. a. Yes, he is
4. c. Yes, he is. 9. b. St Joseph’s hospital
5. a. Brown 10. b. His 7 track


1. The characteristics of Justin Beiber are Justin beiber’s weight is about

120to130 ponds, he is about 6 feet tall, he has brown hair and sharp nose
and he has a very innocent face.
2. He was in Standford, Ontario.
3. They are his parents
4. They were never married, but they kept up a close friendship.
5. In 2008
6. He is a pop singer
7. Yes, he is
8. He made 7 tracks
9. The name of his song is Baby that make him be famous.
10. He is an icon of teenager popular singer in the world.



Multiple Choice

1. b. The Giraffes 6. d. herbivores

2. a. Seventeen 7. a. Leaves

3. b. Bull 8. d. Acica trees

4. b. Male 9. d. Yes, they do

5. c. Cows 10.c. Several gallons


1. They are as much as as 3,000 pounds


2. Yes, they are

3. Yes, they do

4. It’s 2 feet long

5. To pump blood all the way up their long neck

6. No, they don’t

7. It’s from the tree

8. They use their necks and tounges

9. When it has grow adult

10. No, they don’t. Because there is so much water in the leaves they eat.

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