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Alan saputra
Nim. 190107091


A. Background

Speaking is “the process of constructing and sharing meaning through

the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in various contexts. Speaking is
an important part of learning and teaching a second language. Speaking is
also a language skill that is developed from childhood. Despite its
importance, for many years now teaching speaking has been
underestimated by many and English teachers continue to teach speaking
as simply repetition of exercises or memorizing dialogues. But at this time,
everyone in the world requires that the goal of teaching speaking should
improve students' communicative skills, because only in that way can
students express themselves and learn how to follow appropriate social
and cultural rules in every communicative situation. To teach second
language learners how to speak in the best way possible, some speaking
activities are provided below, which can be applied to ESL and EFL
classroom settings, along with suggestions for teachers teaching spoken

The term "fluency in speech" is related to the meaning of

"communication". For example, in conversation, learners of other methods
may also make grammatical errors, such as Maria live in Cazenga. but
students can still pronounce sentences fluently Effective learners can also
give people a talk so that what they  say is quickly understood. In fact,
fluency has been defined as “the automaticity and speed of speech
production”. However, the automaticity and speed of speech production
may not always make speech intelligible, completeness being “ a measure
of the ease or difficulty a listener feels in understanding L2 speech”.2

Hayriye Kayi, Teaching Speaking: Activites to Promote Speaking in a Second Langluage , The
Internet TESL Journal
A Multimodal approach to the classroom highlights the important use
of multiple in real learning environments. Each modality contains
information that is a resource for pupil’s meaning construction. each
modality covers a different aspect of phenomena which could challenge
prior conceptions of the world and provide resources to imagine and think
with According to , teachers often use gestures together with speech to
draw attention to images and other references within the classroom. In
particular, they argue. a variety of modes are interacting and interplaying:
gestures, drawings, speech, objects. Each mode contributes to meaning
construction: speech to create a difference, an image on the blackboard to
get a visual backdrop, manipulation of an object to locate the discussion in
the physical setting, action to make clear the dynamic nature of the
concept, the image in the textbook to do a stable summary, cohesion in
achieved through repetition, synchronization, similarity and contrast.3

Based on the results of preliminary observations conducted by

researchers at ISLAM ABHARIYAH NU Middle School, there were
several obstacles experienced in the English learning process, including
the lack of student activity in the learning process, when the teacher
explained the material using the lecture method, students rarely paid
attention to the teacher's explanation, busy alone , and tend to get bored. If
this continues to be allowed, it is possible that students will feel unhappy
with the subjects being taught. In this displeasure, of course, it will make
students reluctant to learn, and will directly affect student learning
outcomes. In these problems it can be concluded that teachers must make
improvements in learning practices in the classroom. One of them is by
using a multimodal learning model to see the speaking ability of students
at Abhariyah Islamic Middle School.4

Preliminary observation results, February 13, 2023
Multimodal can be defined as an approach using a variety of media
such as audio, visual, and kinesthetic. Multimodal text is also text in the
form of written or spoken text guidance and pictures and animations. The
added value of multimodal learning is to hone students in learning to read
or speak in front of their friends, so that it becomes a medium that attracts
attention and can achieve communicative goals as desired.

In the research conducted by Desi Tri Cahyaningati entitled Use of

Multimodal Text in Engineering Improvement of Students' Reading Skills,
it can be said that using multimodal text can improve students' reading
skills with the results obtained namely t-test analysis using SPPS for
Windows 23 showed that there was a significant difference in learning
achievement between those exposed to NPMT and LT after the reading
program ended (p-value = 0.010). Group NPMT obtained better reading
skills than the LT group, while the difference between the research from
Tri Ningati's study was the variables used, from Tri Cahyaningati's
research using reading skills for students while in the research to be
examined was the ability to speak to students. Based on the problems and
background that the researcher described above, the researcher is
interested in taking the title "The Influence of Multimodal Text Towards
Students Speaking at SMP Islam Abahariyah NU.

B. Problem Statement
Based on the research background, the question is "Does the use of
Multimodal affect students' Speaking at SMP Islam NU Abhariyah”
C. Purpose and of Research Significance
1. Research Purpose
The main objective of this study was to discover whether
Multimodal has the effect student’s Speaking text on students at
SMP Islam NU Abhariyah.
2. In teaching English, there are several media that are used. This
study focuses on the fluency of multimodal text on students'
speaking. Therefore, students are required to be able to express
ideas into words. Thus, this research will be useful:
a) For teachers, provide alternative ways to improve the
ability to express ideas in written form 
b) For students, to attract the desire to fluency in speaking in
an interesting way. As a result, students' learning
motivation increases.
c) For researchers, the results of this study are expected to be
able to develop research on using students' multimodal text
D. Definition of Key Terms
To make it easier for readers to understand, the research provides a
brief definition as follows:
1. Multimodal 
Media platforms are a major source of multimodal data. So
that users can express by posting multimedia content such as
images and videos, therefore we propose using a multimodal
approach exploiting visual features and contextual features.

Text Multimodal text is a teaching method that can be said

to be very good and efficient, because it is very useful to teach
with this multimodal method. Thus the interest of students will
be encouraged by the method being taught which is very
interesting. In addition, students can also interpret the text by
practicing it.
2. Speaking
is one of the abilities to communicate with all other people,
so that by talking we can get to know each other and interact
with one another. Apart from that, speaking can also be
accompanied by body movements and facial expressions. 5
Speaking really helps students develop vocabulary and
grammar skills, so they can improve their writing and reading
skills. Students can also express emotions, ideas, stories, ask,
ask, talk, discuss, and others. Talking outside the classroom is
also very important, because it can improve the ability to speak
with outsiders, not just classmates. Therefore, people who can
speak the language will have more opportunities to work.

3. Teaching speaking students

Learning to talk is a teaching and learning process that
leads to learning objectives, so that students have the ability to
communicate ideas, ideas, feelings, and opinions.6
The learning approach with the speaking teaching system in
ELT turns out to be more influenced than using the teaching
method system by listening. In the "Speaking" methodology it
is usually defined as repeating after the teacher explains,
memorizing dialogues, or completing exercises, all of which
focus on sentences about applicable skills in audio lingual-
based methodologies and other exercises or repetitions.
E. Review of Related Literature and Research Hypotheses
1. Review of Previous Research

Marriam Bashir British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences ISSN: 2046-9578, Vol.2 No.1 (2011)
©BritishJournal Publishing, Inc. 2011
In this study, the researcher uses previous research as a
literature review and frame of reference for thinking they are:
a. Firstly, In general this study aims to prove that learning
techniques using the multimodality method are very
possible for improving students' English skills orally
and specifically, therefore So that their speaking skills
improve with multimodality techniques to find out the
effect of producing spoken English or speaking from
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students related to
complexity, accuracy, and fluency I assume that the use
of multimodality learning methods that combine
images+sound+text is very beneficial for students in
increasing the use of English orally (Speaking) and
specifically, so that learning English is fun according to
the method students are interested in. through this
multimodality it really helps students who study English
to improve their English fluency, because there are still
many students and students in the speaking class who
have difficulty expressing ideas in English because
exposure to the target language is very lacking.
The similarities between this research and previous
research are the focus on research and methods. both
studies focused on Multimodal Text as a medium to
improve students' speaking skills. The difference
between this research and this research lies in the level
of education. previous research was carried out in
tertiary institutions, while this research will be carried
out in junior high schools located in Islamic boarding
b. Secondly, Yunus Abidin's research, concerning the
Effect of Multimodal-Based Learning on the Reading
Literacy Ability of Elementary School students. This
study aims to describe the implementation of learning to
read before the implementation of the multimodality
aspect and prove the effectiveness of multimodal-based
learning on students' reading literacy skills. This
research was carried out using two types of research,
namely quantitative and experimental. This research was
conducted in all elementary schools which had different
characteristics, both in terms of geographic location,
student background, and students' general academic
abilities. This research was conducted in all elementary
schools in Bandung, West Java. the research focused on
fifth grade elementary school students. There were 210
students and 9 teachers who were in six schools
involved in this study. The selection of elementary
schools was carried out with theoretical considerations,
especially with regard to the academic, geographic and
cultural characteristics of students.
The similarity of this research with previous studies
lies in the media and methods. Both studies use the
Effect of Multimodal Based Learning on Students. The
difference between this research and previous research
lies in the students and school level. Previous research
observed Multimodal texts and was conducted at the
junior high school level, while this study observed
Literacy texts and was conducted at the Elementary
School level.
c. Thirdly, this research was conducted by Afiyah Nur
Kayati entitled Utilization of Multimodal Texts in
Indonesian Language Learning to Strengthen Student
Literacy. This study aims to describe the use of
multimodal texts in Indonesian language learning to
strengthen students' literacy skills. The discussion in
writing includes three things, namely the use of
multimodal texts in learning Indonesian, multimodal
texts as literacy media, and language learning as literacy
reinforcement. The use of multimodal texts in
Indonesian is like the 2013 Curriculum, Indonesian
language subjects are text genre-based subjects. So that
genre-based text is not just writing in the form of
articles. But it also contains social activities. As for what
is meant by multimodal text as a literacy medium,
namely text that has a broader meaning which is not
only in the form of written and spoken text. According
to (Hermawan, 2013) that text can refer to two different
things, namely the meaning of the text can replace each
other with the meaning of the elements in the text and
the text can also be understood as a place for text
elements that present meaning. And finally, language
learning as literacy reinforcement. The meaning is that
this literacy approach aims to develop students' abilities
to interpret the meaning of texts appropriately according
to the purpose, structure, and linguistic elements of the
The similarity between this research and the
previous one is in the use of media as a learning
resource. Both studies use multimodal texts to
strengthen student literacy. The difference between this
research and previous research lies in the method and
students being taught. The previous research used a
quantitative method and was conducted at Trunojoyo
Madura University. Meanwhile, this research used the
same method, namely quantitative which focuses more
on the speaking of students in junior high schools.
2. Theoretical Bases
a. The Definition of Speaking
Talking is one way to communicate with other
people, so communication is very important to be
developed as a means of communication with other
people. In his book, Palmer states that most of speaking
is by using orally. Therefore the teacher told most
students to talk directly with friends in class, friends at
home, family, relatives and many others. Similar to
Palmer, Thornbury emphasized "Speaking is a part of
everyday life that we take for granted”. Speaking is also
the transmission of any language through verbal
expression. Whereas, to produce speech, people create
sound by using various speech tools.
As defined by Turk -Speaking is a way of going
from one thought to another, it is a way or process when
you want to speak or want to ask everyone. This
research proves that it is easier for everyone to get
information through speech rather than writing. This
means that conveying information through speech is
much easier to understand than through writing. This
happens because the person who is speaking can
expressively use stress and intonation to the listener to
convey information.
Based on the explanation above speaking is a tool to
communicate with others. In addition, people find it
easier to get information through speaking or orally than
by writing. 7
b. Characteristics of Speaking
a) The first characteristic of students' speaking
performance is that when students can speak
fluently and fluently, the main goal of a teacher
is achieved. According to Hughes (2002),
speaking fluency is the most important ability so
that when talking to other people it will be easy
to understand what we are conveying. Hedge
(2000) revealed that fluency is the ability to
speak coherently by pronouncing sounds, stress
and intonation8. 
b) The second characteristic of speaking
performance is accuracy. In this stage students
must really speak a foreign language fluently,
therefore the teacher must be careful in teaching
students' language learning. This learning must
pay attention to accuracy, completeness,
grammatical structure, vocabulary, and others.
(Mazouzi, 2013).9
c) According to Thornbury (2005), the use of the
correct grammatical structure is a must have a
good structure. To get good accuracy, you have
to have the right vocabulary in the right context.

SITI MUALIYAH (2016). Teaching Speaking AnExpository Study at Speaking Class of
Training Class Program at Basic English Course in Kampung Inggris Pare, 1 - 108
Hughes, R. (2002). Teaching and Researching Speaking. New York: Pearson Education.
Mazouzi, S. (2013). Analysis of Some Factors Affecting Learners’ Oral Performance. A Case
Study: 3rd Year Pupilsof Menaa’s Middle Schools. M. A. Dissertation, Department of Foreign
Languages, English Division, Faculty of Letters and Languages, Mohamed Khider University of
Biskra, People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria.
So students must be able to use words and
expressions correctly. 10
d) Thornbury (2005) states that pronunciation is the
lowest level of knowledge that students often
pay attention to. Especially for students who
want to be able to speak proper English, learners
must master and know various kinds of sounds,
stress, intonation, tone and pronunciation. These
are the steps in speaking good and correct
3. Research Hypothesis
a. Hypohtesis Nol (H0)
The null hypothesis of this study is that the use of
multimodal does not affect the speaking ability of students
of SMP Islam NU Abhariyah
b. Hypothesis Alternative (Ha)
The alternative hypothesis of this study is that the
use of multimodal influences the speaking ability of
Abhariyah Islamic Middle School students 
F. Reasearch Methods
1. Approach and type of Research
a. Approach
This study uses a quantitative approach, with this
research experimental research to obtain data.
2. population and sample
a. Population
The population is a number of people who are willing to be
involved in research. According to Fraenkal and Wallen, a
population is a group that is the object of research 12. SchoolIn
Thornbury, S. (2005). How to Teach Speaking. Harmer, J. (Ed). London: Longman.
Jack R. Fraenkel, Norman E. Wallen & Helen H. Hyun,”How to Design and Evaluate Research
in Education”, (McGraw-Hill,2012), 8th Ed., p.92.
this research, the researcher used the population of all eighth
grade students at Abhariyah Islamic High, the number of
populations was 60 students.
b. Sample
According to Sugiono (2014:120), in his book he argues
that the sample is part of the science and characteristics
possessed by the population13. The sample of this research was
students of class VIII A Abhariayah Islamic Middle School, the
number of samples was 31 students.
3. Time And Place Of Research
a. Time

b. Place of research
This research will be conducted at NU Abhariyah
Islamic Middle School, located on JlnRengganis Raya,
Jerneng Kalijaga, Tawah Eggplant, West Lombok Labuapi,
83361, Tawah Eggplant, kec. Mataram, West Lombok
Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. 
4. Research variables
From research “The Influence Of Multimodal Text
Towards Student's Speaking At Smp Islam Abhariyah” research
states that there are two variables, namely the independent variable
and the dependent variable according to the title the independent
variable is “Multimodal Text” and the dependent variable is the
“ability to speak”.
5. Research design
In this study, the researcher uses pre-experimental a one-
group design in order to examine hypotheses has a significant
effect on the study. Then, the researcher uses pre-experimental as
uncontrolled group by following the diagram of Jemmett and

O1 X O2

O1 = Pre-test
X = Treatment
O2 = Post-test14
In this case, this researcher will examine the effect between
pre and post to obtain data and not use a control group. This will
affect students whether the pretest scores are better or the posttest. 
Based on the results of my observations, the total number
of participants in class VIII was 60 students with 30 minutes of
learning time in 1 meeting. However, in this case the researcher
used a sample of only 31 students.
6. Instrument of the Research

The instrument is a tool to measure students' abilities and obtain

data in certain fields. In this study, the researcher used the test as an
instrument based on the method taught to students. The test will be
given to students in the pre-test. Next, the researcher gave 8
questions in the post-test section. 

The purpose of this test is to determine a student's grade.

The researcher supplemented the others after treatment. The main
purpose of this test is to measure the effect of student learning by
using multimodal texts.
7. The Procedure of Data Collection
The procedure of data collection is using test to obtain the
data whether or not using test affect students speaking skill. The
researcher uses pre-test and post-test in order to obtain students
speaking score. The test is made to measure students’ ability
before and after applying teks multimodal. Pre-test will be given

Dawson and Thomas E.,”A Primer Experimental and Quasi-experimental Design”,Paper
Presented at the Annual Meeting of Southwest Educational Research Association (Austin, TX,
January 23-25, 1997).
before treatment in the beginning of the meeting. Furthermore, the
treatment will be applied for four meeting after pre-test.
Meanwhile, the post-test will be conducted after the treatment.
Then, the score of pre-test will be compared to the score of post-
test. Finally, the result of this research will be used to measure the
effect of teks multimodal on speaking students in numerical data.
In this study, the researcher will be using multiple-choice
questions and make a short story to practice students’ speaking
skill based on the experiences and knowledge of students. It can
train students’ ability to narrate story joyfully. In collecting data,
several tests are applied as follows:
a) Pre-test
Here is done before the technique or test is applied to
determine the level of students’ speaking.
b) Treatment
The researcher will give students the treatment of
experimental class to identify teks affecting students’ speaking
c) Post-test
This is done after finishing pre-test and treatment to obtain
the data teks multimodal affecting students speaking skill.

8. Data Analysis Technique

a. Descriptive Statistics
This research uses quantitative method to obtain the
data. There are several aspects which can describe statistic
data of speaking.

Students’ Achievement
Criteria of Grade

91-100 Exellent

81-90 Very Good

71-80 Good

61-70 Fair

50-60 Poor

¿50 Very Poor

b. Inferential Statistics
1) Normality Test
Normality test is conducted to identify
whether the sample data is taken from normal
population or not. In addition, it identifies the
normality of pre-experimental without controling
group. The normal score should be higher 0.05.15
2) Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is implemented to identify

whether or not the types of population is similar.
Therefore, the hypothesis can be tested by t-test.
The normality and homogeneity tests are
implemented in the pre and posttest scores. The
result of analyzing data will be obtained by formula
of Sudjana.

X= (
∑x )
Zulqoidah,“The Effectiveness of Question and Answer Technique toward Second Grade
Students’ Ability at SMPN 1 Pujut. Thesis, UIN Mataram, july 2021.
X = (Mean)

x : (Individual Score)
n : (Number of Students)
After obtaining the result of the pre-test, the
researcher determines whether or not students'
narrative writing scores has an improvement, the
researcher applies the following formula:
y 1− y
P=( y
¿ x100%

P : (percentage of students' improvement)

y : (pre-test result)
y l : (post-test).16
The researcher uses t-test to know whether
or not the result of pre-test and post-test is
statistically significant. According to Hartono, t-test
is one of the statistic tests used to know whether or
not there is significant difference of the two samples
of mean in two variables.17

9. Validity and Reliability

a. Validity
Validity is an instrument to measure the accuracy
of the research. The instrument of this study will be
construct validity. Construct validity refers to whether
you can draw inferences about te st scores related to the
concept being studied18. In addition, the researcher has
consulted to the English Departement lecturers in UIN
Mataram to prove that all items was valid.
b. Reliability
Sudjana,”Metode Statistika”, (Bandung: PT. Tarsito, 2002’), p.67.
Hartono, Statistik Untuk Penelitian. Yogyakarta: Pustaka pelajar. 2011.p.178
Roberta Heale and Alison Twycross,”Validity and Reliability in Quantitative Studies”,
Evidence-Based Nursing 18 (3), 66-67, 2015.
Reliability is one of the test that is used to prevent
plagiarism. The meaning of estimating the reliability is
different. According to Kimberlin and Winterstein, the
test developer has a responsibility to “identify the
sources of measurement error that would be most
detrimental to useful score interpretation and design a
reliability study that permits such error to occur so that
their effects can be assessed”19. This research uses
Cronbach’s alpha as an instrument test. It is a function
of average intercorrelations of items and the number of
items in the scale.

Carole L Kimberlin and Almut G Winterstein,”Validity and Reliability of Measurement
Instruments Used in Research”, American Journal of Health-Syistem Pharmacy 65 (23), 2276-
2284, 2008.

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