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ISSN : 2252 - 4792

Volume 6 –No.1 2017

Journal Polingua
Scientific Journal of Linguistic, Literature and Language Education


Widya Syafitri
IAIN Bukittinggi

Abstract— The purpose of this research is to solve the students’ problem in studying speaking English in classroom. It
was found that the students have lack of ability in speaking English in the classroom. The problems were assumed
derive from uninteresting techniques and monotonous activities done by the teacher when teaching and learning
process was going on. To solve the problems above the teacher taught the students speaking through simulation.
Because by using simulation the teacher could create various activities that given to the students. It could attract the
students’ attention and interest when studying in the classroom and increase students’ speaking ability. This research
was action research. The participants of this research were all of the students in Informatika Komputer B (IK.B) at
Dynasty Computer Solok. The instruments to collect data were speaking test through interview and field note. Based
on those instruments, it was found that studying speaking through simulation could increase students’ speaking
ability. Shortly, the students’ speaking ability increased when they studied by using simulation

Keywords— Improving; speaking; simulation

them is teaching speaking through writing,

I. INTRODUCTION for example the teacher only asks the
Today, it is required the goal of students to complete the conversation
teaching speaking which improve students’ without practicing it orally. Vice versa the
communicative skills, because only in that aim of teaching speaking is enable the
way students can express their opinion or students to speak English fluently. That is
thought as stated in Oxford (1995: 1140). the reason why people, parents, and
Generally, the aim of speaking subject is to teachers also encourage their children or
enable the students to use it as tool of their students to learn English more actively
communication orally. and at Dynasty Computer where the
Nowadays the approach of the researcher teaches.
integrated and communicative teaching and It is necessary for the English
learning process on English is needed to teachers to encourage students to speak
enable the students to use the language English fluently and confidently and use
communicatively. But there are still found more effective way for teaching speaking,
some cases in formal education, one of in order to improve the students’ speaking
ability. There are many techniques that are develop the body of knowledge. They help
interesting and effective for teaching their students to develop ability. Many
speaking. One of the techniques of language learners regard speaking ability as
improving students’ speaking ability is by the measure of knowing a language.
using simulation. The materials that are given by the
teacher should encourage the use of
II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE, METHOD AND authentic language in meaningful context.
In learning English as foreign language in
a. Speaking communication language teaching, Celce-
Nunan (2003: 48) says speaking Murcia (2001: 45) states some type of
happens in real time: usually the people you teaching speaking in the EFL classroom:
are talking to is waiting for, you speak right
then. Second when you speak, you cannot 1. Discussions
edit and revise what you wish to say, as you Discussions are probably the most
can if you are writing. Then he adds that commonly used activity in the oral skill
speaking is the productive aural/oral skill. It class. Typically, the students are introduced
consists of producing systematic verbal to a topic via a reading, listening passage
utterances to convey meaning. and then asked to get into pairs or groups to
Thus, it can be said that speaking is an discuss a related topic in order to come up
expressing of thought and feeling to others with a solution, a response. Teachers must
to keep communication orally. Luoma take care in planning and setting up a
(2004: 9) states “speaking as interaction, discussion activity. First, grouping or
and speaking as a social and situation-based pairing the students to ensure a successful
activity”. People use spoken language to discussion outcome. Second, students need
convey their ideas to others. to be reminded that each person should have
A communication will occur if there specific responsibility in the discussion to
are the speaker and the listener. The report the result. Finally, students need to
information has a message of what the be clear about what they will discuss, why
speaker wants to talk to the listener, they are discussing it and what outcome is
whether they speak face to face or not. expected. It is an external device for oral
communication where students can convey
Speaking is a complex skill. When
their opinion or ideas.
someone talks or speaks, it is not enough
2. Speeches
for him/her just to know the sound,
Topic for speeches will depend on the
structure, and vocabulary of the language.
level of students and the focus of class, but
The speaker also needs to think of the idea,
in a case, students should be given some
he or she wishes to express and must be
leeway in determining to content of their
sensitive to any change in style to whom he
talk. The teacher can provide the structure
or she is speaking, and on the situation in
for speech. Speech can be frightening for
which the conversation is taking place.
the speaker and boring for the listener so it
is a good idea to assign the listeners some
b. Teaching Speaking
responsibilities during the speech.
The goal of teaching speaking skills is
3. Role play
communicative efficiency. Learners should
It is suitable for practicing the socio-
be able to make themselves understand.
cultural variations in speech acts.
They should try to avoid confusion in
Depending on the students level, role play
message due to fluency pronunciation,
can be performed for preparing script,
grammar, or vocabulary that applies in each
creating for a set of prompt and expression
communication situation.
or written, using and consolidating
In communicative modes of language
knowledge gained from instruction or
teaching, teachers help their students to
discussions of speech act and its variations
prior to the role plays themselves. This is Components Score Description
interesting way in improving their speaking Pronunciation 5 Easy to understand and
ability; this activity can be done like a has native speaker’s
giving role to one number of a group and accent
considering on the purpose of the role play.
4 Easy to understand
4. Conversation although having the
One of the more recent trends in oral certain accent
skills pedagogy is the emphasis on having
students analyze and evaluate the language 3 There is problem in
that they produce. The students can practice pronunciation that make
listeners should
in using English directly and they can share concentrate and
their information about everything. sometimes find
c. Evaluation of Speaking Skill
2 It is difficult to
Haris (1979:81) states, there are five
understand because of
components which should be considered in pronunciation problem,
testing students’ performance. They are: and often asked to repeat
pronunciation, structure/grammar,
vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. 1 Serious problem in
pronunciation, and it
Each component has scoring. The scoring cannot be understood
consists of five levels which show the
ability of students’ speaking performance. Structure / 5 Nothing or just a few
In other way, Finocchiaro (1983:9) grammar mistakes found in
explain there are four components of structure
scoring in speaking test. They are 4 It is sometimes make
pronunciation, vocabulary, mistakes in structure, but
grammar/structure, and fluency. The it doesn’t influence the
scoring of four levels, show the ability of meaning
the students’ speaking performance. 3 It is often makes mistake
In this research, the researcher uses the of structure and influence
rubric of speaking test suggested by Haris the meaning
(1979:81). It will be used as the indicators
2 It makes a lot of mistakes
of the instruments of this research because that influence the
in this case the components of speaking test meaning, and often
are more complete and more detail. rearrange the sentences
According to Harris (1979:81), there are
some indicators of speaking rubric, such as: 1 The mistakes of structure
pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, Vocabulary 5 Using vocabulary and
fluency and comprehension. Each expression like native
component also has scoring or rating. The speaker
scoring consists of five levels. Each level
4 Sometimes use in
explains the students’ speaking skill. Thus, appropriate vocabulary
the teacher will be able to give the score and should explain the
easily and objectively. idea because of limited
The scoring that will be used in this research (it vocabulary
is adapted from the Language Testing English as
Second Language by Haris (1979:81 ) 3 Often use inappropriate
vocabulary, the
conversation is limited
TABLE I because limited

vocabulary problems”. Furthermore Oxford (1995:
1103) defines “Simulation is the deliberate
2 Use vocabulary
inappropriate and it is making of certain conditions that could
difficult to be understood exist in reality”.
Vernon, et al (2003: 248) says
1 Vocabulary is limited, so “Simulation is the replication of real
the conversation cannot
be done
situations which have designed to be as near
the actual event or process as possible.”
Fluency 5 Speak fluency like native Moreover, Ely (2003: 380) states
speaker “Simulation is a special category of real
things. Simulation is a simplified,
4 It seems that the fluency
is not so fluent like native operational model of a real-life situation
speaker that provides students with vicarious
participation in a variety of roles and
3 Mostly of the fluency is events.”
disturbed with the
problem of language
e. Components of Simulation
When the students play a game or
2 It is not sure to speak and simulation in the classroom they assume
stop because of limited of roles and participate in the decision-making
language used process. The objective of the game and the
1 Speaking haltingly, so the rules under which it operates are clearly
conversation cannot be stated.
done According to Vernon, et al
(2003:381), the properties of a simulation
Comprehension 5 It is understood without
difficulty include:
1. A small, fixed set of players
4 It can be understood striving to reach a goal.
although there is 2. Rules which define the legitimate
repetition at certain part
of speaking
actions of the players.
3. A basic sequence and structure
3 Understanding most of within which the actions take
the speech if it is done place
slowly 4. A time limit.
2 It is difficult to
understand the speech, it Jones (1982, pp. 4-5) terms, the three
can be understood just for essential elements of simulations: (a)
general speech and also Reality of function (participants are assigned
do many repetition
roles and are told they must fully accept
1 It cannot be understood them both mentally and behaviorally as if
although it is just a simple they were actually those people); (b)
speech simulated environment (a realistic setting
constructed to enhance role-acceptance by
utilizing a variety of realia. (c) Structure
d. The Concept of Simulation (the whole action is built around a set of
Brown (1994: 180) states “Simulations problems or tasks---not invented by the
usually involve more complex structure an participants but rather evolve as the action
offer larger groups (of 6 to 20) where the progresses).
entire group is working through an
imaginary situation a social unit, the object f. Procedures of Applying Simulation
of which is to solve some specific

Vernon (2003: 383) states three ideas 5. A high degree of interest is
for using simulations: generated through realistic
1. Creating awareness participation.
Simulations can be used to give 6. Running a Fluency Activity
pupils an awareness of the subject
being studied. Creating awareness Scrivener (2005: 161) offers the
is, of course, an affective activity route map as below. It works well
objective. for a fluency activity.
2. Constructing objective before
using simulation. Teachers must
also develop a means of assessing SIMULATION STAGES
whether or not the pupils attain
that objective.
Stage Teacher
3. Involving the students. involvement
Some teachers have had success in
developing their own simulation; 1 Before the lesson: teachers
frequently they involve the pupils familiarise with the material
in the development. and activity
g. Advantages of Simulations 2 In class: lead-in/prepare for Teacher centre-
Simulations permit students to the activity stage
experience lifelike situations in which there
is social interaction and an observable 3 Set up the activity (or Teacher centre-
section of activity), i.e. give stage
outcome. The ability to observe the instruction, make groupings,
consequences of actions permits a student to etc.
reflect on the process as well as on the 4 Run the activity (or section): Teacher out of
actual result of the game. Most games students do the activity, sight,
contribute more to the development of while teachers monitor and uninvolved
social processes than to the acquisition of 5 Close the activity (or Teacher centre-
information or basic learning content. section) and invite feedback stage again
According to Vernon (2003: 382), there are from the students
other unique advantages: 6 Post-activity
1. Students seek to solve problems in
which they are intimately
2. Students are satisfied when they HE STAGES OF SIMULATION
sense a new insight as new ideas A useful thing for teachers to do
and concept are formulated. during stage 4 above is to take notes of
3. Students are placed in a more interesting student utterances (correct and
realistic environment that in any incorrect) for possible use later on (at the
other form of learning (except end of the activity).
when the actual experience The main aim is to get the students to
occurs). speak, then one way to achieve that would
4. A full range media can be used to be for teacher to reduce own contributions.
create realistic simulated Probably teacher less to speak, the more
environments. Stove, frying pan, space it will allow the students. It can be
and other media offer useful to aim to say nothing while the
opportunities to capture and activity is underway, and save any
distribute useful stimuli. contributions for before and after. In an
activity mainly geared towards encouraging

fluency, the teacher likely to monitor 6. Pairing the students, explain them
discreetly or vanish. that student 1 will help student 2,
and student 2 helps student 1.
This research was designed as action 2. Action
research. The researcher chose the In this stage, the researcher would do
classroom action research design. This kind the action / activity of teaching and learning
of the research hopes could solve teacher’s process by using simulation and
problem in teaching process. Action collaborators would observe all the
research is simply a form of self-reflective activities of teaching process would be
enquiry undertaken by participant in social based on the lesson plan. After the
situations in order to improve the rationally researcher did the action, she would ask
and justice of their own practices, their some students to do as what she had done.
understanding of these practises and the In this case the researcher would teach
situations in which the practices are carried about procedure text. the topic was drink.
out (Carr and Kemmis, 1986). Action 3. Observation
research is also a process of studying a real While doing the action, collaborators
school or class situation to improve the observed the teaching and learning process,
quality of actions or instructions (Mc the activities were done by the students and
Taggart, 1997). researcher herself. It would be observed
As the sample of this research, the until all students improved. Collaborators
researcher took whole numbers of the would take field note for each step in the
population of IK B at Dynasty Computer teaching and learning process.
Solok, it meant that the sample technique 4. Reflection
used was total sampling technique. After doing the observation, the
Researcher and collaborators had researcher and collaborators would discuss
found students’ improvement in all the result of the first cycle based on field
indicators in second cycle. Therefore, notes. Researcher would analyze the data
researcher decided to stop in second cycle. that have been gotten during observation.
Based on the model above, the action Then researcher would decide to make
research was the cyclical process. The revision in the next cycle if the result of
following are the steps: speaking test was still low.
Cycle 1 5. Revise Plan
1. Plan After all the activities took place in
The researcher would plan the the classroom at the first cycle, the
activities before applying simulation in researcher revised the plan of the related to
teaching speaking skill. what the lack of the research; the technique
1. Prepare the lesson plan of was applied in the classroom activity. At the
teaching speaking skill by using second cycle the researcher applied the
simulation. action with the revised plan.
2. Prepare media needed in teaching
speaking skill. III. CONCLUSIONS
3. Prepare a research instrument Most of the students were interested
(speaking test, field note, and because they were involved directly. After
video recording). teaching through simulation, the researcher
4. Prepare the test items to check the found that the students’ were improved
students’ ability for every cycle. significantly in speaking English. Most of
5. Meet the collaborators and explain the students enjoyed and relaxed in studying
what and how to do in the in the classroom because they felt like
classroom. studying at home.

Students’ speaking ability improved
significantly after practicing speaking
through simulation. It can be seen that when
it was compared before studying through
simulation and after studying through

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