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Theoritical Framework

The theoretical framework of this study is anchored on Erickson's Theory on Social

development. Erickson's theory states that peer pressure is needed for a person to learn and
grow as an individual through positive and negative influences. People may develop their
individuality and personality from their social influences. Both negative and positive influences
are used to form an individual. In related to academics, understanding peer pressure towards
students is important for improvement but can be a distraction. Peer pressure that was faced by
the students may gain a good academic performances. But in negative way, students may lose
their excellent performance at school. Peer pressure could also make a student got better
grades when they get support from their peer group and the students may excell in class. In
order to know what are the effects brought by peer pressure on the level of academic
performance of G11 HUMSS students, the researchers conducted this study.

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