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1. Where are you from?

2. Alex Haley is the author of Roots, a book about a man´s search for this
African ancestry. What are “roots”? What are your roots?

The word means roots and refers to where we came from, who are our ancestors,

were from this country or moved here at some time, is to know everything about

our past even before birth.

3. Preview the headnote, and first one or two paragraphs. What do you think
will follow?

That she can tell about her roots or where she really thinks she is and why she
thinks she is from somewhere or not and in the end say what home means to her.

1. The meaning of home
2. I am person who is not from anywhere
3. Explain what home means to her
4. Australia
5. Mississippi
6. Wherever you enlist
7. Italia
8. Definición: she defines what “home” or “being from somewhere” means to
9. Those who have lived there the longest
10. Home is where the heart is.


1. Impostor
2. Intimate
3. Garish
4. Expectantly
5. Perky
6. countered

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