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My Bedroom Essay

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The Bedroom in Relation to the Rest of the Domestic Environment

I had always slept in the same room as my siblings. First, although our apartment had two

bedrooms, my brother and I had to split a bedroom. The birth of my sister came a few years later.

By that time, we had moved into a three-bedroom apartment, so my little sister and I had to share

a room while my brother had his own. The family's final member, a younger sister, was born

many years later. I consequently had two roommates. I finally had my own room when we all

moved into a five-bedroom house. I can still clearly recall every aspect of my bedroom even if I

close my eyes.

My bedroom was a tiny square that was precisely shaped. In the room's left corner, next

to the window, was the door. When I look into the bedroom from the door, I can see that my bed

is positioned against the right-hand wall, facing the window, with my mirror drawer facing the

bed. Behind the opened door, which was quite small, was my closet, which was close to the


My bedroom was located on the ground floor and was not close to my parents' bedroom,

which was close to the kitchen. As such, there were cooking smells and a lot of noise. To address

the smell, my mother used sunflower perfume. Every time I smell sunflower perfume, I

immediately remember my first bedroom. Because it matched the decor of the space well, I used

to wear that perfume constantly. I used to smell the pear tree that was blocking my window with

its leaves as soon as I opened the window in the morning. It was really soothing to feel the tree's

breeze through my window. I used to spend a lot of time by the window, watching the children

next door play.


Even though there were a lot of distractions, when I requested for privacy I was given. As

such, it is the place where I can focus and consider all that is happening around me, not just in

my city or state but also around the entire planet. I have time to unwind and consider what I want

to do with my life and the kind of future I want. My room is a distraction-free space where I can

complete my coursework, express my emotions, and be open to new concepts. I've often gone to

my room and just started writing about international events that would eventually have an impact

on me, like global warming. I'll reflect on what I've heard, and the comfort of my own space

gives me the impression that nothing will prevent me from stating what's on my mind or making

a comment.

Reflection on the difference between denotative and connotative

Unquestionably, denotation and connotation are recognized as important terms in the

English language. The primary distinction between the two is that a word's denotative meaning

refers to its dictionary-based meaning. This suggests that it is the literal definition of the word.

On the other hand, the emotional and deeper meaning of a word is what is meant by its

connotative meaning. This indicates that while a word's connotative meaning can vary from

person to person, its denotative meaning cannot be altered (Fauziyah & Ilmi, 2020).

We can use the term "home" as an example to show how the two differ from one another.

A structure or building where people dwell is the definition of "home" in the denotative sense.

Nevertheless, the word "home" connotes a location where there is tranquility, warmth, care, and

affection. When someone says they feel at home, they may be referring to a location or a group

of individuals with whom they are most familiar. The term "blue" is another example. The color

blue, which has a denotative value, is used. However, this word's connotative meaning is "sad,"

and people frequently use it to describe an emotion or sensation (Matindas et al., 2020). When

someone says they are "feeling blue," they are referring to their sadness and depression. "Snake,"

another example, is a good one. This word's denotative meaning is an animal with no legs that

slithers and is frequently venomous. The connotative definition of this word, on the other hand,

refers to a traitor or someone who has bad intentions against other people.

Differentiating the two terms helps one to understand the context in which the word is

used. Therefore, a word's rigorous or literal meaning is referred to as having a denotative

meaning. Contrarily, connotative meaning refers to a word's figurative and affective

connotations. She is reading, as an example of denotative meaning (referring to what the girl is

doing). Contrarily, a connotation is something like: She's trying to read between the lines (which

indicate that she is attempting to unearth a secret message). Denotative meaning is the literal or

the meaning of a phrase as it is described in the dictionary, but connotative meaning is the

meaning we naturally identify a term with when it is mentioned; the meaning indicated. For

instance, according to the dictionary, the word "pocker" refers to a metal rod with a handle used

for prodding and stirring an open fire, but to most people who play or have played cards, it refers

to a game of cards.


Fauziyah, N. N., & Ilmi, R. N. (2020). Denotative and connotative analysis on Elia Pettie’s short

story. Journal of Applied Studies in Language, 4(1), 57-67.

Matindas, F. F., Samola, N., & Kumajas, T. (2020). Denotative and connotative meanings in

english proverbs (a semantic study). Journal of English Culture, Language, Literature

and Education, 8(1), 30-50.

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