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Министерство образования и молодежной политики Чувашской республики

Ҳ районная научно-практическая конференция «Наука. Творчество. Развитие »

Research work

«In The World оf Idioms»

Выполнила: ученица 10 Б класса

МБОУ « БСОШ№1» Каштанова Надежда

Научный руководитель: учитель

английского языка Югаметова Ф.Р.

с. Батырево



1. Introduction.

2. What is an idiom?

3. English idioms. Classification of idioms.

4. Idioms related to music, beauty, books, home, parts of the body, animals, abilities,

colors, time, love, relationship.

5. Investigation

6. Russian and Chuvash idioms.

7. The comparison of English, Russian and Chuvash idioms.

8. Examples of idioms from my school textbook.

9. Conclusion.

10. Literature.

11. Appendix

Introduction: Any language has a lot of idioms. Idiomatic expressions are a vital

component of the language. They reflect mentality and culture of the people. If we take

Russian language we will also find out a great number of idioms, like “has remained with a

nose”, “to sit in a pool”, “ate a dog” and so on.

All over the world free using idioms in speech is a difficult problem for people,

learning English language as a foreign one. Idioms often cause serious difficulties even

with people, who know English very well. And if they intentionally avoid using idioms,

in this case their oral and written speech, most likely, will be dull and high-flown.

So, in my work I’ll try to get you to be interested in the beautiful world of idioms.

I’ve realized the necessity of knowing idioms and using them in our daily speech before

starting my work. I studied articles devoted to English, Russian and Chuvash idioms, so

the results of the investigation you’ll see on the next pages.

The actuality: In today's world of communication, when people from different

countries the opportunity to acquire a large wide communion, it is necessary to know the

originality of stylistics language that we want to communicate. So, idioms are a very

important aspect in learning language - using idioms in daily speech shows a high level of

knowledge of the language and it will enrich your speech, make it more natural, expressive

it will help you to communicate easier with foreigners.


1) to explore the world of English, Russian and Chuvash idioms, to prove that we can use

them in our everyday speech

2) to analyze school textbooks and show how to use idioms in practice


1) to demonstrate a variety of them in our textbooks

2) to help other students to use idioms

3) to read and to analyze the information on this topic;

4) to make the presentation, which can be interesting to my classmates, teachers and all

humans who are interested in learning idioms;

5) to compare English, Russian and Chuvash idioms with those, used in modern pop



1) analysis

2) comparison

3) illustrative method

4) method of material evaluation

5) questionnaire

The field for my research is the idiomatic similes. To my mind they are

widely used in all spheres of our life and if you know their translation exactly you will use

them just in the right place and time.

The practical use: The work can be used at the English, Russian and Chuvash

lessons. It can help students to improve their language also as an additional material in

improving speaking, reading, listening skills, in reading literature in original and listening

to music in English.

What are idioms?
An idiom is a phrase or expression that has a meaning different from what the words

suggest in their usual meaning. All idioms have some sort of meaning behind them such as

“Butterflies in my stomach”. The meaning is a feeling caused by nervousness. Idioms can

be really funny but some are really tricky.

Idiom (noun) – an expression conforming or appropriate to the peculiar structural

form of a language; in extend use, an expression sanctioned by usage, having a sense

peculiar to itself and not agreeing with the logical sense of its structural form. (2)

There exist many definitions of an idiom, but most theorists stress three main

features: that these linguistic units consist of more than one word, it is stable, and

idiomatic, that is the meaning of a whole unit does not emerge from the meaning of words

it consists of.

In fact, the word idiom comes from the Greek root idio, meaning a unique

signature. Thus, each language contains expressions that make no sense when translated

literally into another tongue.

Some idioms of the "worldwide English" have first been seen in the works of

writers like Shakespeare, Sir Walter Scott or even in the paperbacks of contemporary

novelists. An example of Shakespearian quotation can be found in the following

sentence:"As a social worker, you certainly see the seamy side of life." Biblical references

are also the source of many idioms. Sports terms, technical terms, legal terms, military

slang and even nautical expressions have found their way to the everyday use of English


Classification of idioms.

Idioms are very widespread in modern English language. We can divide all idioms

into different parts. They’re everywhere around us. They can relate to music, books, school

and different part of the body and so on.

Relationship Music School

Beauty Books Parts of the

Time Idioms Home

Love Crime and

Colors Weather Food Animal


English idioms.
Idioms and idiomatic expressions are part of the English language. In every piece of

authentic literature we can find them. We should know them. The knowledge of them will

help us understand the text more clearly.

I’ve selected idioms according to some themes.


1. Sing the Blues = to be disappointed.

Jim is singing the blues since he broke up with Elizabeth.

2. Music to my ears = good news, information that makes someone happy.

When my boss told me about my job it was music to my ears.


1. Turn over a new leaf = to forget the past and start again with the intention of

doing better.

I didn’t want to keep making those mistakes, so I decided to turn over a new leaf.

2. Read someone like a book = to understand someone very well.

I know just why he did that; I can read him like a book.

3. Have one’s nose in a book = to be reading a book; to read books all the time.

Every time I see him, he has his nose in a book.

Parts of the body

1. Armed to the teeth = heavily armed with deadly weapons.

2. Catch your eye = cause you to look, get a load attention.

When I was in Paris, a cabriolet caught my eye.

3. Can’t believe my ears = cannot believe what I here.

I can’t believe my ears! He entered the university.

Animal kingdom

In English literature there are idioms where animals are mentioned.

1. To cry wolf = to keep asking for help that you do not really need, with the result

that when you do need help, people not believe you.

2. A chicken and egg = situation describes a situation or problem in which it is

impossible to decide which of two things was the cause of the other


1. White as a sheet = one person is ill or he is shocked.

She felt very sick on the boat: her face was as white a sheet.

2. Green with envy = a person is jealous.

3. Red as a beetroot = expresses embarrassment.

His face goes red as a beetroot.


Idioms with time are very common in English.

1. Run out of time – means that a person doesn’t have enough time.

He didn’t finish the exam because he runs out of time.

2. Have a good time - means the same as enjoy you.

3. To waste time – it’s not worth doing.


1. A blind date = to arrange a date for two people who do not know each other.

2. Love conquers all = love is strong to overcome all problems.

3. Love life = the romantic part of your life, your intimate life.

Multiple-choice questionnaire:

1. How many idioms do you know?

don't know

• I don’t know any idioms.

know less
than 10
• I know less than 10 idioms. know 10 - 15

know m ore
• I know 10 – 15 idioms. than 10 (0)
know m ore
than 15 (0)
• I know more than 10 idioms.

• I know more than 15 idioms.

2. How often do you use idioms? often use

• I don’t use idioms. seldom use

• I seldom use idioms. don't use

• I often use idioms.


3. Do you think that idioms adorn English? No

9 Don't know
• Yes, I do.

• No, I don’t.

• I don’t know.

The comparison of English, Russian and

Chuvash idioms
1. 1. Анализ идиоматических выражений русского языка

1. Климатические условия

В русском языке, как и в английском, присутствует множество идиоматических

выражений на тему погоды. В отличие от английских пословиц о дожде, в русском

языке большинство пословиц о дожде носят назидательный характер:

«В дождь коси, а в вёдро греби»

2. Религия

Испокон веков русский народ был очень религиозным. Вера в Бога играла в жизни

людей всех слоев общества очень важную роль:

«Кто рано встает, тому Бог подает»

«Береженного Бог бережет»

 3. Русский язык богат произведениями устного народного творчества – фольклора..

«Хлопот полон рот, а перекусить нечего»

«Береги платье снову, а честь смолоду».

^ 2.2. Анализ идиоматических выражений английского языка

1. Климатические условия.

Без сомнения, климат оказывает большое влияние на менталитет народа и находит

отражение в разговорной речи:

«It never rains but it pours» (дословно «Беда обрушивается не дождем, а ливнем») –

«Беда не приходит одна» 

2. Меркантильность.

Лондон – столица Великобритании, является мировым финансовым центром.

Возможно, этим обуславливается наличие в английском языке множества идиом со

словом «money» («деньги») и на тему финансов:

«Penny and penny laid up will be many» - «Копейка рубль бережет»

«No bees, no honey no work no money» - «Нет меда без пчел, нет денег без работы»

3. Названия частей тела 

«To have a good head on one s shoulders» - «Иметь свою голову на плечах»

«To wash one s head» - «Намылить голову/шею

2.3. Анализ идиоматических выражений чувашского языка

1. Во фразеологии запечатлена национальная самобытность:

«Намаса кур» - «Позориться»

«Ята ỹкер» - уронить себя в глазах кого-либо

2. Чувашский народ издревле славился трудолюбием и выносливостью: 

«наяна пер» - «бездельничать»

3. Чувашский народ известен своей душевностью, восприимчивостью, поэтому

много идиоматических выражений связаны со словами чẽре/сердце, кăмăл/душа

«Чẽре сикет» - «Бьтся сердце»

«Камал патранать» - «Душа болит»

4. Немало фразеологических оборотов в чувашском языке, связанных с телом и

органами человека:

«Чẽлхе çыхланать» - «Язык заплетается»

«Чẽлхе çат» - «Проглотить язык»

5. Издревле чувашский народ считался глубоко верующим:

«Тура пана, тура илнẽ» - «Бог дал, бог взял»

«Турра шан та, хав ан сывар» - «На бога надейся, а сам не плошай»


Результаты анализа оказались довольно интересными, хотя в некоторой степени


1. Идиоматические выражения русского языка

Тематическая группа «работа» является неоспоримым лидером среди русских

пословиц. Это говорит о работоспособности и трудолюбии народа. Довольно

большая часть русских идиом - на религиозную тему. Интересен тот факт, что в

русском языке совсем не много идиом на тему денег.

2. Идиоматические выражения английского языка

Самой объемной тематической группой идиоматических выражений английского

языка тема «Wealth» («богатство») и «Work» («работа»). В целом, английский народ

можно охарактеризовать, как в меру спокойный, но в то же время озабоченный

финансовыми вопросами. Некоторые английские пословицы звучат довольно

пессимистически. Также нужно отметить, что в английском языке немного идиом со

словом «дружба», что говорит о том, что отношения англичан больше деловые. 

3. Идиоматические выражения чувашского языка

Самыми объемными тематическими группами оказались фразеологизмы со словами

«Камăл/душа», «Намас/стыд, позор», «Самах, чẽлхе/слово, язык». Это характеризует

чувашей как душевный, отзывчивый народ, очень заботящемся о своем честном


Идиомы всех трех языков с компонентами «часть тела» обладают повышенным

сходством. Этим они очень схожи.

Также в английском, русском и чувашском языках встречается множество

аналогичных идиом:

Английский вариант Русский вариант Чувашский вариант

A friend in need is a friend Друзья познаются в беде Юлташ лайăхи инкекре

indeed курăнать

Agree like cats and dogs Жить как кошка с собакой Кушакпа йыта пек

As you make your bed so Что посеешь, то и пожнешь Мĕн акан çавна выран
you must lie on it

Better late then never Лучше поздно, чем никогда Кая юлсан каю шăтать

A storm in a teacup Буря в стакане воды Стакан шыври çим - тăвăл

Hunger drives the wolf out Волка ноги кормят Кашкăра урисем
of the wood тăрантарать

There is a black sheep in Паршивая овца все стадо Пĕр сурăх пĕтĕм кĕтĕве
every flock портит пăсать

A friend in need is a friend Друзья познаются в беде Юлташ лайăхи инкекре

indeed курăнать

It never rains but it pours Беда не приходит одна Хуйхă пĕччен çŷремест

Rain at seven, fine at eleven Семь пятниц на неделе Шухăшĕ çурхи шыв пек

Lord helps those who help На бога надейся, а сам не Турра шан та, хăв та ан
themselves плошай çывăр

Man proposes, but God Человек предполагает, Бог Çын шутлать, Тури
disposes располагает хăйĕннех тăвать

Penny and penny laid up Копейка рубль бережет Пĕр пус пĕр тенкĕне
will be many переклет

It is better to be born lucky Не родись красивой, а Хитрее хĕрĕн кун-çулĕ

than rich родись счастливой яланах телейсĕр тене

Early to bed and early to Кто рано встает, тому Бог Ир таракан кайăкăн сăмен
rise makes a man healthy, подает шурă
wealthy and wise

Talk of the devil and he is Легок на помине Çылăхсар çын

sure to appear

Don t look a gift hors in the Дареному коню в зубы не Парне япалине виçсе
mouth смотрят илмеççĕ

Analyzing the idioms I made some conclusions. English is a language particularly

rich in idioms. Without idioms English would lose much of its variety and humor both in

speech and writing. Studing idioms largely helps to understand the culture and life of the

people. Similarly, an element of language is that many important events are recorded in the

phraseology: everyday life, sports and cultural events. On the example considered idioms

can imagine how diverse and expressive idioms Russian, English and Chuvash languages,

are similar and different from each other.

Moreover I have analyzed my school textbooks, reader and made my comments on

them I think that idioms make our speech more expressive, vivid, and imaginative. Having

a rich vocabulary of idioms, you can not only understand shades of meaning, stylistics,

emotion, but you also will enrich your speech, make it more natural, that, of course, will

make your intercourse easier with foreign students and friends.

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