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Proposed Name: WASP 34 (Parent Star) = “HADANG”

WASP 34B (Exoplanet) = “TAMBALAN”


The WASP 34 is part of the Constellation Crater which means “cup”. In Greek
Mythology, Crater represents the cup of Apollo. With that, I was able to come up with an idea
to name WASP 34 and WASP 34B in relation to our place, the Calbayog City because the land
area of Calbayog City also resembles a cup when seen on the map.

First of all, I would like to introduce to you our place, the Calbayog City. It is located in
the island of Samar, the third largest island in the Philippines. It is the sixth largest city in terms
of land and water areas in the Philippines and the first crowned city in Eastern Visayas.
Calbayog City is also known as the City of Waterfalls because of the numerous natural
waterfalls that can be found within the area. It is also one of the gateways that connect the
island of Luzon to the island of Mindanao. People in Calbayog City are known as Warays or
Calbayognons and speak Waray-waray dialect.

As part of our cultural heritage, we celebrate the Sarakiki-Hadang Festival every year
from September 1 to 8. It is the biggest festival in Calbayog City wherein Calbayognons can take
pride in showing off to the world. “Sarakiki” is a local term apparently referring to premeditated
or frenzied movements which means to allure, to draw with, to attract or exercise attraction, to
entice or to win. It is a ritual dance offering of the Warays to their deity or deities which traces
its roots to pre-colonial religious belief. The movements used are adapted in the famous dance
“Kuratsa”, a courtship dance eminent to all Calbayognons. The dancer, who is known as the
“Tambalan” a local name for a quack doctor, executes the sarakiki dance in kuratsa
movements. He dances around the hadang to please the spirits in command over the power
of nature to do well in society, just like a planet receiving energy in a form of light as it
revolves around its parent star. While “Hadang” is also a local term for the foods, things or
animals as offering or sacrifice in order to gratify the gods for the goodness given to the
society. Just like a parent star giving energy in the form of light in order for its planet to have

With that, I would like to propose that WASP 34, the parent star would be named
“HADANG” and WASP 34B, the exoplanet to be named “TAMBALAN” in honor to our Sarakiki
Festival who won the 3rd Prize during the 1st Grand National Street Dance Competition at the
Aliwan Fiesta last May 1-3, 2003. And I also believe that “Hadang” and “Tambalan” is the most
logical name with relevance to our Filipino culture that can be related to the WASP 34 and
WASP 34B respectively.

A picture of Calbayog City land area showing its shape that is almost identical to a cup (two-handed cup).

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