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To best write a problem statement, describe the ideal situation and explain what problem is

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Rapid urbanization in China: A real challenge to soil

protection and food security
Author links open overlay panelJieChen
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To feed its 1.3 billion population with a per capita cultivated land far below the
world average, China is already facing a great challenge of land scarcity.
Accelerated urbanization along with explosive economic growth has further
worsened the shortage of agricultural land over the last two decades.
Increasing concern over land is expressed in terms of soil availability for grain
production and soil quality degradation. Based on official statistics and data
derived from satellite imagery, dynamics of China's cultivated land over the
past two decades is outlined and the causes and destinations of cultivated
land loss are analyzed in this paper. Particularly, urbanization-related land-
use changes and their spatial variation across the country are demonstrated.
Furthermore, impacts of urbanization and associated waste disposals,
consequent shifts of soil utilization on areal soil quality are expatiated. It is
initially concluded that China's cultivated land is shrinking at a rather shocking
rate. Although conversion to urban and industrial uses took up a
comparatively small share of total cultivated land loss, urbanization should still
be considered as a great threat to future agricultural production for several
reasons. Urbanization is increasing the risk of soil pollution through waste
disposal and acid deposition derived from urban air pollution. Facing rapid
urbanization, China is making positive policy responses to the challenge of
decreasing availability of cultivated land and offering unremitting efforts
In this research on Urbanization – A problem to Food Production and Agricultural
development in Enugu State, effort were made to address issues that are related to the
problems, cause, effects, challenges, practice and solutions to the future management as
it Concerns man and his environment and his economic system, health security as well
as food through agriculture and its related sectors.
However, urbanization has been the problem of the world today especially in
Enugu State it has taken its stand through the regional development which was enhanced
by Evolution of Industrial Technologies, coupled with migration population movement of
the people, which contributed grossly to the problem facing food and Agriculture in the
These has been found as the major causes of food scarcity, disease, hunger and other
related environmental hazards across the state.
Furthermore, there is need for an legend attention to be given as to arrest its havoc and
by may doing. Create a good system of equitable redistribution of technological method
to agricultural sector, and provide funding to all the sectors. And to check mate the raising
harzard which Urbanization Constitutes in our environment today.
1.1 Background of Study
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Objective of Study
1.4 Scope of Study
1.5 Significant of Study
1.6 Research Question
2.1 Literature Review
2.2 Agriculture Products Distribution Markets
2.3 The Signs of Agriculture Backwardness
2.4 Price of Food Crisis in our markets
2.5 Urbanization And Food Supply Easis

3.0 Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area of Study
3.3 Population of Study
3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique
3.5 Instrument for data Collection
3.6 Valuation of Research Instrument
3.7 Sources of data Collection
3.8 Method of Data Collection
3.9 Method of data analysis
4.0 Results, Analysis and presentation of data
4.1 Table of facilitators
4.2 Table (A) Questionnaire number Distributed
4.3 Table A/ Participants
4.4 Table (B) Questionnaires distributed and returned from participants.
4.5 Table (C) Analysis of age brackets of participant group.
4.6 Table (D) Qualification of Interest Groups
4.7 Table (E) Responses of respondents Opion on Causes and spread of
4.8 Table (F) Causes effect to Food production and Agricultural
4.9 Table (G) Testing the level of awareness.
4.10 Table (H) Testing level of Participation.
4.11 Testing of Hypothesis.
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Discussion of findings
5.2 Causes effects of urbanization
5.3 Effects Urbanization to food Production man and his environment
5.4 The Failure of Agricultural sectors
5.5 Recommendation and Conclusion.
In this study, we are focusing on two major issues, which are closely related to one aspect
of development that has posed a great threat to the other and can easily engulf it. If
adequate attention is not given to arrest and manage each problem as it concerns the
In this topic, the problem here rests on urbanization-a PROBLEM TO FOOD
In definition, the word Urbanization are derived from the former word urban, which were
mainly known as a place where different people with different interest from other parts of
the services in Country or state exchange goods and services in Common, with higher
concentration of people dwelling in such place for their enormous activities. The latter
Urbanization is based on the larger development of certain environment in our society,
for example, State, Local Towns and Villages by higher Concentration of people and
infrastructures, such as high network roads, school, markets Churches, hospitals offices,
Industries, railways and airports factories communication outfits, as well as dwelling
places, which were enhanced by evolution of industrial technologies.
While the other food production and Agricultural Development were based on natural
Surrounding Our environment, for example, rich fertile Soil, Plants crops, animals of all
kind and other minerals that system the people in their given environment.
However it has been a problem based on inability to produce enough food materials and
to the sustainability of its growth and development in our Society as enough consideration
has not been given to our natural and physical resources another agricultural sector.
Today, due to high rate of Urbanization in Enugu State and its environs, most natural and
physical elements that promote good health and agricultural – occupational development
of the economic wellbeing of the people are easily neglected to Urbanization and its socio-
politics-economic pursuits.
In recent past as the activities of trade merchants increased in certain towns, such places
were placed to be the seat of authority, so as to maintain law and order and to regulate
rules, which will guide the people, especially for collection of taxes in such areas.
Basically, the advent of technology which come to stay completed more people to focus
on new ideas of sustaining a living, and people also began to develop by increasing
mental knowledge, thereby Greating more easy going jobs.
In any way, this did not go down well especially in Enugu State, because of lack of equal
redistribution of technological ideas to different sectors, of the people.
Even through among the institutions of higher learning, in the state, eg. Institute of
management and technology (I.M.T) Enugu, University of Science and Technology
(ESUT) Enugu, University of Nigeria Nuskka etc.
In these mentioned institutions there are faculties of Agricultural Science and
Engineering, where brilliant students of this state are produced every year for agricultural
practices, these brilliant students have been neglected and due to lack of motivation and
support, some have gone beyond teaching and joined the train of get-rich-quick
syndrome, as a result of failure to redistribute equally the dividends of technology to
agriculture for growth and production development.
In fact, more reasons than earlier said brought in this problem on food production and
agricultural backwardness in the state, to mention but a few, lack of
manpower resources, poor plaint and none recognition of the importance of agriculture
by the authority in power.
Even the existing places for food and agricultural produce were exposed to environment
disasters and insecurity to timber merchants, through bush burring and deforestation and
uncontrolled erosion took another stage .Rating does into so man heaters of farm lands.
Although in Recent past ,there had been a programmes unrich in every state of the
awareness on agriculture of all sector.
For instance, the operation Feed Nation were introduced and luched on every state of
the Federation on September 1979, by the then Head of States Gen. Olusegen
The queen revolution also were introduced followed by Operation feed
yourselves. However the activities of this said programes did not in any way created any
impact on food production and Agricultural development in the state because it either
ended up on radio broadcast, news papers head lines reports and television
broadcast news, why because it did not touch ground.
Infact, it lacked mobilization, motivation, and direction of any aspect. There were no
infrastructure mapped out in place to mutate these ideas being carried out to reach
the people in their different local localities.
Most of the existing farms were only regional farms under Enugu State Agricultural
development projects. Created then by Federal government during the last boad on
agriculture sector of economy in early 70’s.
These farms were located at Uzouwani Adani (Farm settlement site) Amagunze in Nkanu
and Nenwe farm site, respectively.
These farms were located to take care of food production in the eastern part of the country
were not adequately equipped to meet the rising demand and supply of food and some
agricultural produce.
Migration and political instability has turned these farms into individual efforts on
production and subsistensive farming took the role moreover, owing to urbanization and
civilization migration of young ones to major cities brought a change into the number one
economic foundation of the state and the nation as well. Going through the state of 14
local government Areas with a teaming population of 2, 124, 974 as at 1991, with a
projection number of 2,381, 113 persons as at 2004 population census, a total number in
different occupation shows a collective number of 70,567,097 in 5 identified occupations,
(U) professional technical and related workers, Administrative and managerial
workers. Clerical and related worker, sales workers transport equipment’s operators and
labourers, as well as agricultural, animal husbandry, forestry workers, fishermen, and
hunters and other Occupations that cannot be adequately defined Investigation through
research shows a very low rate of peoples participation in Agriculture and its related
An admiring law rate of about 8, 821,87 number of participants given to Enugu state
Agricultural and other related workers. This state of down wardness is a problem and
challenges today given to the rising rate of food scarcity, which brought in hunger,
disease, hunger malnutrition, death among the learning population of the citizens of
Enugu State organ and their quest dwellers.
The State food Supply have decreased to a point where for and other Agricultural produce
commodities are being supplied by other states like, Ebonyi state and parts of Northern,
states local markets, in different towns and Communities little r nothing to deliver to the
state urban markets due to the diminishing factors of production like, initial capital support
of man power, equipment’s, as they still practice traditional method of farming, all this
accounts, to urbanization, which geared every young and old, their educated and the
uneducated either migrate to the bigger cities in pursuit of these activities that was brought
in by urbanization and its socio-politico-economic drive, which today has dominated the
entire race.
Today a lot of families can hardly afford three square means, owing to high cost of food.
Even with minimum wages paid to civil servant both in the state and federal has no value
in our markets due to high cost of food commodities, why, because those who doesn’t
participant at all in Agriculture are greater in number, and even the remaining Agricultural
workers are mainly the very aging one lets in some rural areas.
In most cases, the younger age of about 5-9 years in some rural areas were exposed to
child labour and exploitation by their poor parents of mostly widows while the ages bracket
of 15-39 and 40 to 50 are either engaging in other artisan jobs are trading, so as to meet
up with the demanding rate of hand living.
Those that keeps the courage to participate fully as farmers are only to be dies courage
owing to high cost of labour and poor output, because of their crude method and lack of
manpower, thereby giving a low output of agricultural and food production, for the
circulation of the populace in Enugu State.
This have become a dilemma of a people of rich agricultural heritage owing to
urbanization and its trends of development in Enugu.
Enugu State has come a long way in area of urbanization. She has witnessed
urbanization ever before and after the Nigeria a independence in 1960.
Enugu State was the seat and the capital of then eastern Nigeria-province, from where
other five states created, viz Imo and early Anambra State in 1976 by the then head of
states Gen. Murtala Mohamed. Followed with the creation of Akwa-Ibo State in the year
1981, and yet another State Anambra State.
The emergence of Enugu as a capital state resulted from another creation of Ebonyi state
in 1996 by Gen. SANI ABACHA.
Research indicated that from the on set Enugu being the capital of the Eastern region has
been highly urbanized, due to regional development allocations which spread in different
areas of Enugu and its local government areas. E.g. railway Station higher Institution of
learning e.g, University of Nigeria-Nsukka, Campus, Enugu campus, National Television
Authority, (N.T.A) Nigeria Air Ways Authority (NAW) Nigeria Tele Communication Ltd
(NITEL) FRCN Federal Cooperation of Nigeria, Coal mining Enugu and other
environmental developments, which has affiliates in almost every Geo-political Zones of
the State.
The forces of developments brought in the spread of urbanization to Enugu State and its
environs with wide spread of salute towns that harbour the teaming population of people
dwelling in the different localities as well those who migrate to into the state from different
states, towns across the eastern part of the country.
Notably, Enugu state in recent past, have been the happening place across the Niger
where everyone comes around for a greener pasture. I has been a place to pick up a
golden egg. Little did those who were coming in from other states contribute Agricultural,
as they were all participating in other related occupation, enhanced by industrial
been notable and its complex induced incentives, which threw a great challenge to
agriculture and food production, and because adequate attention and recognition were
not given to this aspect of development in time, urbanization which was influenced by
complex innovation in technology caused a serious loss of focus to agricultural sector in
Enugu state.
And as such the people of the state from different localities began to abandon even their
little farmlands and joined the chase on socio-politico and techno induced economic
activities around their own given environment.
1. To ascertain agricultural and food production growth and
development strategies in Enugu State.
2. To evaluate the implementation of equal technological distribution
plan towards the developing of agricultural sector
3. To enhance equal and good environment planning on every aspect
of development in Enugu State
4. To create awareness of food scarcity and strategies for ensuring
food security of the State.
5. To encourage the people of the state and the Government top invest
more on Agriculture.
The scope of this study covers two inevitable aspects of developments, that
controls every environment today, both of physical and natural, which is
urbanization and agricultural production, their problems, practices, challenges,
cause effect, and management in Enugu state.
1. Enugu State will benefit from the research findings as it will help the
state, through its environmental planning and Agricultural developments
2. The government of the state will by more conscious of the problem
and need of the people and equal development
3. It well warm the people of the danger posed today and in future if they
abandon Agriculture and chase after other occupations.
4. The information on urbanization trends towards our natural living and
integrity of our people will be arrested.
5. The ideas communicated will be useful for students and lectures and
other researchers as well as the general public.
The following research questions are formulated to determine the direction for this study.
1. What are level of peoples participation on this two developments, as
regards to changes in occupation of the people.
2. What determines the real effects which urbanization could have
caused food production and Agricultural development.
The word urbanization, is the total change.

towards the goal of national food security.

Most research work under this area does not look in to the causes of urbanization. This particular study
however seeks to find out the significant causes of urbanization. I seek to design a model to capture most
of the significant factors of urbanization to help regulate the level of urbanization in the country.

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