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1. Distinguish the difference between psychological testing and psychological assessment.

Psychological Testing is an objective and standardized measure of a sample of behavior. While

Psychological Assessment is an extremely complex process of solving problems (answering questions) in
which psychological tests are often used as one of the methods of collecting relevant data. A test is a
“product” that measures a particular behavior or set of objectives. Meanwhile assessment is seen as a
procedure instead of a product. Assessment is used during and after the instruction has taken place.
After you’ve received the results of your assessment, you can interpret the results and in case needed
alter the instruction. Tests are done after the instruction has taken place, it’s a way to complete the
instruction and get the results. The results of the tests don’t have to be interpreted, unlike assessment.

2. Describe the important key points of psych assessment and psych testing in Europe and US. Timeline -
dates and events

3.Explain the legal and ethical considerations in psych assessment

Ethics refer to what one should or should not do,according to principles and norms of conduct;
Mandatory ethics and Aspirational ethics.

1. Tests do not measure creativity and individuality Tests are only used to label people Tests
invade personal privacy Tests give inconsistent results Tests are often grossly
misinterpreted Tests are unfair or biased
2, Testing and assessment are counselor activities that typically stretch the boundaries of
traditionally held beliefs on client rights. Due to the “weight” that test results often hold,
thepractice of testing is closely regulated both ethicallya nd legally.

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