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7 maravillas del mundo moderno

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is a legendary Mayan city, founded approximately in the year 525 BC, and located in
southern Mexico east of the state of Yucatan, in the municipality of Tinum , on the road to Cancun
at a distance of 120 km from Merida.

The statue of Christ the Redeemer

The statue of the Christ the Redeemer, or also known as Cristo de Corcovado (named for being
located above the Corcovado Hill ), is a large statue of Christ of Nazareth, standing with open arms
and looking towards the city and the port of Rio from Janeiro, Brazil.
Macchu Picchu

Machu Picchu is the name given to an ancient Inca town, built in the mid-fifteenth century. It is
located on a united rocky elevation between the Huayna Picchu and Machu
Picchu mountains , east of the central mountain range, about 130 kilometers from Cuzco, which is
the closest major city

The Colosseum in Rome

The Colosseum, built in the first century AD in the center of Rome, is an amphitheater from the
time of the Roman Empire.

Although it was originally called the Flavian Amphitheater, honoring the emperors of
the Flavia dynasty , who built the amphitheater and later it was renamed " Colosseum " by a
statue of the Colossus of Nero, which was located next to the amphitheater.
The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal , built from 1631 to 1654, is a set of buildings located in Agra, a city of Uttar Pradesh
in India. Built by Shah Jahan , emperor of the Mughal dynasty .

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is a fortification built in the 4th century BC. of c., and rebuilt in the 16th
century. It was made to protect the Chinese Empire from the attacks of
the Xiongnu nomads of Manchuria and Mongolia.
Petra City

Petra, built in the 7th century BC is a city of stone literally, since the city was excavated and carved
in stone. It was founded by the Edomites and the city is located in the Aravá Valley , which extends
from the Dead Sea, to the Gulf of Aqaba in Jordan.
7 wonders of the ancient world

1. The Great Pyramid of Giza

Approximate date of construction 2570 a. C .. It is the tomb of Pharaoh Keops and is located
in Giza , Egypt . It is the only one that still survives. There is no doubt that the Egyptian pyramids
are one of the most impressive architectural works known. It took 200 years to raise them and the
work of 100,000 men (at first it was thought that they were soldiers, but over time it has been
shown that they were salaried workers.

2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Built in the sixth century a. C. approximately , the hanging gardens of Babylon were in the city
of Babylon, now Iraq and were erected by order of the powerful King Nebuchadnezzar II . They
were next to the royal palace and on the banks of the river, from where they could be appreciated
by the inhabitants and travelers arriving in the capital of the Empire.
3. The Temple of Artemis

It was located in the city of Ephesus (now Turkey ). Originally dates from 550 a. C. The temple was
destroyed, but by order of Alexander the Great it was rebuilt at the end of the fourth century BC
It was a large complex, where its different rooms and monuments were designated with
successive letters of the alphabet. It was included by Antipater of Sidon in the list of wonders of
the ancient world. The temple was rebuilt once, but what remains of it is what remained after a
fire caused by a man named Erostato left it in ruins.

4. The Statue of Zeus

Created in the year 430 a. C. by the famous sculptor Fidias, was in the temple of Zeus in Olympia,
Greece . His impressive work was destroyed some 800 years later, already in the Roman Empire ,
when "pagan" cults were banned and all his images were removed . Zeus was the god of gods, and
as such he was represented in that sculpture. It was about 12 meters high and occupied the entire
central hall of the temple. According to the stories of the time, the statue showed Zeus with a
naked torso and a band around him. His gaze was fixed on something that was beneath him, surely
the prayers of someone, paa give the statue an aspect to the powerful but paternal time.
5. The Tomb of King Mausolo

It is an impressive funerary temple erected in the ancient Greek city

of Halicarnassus (now Turkey ), in honor of King Mausolo . It is known as the tomb of
King Mausolo as well as the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus . The construction dates from the year
353 a. C., and legacy legacy transcended not only for being one of the seven wonders of the world,
it became the perfect example of funerary architecture: it takes its name from the current term
"mausoleum" which is given to certain graves. It was a mausoleum of a large size. According to the
stories of the time it had 4 floors and about 45 meters high. On each of its four floors there were
sculptures of the four best sculptors of the time, Leocares , Briaxis , Escopas de Paros and

6. The Colossus of Rhodes

It was built at the beginning of the 3rd century BC , between 294 BC and 282 BC , at the entrance
of the port of the Island of Rhodes . It was the Wonder of the Ancient World that less endured,
with only 66 years . According to the witnesses of those times, the statue was about 32 meters
high and 15 meters of its marble base were added (dimensions similar to those of the Statue of
Liberty , 45 m high).
7. The Lighthouse of Alexandria

Its construction dates from between 285 a. C. and 247 a. C. by Socrates de Cnido for Ptolemy II. It
was located on the island of Pharos , near the city of Alexandria (now Egypt ), from which the word
Lighthouse originates, for these coastal signs. About fifteen hundred years ago it was a watchman
on the edge of the Mediterranean, until it was destroyed by an earthquake, in the fourteenth
century BC

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