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DAUGHTER 2 - Mother!
Hija 1. Juliana QUEEN - Hush.
Hija 2. Luciana
Hija 3. Ana María. DAUGHTER 3 - Mother!
Reina. Luciana Álvarez
QUEEN -Shut up! Now I need to know which of
you three is the most lazy.
(Se ilumina la escena y vemos al viejo Reina
tumbada en la cama) DAUGHTER 1 - What is a lazy person?

QUEEN - Oh, how bad I am! DAUGHTER 2 - A vague

(Entran las tres hijas. Deambulan por la habitación DAUGHTER 3.- The one who does not do
sin ver a la Reina). nothing.

DAUGHTER 1.- Mother has sent for us. DAUGHTER 1 - Why do we have to do
DAUGHTER 2.- But it is not there.
QUEEN - Shut up! The most lazy of you, will
DAUGHTER 3.- Then, she has not come or precede to me and will be the queen.
DAUGHTER 1- Mother, then the kingdom is
QUEEN.- I’m in bed. mine. I'm so lazy that if I go to sleep in the yard
and it starts to rain, I do not get up even if it
DAUGHTER 1 -Who has said that?
soaks me to the bone.
(Aún no la ven).
DAUGHTER 2 - That is dumb. The kingdom
DAUGHTER 3.- Someone from a bed. belongs to me, because I am so lazy that when I
am sitting on the fire to warm myself, I prefer to
QUEEN.- Me, your mother and the queen.
burn my feet before removing my legs.
(Al fin los hijos ven al Rey en la cama).
DAUGHTER 3.-That's not being lazy, it's being
DAUGHTER 2 - Mother! stupid. The kingdom is mine.

DAUGHTER 3.- I told you: someone spoke to us DAUGHTER 2- Why?

from a bed.
DAUGHTER 3 - Because I'm so lazy that if
DAUGHTER 1 - What's wrong with you, Mother? someone were to hang me and someone else
gave me a knife to cut the rope, I would let
QUEEN.- I'm sick. myself hang up, before raise my hand to the
DAUGHTER 2.- Impossible! you have always rope.
been good QUEEN - You have reached the maximum
QUEEN.- I'm going to die. degree. You will be Queen.

DAUGHTER 1 - You can not mother, you're the DAUGHTER 1 - But Mother.
queen. DAUGHTER 2- But Mother.
DAUGHTER 2. -How are you going to die if QUEEN -Hush! The decision is made. Go away, I
you're alive? want to sleep.
DAUGHTER 3.- We will protect you, Tell us who DAUGHTER 3 - Your wish is my command.
wants to kill you?
DAUGHTER 2 - you are a silly!
QUEEN - I'm going to die and I know that you
three are equally lazy. DAUGHTER 3 - And you an envious one.
QUEEN -Go away! And turn off the light when
(Salen las tres hijas).
QUEEN -Why did not I have a son?
(Se oscurece la escena).

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