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1. What kind of creature is "Iago" in the 1992 Disney film "Aladdin"?

a. Tiger
b. Parrot
c. Lion
d. Raccoon

2. What is a folded-page corner called?

a. Dog-Ear
b. Fox-Tail
c. Monkey-Tooth
d. Goat-Bearded

3. Who led the attempted coup d’etat against the Aquino administration in 1987?
a. Juan Ponce Enrile
b. The Marcoses
c. Gringo Honasan
d. Orlando Mercado

4. In which two Japanese cities were the atomic bombs dropped during the final stage of World War II?
Answer: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

5. In the series, Game of Thrones, what is the battle between Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton known as?
a. Battle of Winterfell
b. Battle of the Bastards
c. Battle of the Free Folk
d. Battle at the Blackwater

Average Round

1. Who is the second oldest of the Pevensie children in C. S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe?

Answer: Susan (Peter is the oldest, Edmund is third and Lucy is youngest. The lion is Aslan. The first edition was
published in 1950.)

2. What can a tiger, a lion and a domestic cat do, that a cheetah cannot?
a. Shed tears
b. Retract their claws
c. Run backwards
d. Replace lost teeth

3. Ed Sheeran cameos in the Season 7 of Game of Thrones- as a soldier of whose house?

Answer: Lannister

4. What is the period in Filipino history prior to World War II?

a. Vaudeville
b. Puppet Government
c. Commonwealth
d. Autonomy
5. What object is a pashmina?
Answer: Shawl/A type of Shawl


1. Who invented the detective “Sherlock Holmes”?

a. Arthur Conan Doyle

b. Edgar Wallace
c. Donna Leon
d. Agatha Christie

2. When did Ferdinand E. Marcos sign Proclamation No. 1081, placing the Philippines under Martial Law?
Answer: September 21, 1972

3. Mistletoe is known as the “kissing plant”, but what else was it used for?
a. It was eaten as a snack
b. Starting fires & driving away mosquitoes
c. Curing infertility
d. It was used as an animal medicine

4. In which Shakespearean play does Oberon appear?

Answer: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

5. He is best known for playing the lead role in the movie Kita Kita (2017), which became the highest-grossing Philippine
independent film. What is the full name of this Filipino actor and comedian?
Answer: Julius Erman "Empoy" Ramos Marquez


1. Which character utters the Valyrian word “Dracarys”?

Answer: Daenerys Targaryen
2. Which religion, or deity do these words belong to: “For the night is dark and full of terrors”?
a. The Lord of Light
b. The Faith of the Seven
c. The Many-faced Gods
d. The Old Gods
3. The 2017 movie "It" is based on a 1986 novel by whom?
a. Clive Barker
b. Stephen King
c. Ray Bradbury
d. Dean Koontz
4. Which of these animals really exists?
a. Stone euro
b. Water pound
c. Sand dollar
d. Fire peso
5. Which of the following was the most advanced being in prehistory?

a. Australopithecus
b. Neanderthal
c. Java Man
d. Cro-magnon

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