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Name: __________________________________Number: __________ Section: ____


Se comunica en inglés Obtiene información Recupera información explícita de textos orales relacionados a una
como lengua extranjera de textos orales. verdadera amistad (APARIENCIA, COMPORTAMIENTO, ACTITUDES,
ETC.), seleccionando datos específicos del texto que escucha con
vocabulario variado y pertinente apoyándose en el contexto que

A. Answer the questions using the information from the audio “COSPLAY”.

1. What does Midori always do in Japan?


2. How does she dress up when she becomes another person?


3. What´s she likes?


4. Why does she like Cosplay community?


5. How does she feel being a Cosplay character?


B. Change the underline words using the information from the audio.

1. Students have to be present at school every day.

2. Clowns wear artificial hair at shows.
3. The majority of girls use cosmetics when they go to parties.
4. In Halloween many people wear costumes.
5. Midori has a lot of closely regarded people.

Name: __________________________________Number: __________ Section: ____


Lee diversos tipos en Obtiene información  Identifica información explicita, relevante y complementaria
inglés como lengua del texto escrito. relacionada a las actitudes y comportamiento que debe mostrar un
extranjera verdadero amigo en textos complejos, en distintas partes del texto
que contienen varios elementos complejos en su estructura y
vocabulario variado, en diversos tipos de textos escritos en inglés

A. Answer the questions using the information in the text COSPLAY.

1. What does Cosplay mean?


2. How does a cosplayer act?


3. How do cosplayers get their costumes?


4. Where do they exchange their own meishi?


5. What do you think about Cosplayers?


B. Change the underline words using the information from the text.

1. Most girls in Japan like wearing in costumes as their favorite character.

2. It’s interesting to discover the beginning of our culture.
3. We can find many fiction people at movies.
4. Japanese people enjoy wearing dress-up clothes.
5. The cosplayers make trades at meeting s and events.

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