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Intensive Care Med


Cardiac tamponade
Armand Mekontso Dessap1,2* and Michelle S. Chew3

© 2018 Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature and ESICM

Introduction pressure approximating pleural pressure. CT develops

Cardiac tamponade (CT) is characterized by hemody- when intrapericardial pressure exceeds intracardiac
namic instability due to heart compression by accu- pressures. This is not necessarily related to the volume
mulation of fluid, blood, clots, or gas in the pericardial of pericardial fluid, as the development of tamponade is
space [1]. In this article, we focus on understanding more dependent on the rate of accumulation. Thus, large
pathophysiology, clinical and echocardiographic find- effusions may be tolerated if the intrapericardial pres-
ings of non-loculated pericardial fluid accumulation, sure does not exceed right heart filling pressures. The
in order to answer the following question: In a patient steep rise at the end of the pericardial volume–pressure
with pericardial effusion, how do I recognize and man- relationship illustrates how small increases in pericar-
age tamponade? Loculated intrapericardial effusions or dial volume may produce sudden, critical hemodynamic
extrapericardial tamponade (by mediastinal or pleural compromise, and why the first decrement during drain-
processes) that may cause local compression on any heart age produces the largest relative decompression (Fig. 1).
chamber will not be extensively discussed here. At  postmortem, CT is most often related to hemoperi-
cardium, attributable to either ruptured acute myocardial
Epidemiology infarction or dissecting aortic aneurysm [4].
The pericardium may be affected by all categories of dis- In a study investigating patients with pericardial effu-
eases, including infectious, autoimmune, neoplastic, iat- sions greater than 150  mL, Reddy et  al. described three
rogenic, traumatic, and metabolic [1]. The true incidence phases of hemodynamic changes in tamponade [5]. In
of CT is difficult to estimate but pericardial diseases phase I, the accumulation of pericardial fluid “stiffens”
likely to progress to CT include some infectious diseases the ventricles and impairs their relaxation. Ventricular
(e.g., human immunodeficiency virus infection or tuber- filling pressures are increased but remain higher than the
culosis), malignancies, renal failure, trauma/iatrogenic, intrapericardial pressure. In phase II, further fluid accu-
and hemopericardium in aortic dissection and rupture mulation increases intrapericardial pressure above right
of the heart after acute myocardial infarction [2]. Other ventricular filling pressure. Systemic venous pressure is
important associated conditions are bacterial infections, unable to fill the right heart, resulting in a decrease in
autoimmune disorders, radiation-induced, and pneumo- cardiac output. In phase III, a further decrease in cardiac
pericardium [1]. Large (> 20 mm) idiopathic chronic peri- output leading to circulatory collapse occurs when intra-
cardial effusions (which occur mostly in women at least pericardial pressure equilibrates with left ventricle filling
50 years of age) are also associated with a high incidence pressure.
of tamponade [3]. Low pressure tamponade develops when intraperi-
cardial pressure exceeds right heart filling pressure in a
Pathophysiology hypovolemic patient [6]. Here, the low right ventricular
Normally, only a small amount of fluid (< 30  mL) exists filling pressure may be normalized by volume loading.
between the two pericardial layers, with intrapericardial The increase in systemic venous return restores right
heart filling pressure, allowing forward flow of blood.
During CT, the physiological interdependence of the
*Correspondence: left and right ventricles is often exaggerated. Serial inter-
AP‑HP, Hôpitaux universitaires Henri Mondor, DHU A‑TVB, Service de
Réanimation Médicale, 94010 Créteil, France dependence means that the stroke volume, which is
Full author information is available at the end of the article maximal during spontaneous inspiration at the output
Haemodynamic compromise when
pericardial pressure > right-sided filling pressure

Acute Chronic
Intrapericardial pressure

Right-sided filling


Volume of pericardial fluid

Fig. 1  Pericardial volume–pressure relationship illustrating an initial slow rise followed by a steep rise in intrapericardial pressure. At the steep por-
tion of the curve, only small additional volumes are required to precipitate tamponade. Modified with courtesy of Prof. Stephen Huang, Critical Care
Echocardiography Group, Nepean Hospital, Sydney University

of the right ventricle (secondary to increased venous electrical alternans. An enlarged cardiac silhouette may
return), is maximal at the output of the left ventricle dur- be present on chest X-ray in slow-accumulating hence
ing the following expiration (and vice versa), because the large-volume effusions.
pulmonary transit time is long (several seconds) [7]. As
a result of parallel interdependence, an increase in right Echocardiography
ventricle size during spontaneous inspiration will induce Echocardiography is the main diagnostic method for
a septal shift of the interventricular septum towards the detection of pericardial effusion and tamponade (see
left ventricle, resulting in decreased left ventricle dimen- video S1). The transthoracic approach is often sufficient,
sion and output [7]. During positive pressure ventilation, but the transesophageal route must be preferred in intu-
however, right ventricular preload becomes limited and bated patients following trauma or cardiac surgery in
intraventricular pressures may be exceeded by intratho- whom loculated or extrapericardial tamponade may
racic pressure making mechanical ventilation potentially result in nonspecific clinical presentation [11]. Pericar-
dangerous especially in the hypovolemic patient. dial effusion is usually visualized as an echo-free space
between the visceral and parietal pericardium surround-
Presentation ing the heart, but hemorrhagic or purulent fluid may be
CT often presents as a cardiogenic obstructive shock more echogenic than simple serous fluid. The fluid first
with shortness of breath, tachycardia, hypotension with accumulates posterior to the heart, when the patient is
a narrow pulse pressure (but blood pressure may be pre- examined in the supine position. A “swinging” heart may
served in some cases) [8], venous jugular distension (with be observed when the effusion is massive. Pericardial
increased central venous pressure), and muffled heart effusion should be distinguished from left pleural effu-
sounds. The exaggeration of the biventricular interde- sion (which appears behind the descending aorta on
pendence induces pulsus paradoxus (an inspiratory fall a parasternal long axis view) and from pericardial fat
of systolic blood pressure of more than 10  mmHg dur- (which is often seen only anteriorly).
ing normal spontaneous breathing), which is an impor- The main echocardiographic sign of CT is heart col-
tant diagnostic finding in CT [9], although it can also lapse. It mainly occurs in low pressure cardiac chambers
be found during constrictive pericarditis, severe acute with thin walls, namely the right atria at end diastole
asthma, pneumothorax, or exacerbations of chronic (early sign, very sensitive, but poorly specific unless sus-
obstructive pulmonary disease [10]. tained at least one-third of the cardiac cycle) [12], and the
Electrocardiography may show signs of large peri- right ventricle outflow tract at early diastole (late sign,
cardial effusion, with especially low QRS voltage and very specific) [13]; left atrium and left ventricle collapses
are less common because intra-cavitary pressures are Electronic supplementary material
The online version of this article (
higher. The heart collapse is enhanced during the sponta- contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
neous expiratory phase, because of the decreased venous
return; conversely, it may be mitigated by hypervolemia, Author details
 AP‑HP, Hôpitaux universitaires Henri Mondor, DHU A‑TVB, Service de Réani-
pulmonary hypertension, and right ventricle hypertrophy mation Médicale, 94010 Créteil, France. 2 Université Paris Est Créteil, Faculté de
[14]. Médecine de Créteil, IMRB, GRC CARMAS, 94010 Créteil, France. 3 Department
Echocardiography can also easily document the exag- of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping
University, 58185 Linköping, Sweden.
gerated respiratory reciprocation of flows within the
heart (echographic pulsus paradoxus). In a spontaneously Received: 1 March 2018 Accepted: 18 April 2018
breathing individual with CT, the inspiratory increase
of right-sided flows (tricuspid or pulmonary) and the
concomitant decrease on the left side (mitral or aortic)
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