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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Name: ______________________________________ Score Over No. of Item: ____________

Grade & Section: _____________________________ Date: __________________________

Direction: Read carefully each item. Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the space
provided before each number.

____1. It is the rise and fall of our voice.
a. intonation b. pause c. stress
____2. This is the emphasis given to a syllable by saying it relatively louder or longer.
a. stress b. pause c. intonation
____3. This is the temporary stop of the voice.
a. stress b. pause c. intonation
____4. It is a noun or noun phrase placed in opposition to another noun that defines or modifies the
a. appositive b. absolute phrase c. free modifier
____5. This is compose of at least one dependent clause and at least two (2) independent clauses.
a. compound sentence b. complex sentence c. compound-complex sentence
____6. It has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
a. compound sentence b. complex sentence c. compound-complex sentence
____7. It is a group of words with subject and predicate which expresses a complete thought.
a. phrase b. clause c. sentence
____8. This is a word part added at the beginning of the word to change its meaning.
a. prefix b. suffix c. affix
____9. These are used to compare three or more nouns.
a. positive b. comparative c. superlative
____10. This is describing a noun or pronoun by using the base form of an adjective.
a. superlative b. comparative c. positive
____11. It is used to give the characteristics of a person, place, thing, event or idea.
a. conjunction b. stress c. adjective
____12. It introduces a dependent clause and connects it to the main clause of the sentence.
a. coordinating conjunction b. subordinating conjunction c. correlatives
____13. They could be people, animals or things in a work of fiction that make the story move.
a. characters b. settings c. conflicts
____14. This is the logical sequence of events in the story.
a. plot b. climax c. conflict
____15. The main character encounters a problem in this part of the story
a. rising action b. climax c. falling action
____16. The author states the qualities of the characters of the story to introduce them.
a. direct characterization b. indirect characterization c. internal characterization
____17. This is the most exciting part of the story.
a. climax b. falling action c. conclusion
____18. War and disaster are the sample for this kind of problem met by the character.
a. internal conflict b. external conflict c. complicated
____19. This is a representation of data by dividing a circle into portions.
a. bar graph b. line graph c. pie graph
____20. This is a series of marks or points at known intervals used to measure a data.
a. title b. scale c. label

II. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the underlined word, word part or group of words.
____21. The new secretary seems capable enough.
a. adjective b. adverb c. conjunction
____22. It was a warm day so we too our sweaters off.
a. coordinating conjunction b. subordinating conjunction c. correlatives
____23. The skills which you will learn are important.
a. phrase b. clause c. sentence
____24. I have a feeling that I will never get out of here.
a. simple sentence b. compound sentence c. complex sentence
____25. At last, we have arrived at our destination!
a. appositive b. free modifier c. introductory phrase
____26. The prize was given to him, the healthiest one in the class.
a. free modifier b. absolute phrase c. appositive
____27. The product advertisement was launched in the afternoon TV program.
a. prefix b. suffix c. adfix
____28. The best quality of a good leader is his ability to follow.
a. phrase b. clause c. sentence
____29. His works are unusually brilliant.
a. subject complement b. object complement c. free modifier
____30. This is the best year ever!
a. positive degree b. comparative degree c. superlative degree

III. Read/Interpret the following selection/graph and answer the questions that follow.
Selection I
Grandmother was relating the story of Lake Buhi to her grandchildren. According to her, buhi
was a town at the bottom of the lake.
Once upon a time, the people of this enchanted town lived in abundance. The people became
wealthy and spent their lives painting the town red. They were like the black sheep of the family,
forgetting all about God and so God punished them. Their town sank beneath the earth overnight
and in its place there rose a beautiful lake.
When the weather was warm and clear, and the surface of the lake is as clear as a mirror, it is
said that one can look down into the bottom of the lake. The people can be seen doing their
everyday tasks. Some are cultivating their lands, others are building houses and smoke can be seen
coming from the kitchen as women cook the family meals.
It is also said that the tiniest fish in the world, found in Lake Buhi, are trimmings of abaca fiber as
the people in the lake continue to make hats out of abaca for which the town was once famous for.

____31. What type of literature is the selection?

a. fable b. legend c. fairy tale
____32. What was Buhi before?
a. lake b. town c. people
____33. Why did God punish the people?
a. They were wealthy. b. They were selfish. c. They forgot God.
____34. Which is the rising action of the story?
a. Once upon a time, the people of this enchanted town lived in abundance.
b. Their town sank beneath the earth overnight and in its place there rose a beautiful lake.
c. The people became wealthy and spent their lives painting the town red.
____35. What is the ending of the story?
a. A beautiful lake rose from where the town sank.
b. Women cook meals for their family.
c. The town was once famous for its abaca hats.
____36. Who is/are the main character/s of the story?
a. grandmother b. grandchildren c. people of Lake Buhi
____37. What kind of conflict is presented in the story?
a. man vs. man b. man vs. nature c. man vs. Supreme Being
____38. What is the meaning of “painting the town red?”
a. making hats with different colors b. doing everything to be rich
c. partying or having a good time
____39. Which is an example of idiom?
a. black sheep b. overnight c. clear as a mirror
____40. What do people believe about the lake?
a. It is clear as a mirror. b. It is beautiful. c. It is enchanted.

Graph 1
Mike's Savings 2018




Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June

____41. What is the title of the graph?

a. Mike’s Savings 2018 b. 0 – 800 c. monthly
____42. The first six months of the year is the __________ of the graph.
a. scale b. label c. title
____43. What is the interval of the scale?
a. 200 pesos b. a month c. 6
____44. Which month has the most savings?
a. March b. April c. May
____45. Which months indicate the same amount of savings?
a. January and April b. January and June c. none
____46. What kind of graph is this?
a. bar graph b. line graph c. pie graph
____47. How much is the savings by the end of June?
a. Php2,800.00 b. Php2,700.00 c. Php2,750.00
____48. Which statement is true based from the graph?
a. May has the highest savings.
b. The graph indicates same savings for January and April.
c. Savings for the month of January is higher than month of April.
____49. What intangible cultural heritage is displayed in the graph?
a. being kind b. being generous c. being thrifty
____50. Whose savings is presented on the graph?
a. Mike b. Jan c. month
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education



Name: _______________________________________________ Score Over No. of Item: _____________

Grade & Section: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________________

I. Underline the subject and encircle the object of the sentences.

1. The patient appears dehydrated and feverish.

2. That book made her famous.
3. We voted her entry most original.
4. The preschoolers are coloring the trees purple and blue.
5. The jury declared the defendant guilty.

II. Encircle the modifier of the sentence and draw an arrow to the word it modifies.
6-7. We should keep our surroundings clean.
8-9. Our visit made the host happy.
10-11. The apple pie you made tastes sour.
12-13. We find the cost of living rather high.

II. Underline the modifier in the sentence and write on the blank whether it is a subject complement or an
object complement.
_________________________14-15. The mob turned violent.
_________________________16-17. Studying grammar makes me happy.
_________________________18-19. Sometimes my friend states meaningless words.
_________________________20-21. His works are unusually brilliant.

III. Underline the one modifier in the sentence and write whether it is an adjective or an adverb.

_________________________22-23. The new secretary seems capable enough.

_________________________24-25. Of all my friends, I love Ruth the most.
_________________________26-27. You acted well in your school play.
_________________________28-29. The baby smiled sweetly at her father.
_________________________30-31. The project given to us by our teacher is hard.

IV. Using prefixes and suffixes, make at least 3 words using these root words:

32. form - _____________________________________________________________________

33. plant - _____________________________________________________________________
34. force - _____________________________________________________________________
35. cover - _____________________________________________________________________
36. mark - _____________________________________________________________________

V. Write the definition of the following words using structural analysis.

37-38. national - _____________________________________________________________________
39-40. prayerful - _____________________________________________________________________
41-42. therapist - _____________________________________________________________________

VI. Identify what is referred to by the following statements. Choose your answer from the box and write it on
the provided blank.
Bandwagon Testimonials Transfer Repetition Emotional Words

__________________________43. It uses words that will make a consumer feel strongly about someone or
__________________________44. Advertisement of this kind can be seen on television, heard from radio or
read from a newspaper.
__________________________45. This kind of advertisement tells you that a lot of people are using the

VII. Read the selection and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of your answer on the blank
before the number.
Lourdes opened her piggy bank. She counted her money carefully and went straight to a downtown
store. She looked with longing at the bright new sweater on display at the store window. She wanted to
inquire about the price but as she was about to go in, she stopped and hesitated. She counted her money
again, then, shook her head. At last, she looked at the sweater with regret and returned the money into her

____ 46. Where did Lourdes go?

a. park b. store c. church
____ 47. Where did her money come from?
a. mother b. store c. piggy bank
____ 48. How did Lourdes feel about the sweater?
a. She disliked it. b. She liked it very much. c. She wanted to look at it.
____ 49. What did she intend to do?
a. She wanted to buy it. b. She wanted to asked for it. c. She wanted to look at it.
____ 50. Did she finally get the sweater?
a. YES b. NO c. MAYBE
Department of Education



Name: _______________________________________________ Score Over No. of Item: _____________

Grade & Section: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________________


Direction: Read carefully each item. Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the space provided
before each number.

I – A. Identify the following.

____1. These are the expressions of intangible cultural heritage that are similar to those practiced by others.
a. inclusive b. representative c. community-based
____2. They are intangible cultural heritage that are recognized by a community.
a. inclusive b. representative c. community-based
____3. This is a representation of data by dividing a circle into portions.
a. bar graph b. line graph c. pie graph
____4. This identifies the information to be plotted in a graph.
a. bar b. label c. title
____5. This is a series of marks or points at known intervals used to measure a data.
a. title b. scale c. label
____6. It is a noun or noun phrase placed in opposition to another noun that defines or modifies the first.
a. appositive b. absolute phrase c. free modifier
____7. This element preceding the main statement provides context for the sentence.
a. interjection b. introductory phrase c. free modifier
____8. It is an unspecialized interruption of additional information.
a. absolute phrase b. appositive c. free modifier
____9. It modifies noun or pronoun.
a. appositive b. adjective c. interjection
____10. These are used to compare three or more nouns.
a. positive b. comparative c. superlative
____11. It compares two groups of noun.
a. superlative b. comparative c. positive
____12. This is formed by adding –er or more to an adjective.
a. positive b. comparative c. superlative
____13. This is describing a noun or pronoun by using the base form of an adjective.
a. superlative b. comparative c. positive

For numbers 14-16, identify the following graphs. Write your answer in the provided blank.

Savings 2018 Savings 2018 Savings 2018

1000 1000

500 500

0 0
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.

14. ________________________ 15. ________________________ 16. ________________________

I – B. Identify the degree of comparison of the adjectives used in the following sentences.
____17. Susie is the most beautiful of all the four sisters.
a. positive b. comparative c. superlative
____18. Health is more important than wealth.
a. positive b. comparative c. superlative
____19. Blood is thicker water.
a. positive b. comparative c. superlative
____20. Everest is the highest peak in the world.
a. positive b. comparative c. superlative
____21. This is the most exciting play I have ever heard on the radio.
a. positive b. comparative c. superlative

I – C. Supply the appropriate form of adjective to complete the sentence.

____22. My brother’s handwriting is ________________________ than mine.
a. badder b. worse c. iller
____23. The planet Mars is_______________ from the earth than the satellite Moon.
a. more far b. farther c. further
____24. The elephant is the _________________ animal in the world.
a. large b. larger c. largest
____25. An ocean is certainly ______________ than a sea.
a. enormous b. more enormous c. enormously
____26. I am _______________________ in cricket than in football.
a. interested b. more interested c. more interesteder

I – D. Identify the parenthetical phrase used in the following sentences.

____27. Sang Buaya talked to his friends and, thinking about Sang Kancil‘s intelligence, agreed to be more
a. Sang Buaya talked to his friends and b. thinking about Sang Kancil‘s intelligence,
c. agreed to be more cautious.
____28. I won‘t let Sang Kancil, that tricky mouse deer, to cross this river again!
a. I won‘t let Sang Kancil, b. that tricky mouse deer, c. to cross this river again!
____29. While on the river, Sang Buaya thought of eating Sang Kancil.
a. While on the river, b. Sang Buaya thought c. of eating Sang Kancil.
____30. Planning their next move, Sang Buaya‘s friends met at the riverside.
a. Planning their next move, b. Sang Buaya‘s friends c. met at the riverside.
____31. “Well, what do have to say for yourself?” Sang Buaya‘s friends asked.
a. Well, b. what do have to say for yourself? c. Sang Buaya‘s friends asked.

I – E. Identify the underlined parenthetical phrase.

____32. If you, an experienced chef, had trouble, how hard will it be for me?
a. appositive b. free modifier c. introductory phrase
____33. Jean stayed up late, writing her oratorical piece.
a. free modifier b. absolute phrase c. introductory phrase
____34. While I was on vacation, I had an epiphany.
a. introductory phrase b. absolute phrase c. free modifier
____35. I stood up and, brushing off my pants, continued on my journey.
a. free modifier b. absolute phrase c. introductory phrase
____36. At long last, the contest is over!
a. interjection b. appositive c. free modifier

I – F. Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows.

Graph 1

Savings 2018




Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June

____37. What is the title of the graph?

a. Savings 2018 b. 0 – 800 c. monthly
____38. The first six months of the year is the __________ of the graph.
a. scale b. label c. title
____39. What is the interval of the scale?
a. 200 pesos b. a month c. 6
____40. Which month has the most savings?
a. March b. April c. May
____41. Which months indicate the same amount of savings?
a. January and April b. January and June c. none
____42. What kind of graph is this?
a. bar graph b. line graph c. pie graph
____43. How much is the savings by the end of June?
a. Php2,800.00 b. Php2,700.00 c. Php2,750.00
____44. What intangible cultural heritage is displayed in the graph?
a. being kind b. being generous c. being thrifty
____45. Which statement is true based from the graph?
a. May has the highest savings.
b. The graph indicates same savings for January and April.
c. Savings for the month of January is higher than month of April.
Paragraph 1
Certain holidays, such as Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, have a special religious meaning. In
Catholic countries, a Friday in Lent is set aside as Good Friday. Many churches have special services on
religious holidays. The Roman Catholic Church has a number of annual holidays which are observed with
religious ceremonies.
In addition to legal and church holidays, there are a number of other days that by custom have come to be
observed in some special manner. Such days as Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and patron saint’s feast day are
observed in some particular ways.
____46. Which question asks for the main idea of the selection?
a. What are some of the religious holidays? b. What is the significance of religious holidays?
b. What holidays are mentioned in the above selection?
____47. Which of these sentence is true?
a. By custom, holidays are not observed. b. Usually, holidays have special meanings.
c. Sunday is observed as a religious holiday.
____48. Which is a special holiday?
a. Christmas Day b. Good Friday c. Halloween
____49. Gifts during Christmas is an example of _____________________.
a. tangible cultural heritage b. intangible cultural heritage c. special holidays
____50. Which of these titles is best for the story?
a. Holidays b. Special Holidays c. Religious Holidays
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education



Name: _______________________________________________ Score Over No. of Item: _____________

Grade & Section: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________________


Direction: Read carefully each item. Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the space provided
before each number.
A.1. Identify the following.
_____1. This is a representation of data by dividing a circle into portions.
a. bar graph b. line graph c. pie graph
_____2. This identifies the information to be plotted in a graph.
a. bar b. label c. title
_____3. This is a series of marks or points at known intervals used to measure a data.
a. title b. scale c. label
_____4. They could be people, animals or things in a work of fiction that make the story move.
a. characters b. settings c. conflicts
_____5. This is the logical sequence of events in the story.
a. plot b. climax c. conflict
_____6. The main character encounters a problem in this part of the story
a. rising action b. climax c. falling action
_____7. This part of the story tells you something about the character and setting of the story.
a. introduction b. rising action c. climax
_____8. It tells you the ending of the story.
a. introduction b. climax c. conclusion
_____9. This is the most exciting part of the story.
a. climax b. falling action c. conclusion
_____10. War and disaster are the sample for this kind of problem met by the character.
a. internal conflict b. external conflict c. complicated
_____11. It is a group of words with subject and predicate which expresses a complete thought.
a. phrase b. clause c. sentence
_____12. It is used to connect two independent clauses.
a. coordinating conjunction b. subordinating conjunction c. correlatives
_____13. Which among the following is true about compound sentence?
a. It is composed of compound subject and compound predicate.
b. It has a dependent clause and an independent clause.
c. It has two or more independent clauses.

A.2. Identify the meaning of the underlined words.

_____14. One quality of a good reader is he knows how to read between the lines.
a. read a lot of books b. draw lines on the books c. interpret what he reads
_____15. The students are fond of their teacher because he is a jack of all trades.
a. He is capable of doing anything. b. He has a lot of stories. c. He knows a lot of information
_____16. Eventhough he is the black sheep of the family, his mother still loves him.
a. He does not behave properly. b. His skin color is black. c. He does not love his mother.
_____17. My mother’s green thumb provides us fresh vegetables.
a. She cooks delicious foods. b. She has an unusual ability to make plants grow.
c. She is the one who manages the household.
_____18. Because of the child’s misbehavior, he was beaten black and blue by his father.
a. He has bruises all over his body. b. He was dressed with color black and blue clothes.
c. His father talked to him for couple of hours.

B.1. Read the story and answer the questions.

A skilled worker earns Php 1,800.00 a week but an unskilled worker earns Php 1,000.00 a week. How
much is the difference in their earnings in a year or in 52 weeks?
_____19. What word tells that subtraction is important in solving this problem?
a. Amount b. Earnings c. Difference
_____20. How will you find the difference in their earnings in 52 weeks?
a. Divide b. Multiply c. Subtract
_____21. To get the answer, what other process is involved?
a. Division b. Addition c. Multiplication
_____22. A/An ___________________ is an example of a skilled worker.
a. fish out of water b. jack of all trades c. birds of the same feather
_____23. How much is the difference in their earnings in a year or in 52 weeks?
a. Php 800.00 b. Php 41,600.00 c. Php 93,600.00
_____24. Which of these statements is true?
a. The skilled worker has less earnings than the unskilled worker.
b. The skilled worker has more earnings that the unskilled worker.
c. The skilled worker has the most earnings of all.
B.2. Read the story and answer the questions.
(1)King Solomon was known as a just king. (2)When God asked him what he wished most. (3)He
requested God to give him an understanding heart. (4)This, he was granted.
(5)One day, two women came to see King Solomon. (6)The first woman said, “O King! This woman took
my baby. (7)While I was asleep, she took my baby and substituted him with her dead baby.”
(8)“That is not true,” cried the other woman. (9)“This baby is mine.”
(10)King Solomon asked a soldier to get a sword. (11)“Cut the child into half,” he said. (12)“Give half of
the child to the first woman. (13)The other half to the other woman.”
(14)“Good!” exclaimed the other woman. (15)“That’s fair and just decision.”
(16)“Wait!” cried the first woman. (17)“Please let this woman keep the baby. (18)I don’t want the baby
(19)“Soldier,” said King Solomon, “give the baby to the first woman. (20)She is the real mother.”
_____25. What is the complaint of the first woman?
a. The dead baby was hers. b. The other woman took her baby.
c. The other woman killed her baby
_____26. Was King Solomon’s wish granted?
a. YES b. NO c. NEVER
_____27. Which conjunction should be used to connect sentences number 12 and 13?
a. and b. or c. so
_____28. This will best connect sentences number 19 and 20.
a. but b. for c. so
_____29. What kind of sentence was formed when sentences number 19 and 20 were combined?
a. compound sentence b. complex sentence c. compound-complex sentence
_____30. Cutting the baby into two for a mother is like ____________________________.
a. breaking her heart b. cutting the ties c. keeping a level eye
_____31. Where is the setting of the story?
a. the first woman’s house b. Solomon’s palace c. a church
_____32. Who is the main character of the story?
a. King Solomon b. the baby c. the women
_____33. Who is the antagonist?
a. the first woman b. the other woman c. the soldier
_____34. What “type” of conflict does the story have?
a. internal conflict b. external conflict c. neutral conflict
_____35. The fight between the two women is an example of _________.
a. human vs. human b. human vs. nature c. human vs. self
_____36. Which is the rising action of the story?
a. God asked King Solomon for a wish. b. The women claimed to be the mother of the baby.
c. King Solomon asked that the child be cut into two.
_____37. Which sentences state the climax of the story?
a. sentences 8 and 9 b. sentences 11 and 12 c. sentences 14 and 15
_____38. These state the conclusion of the story.
a. sentences 19 and 20 b. sentences 14 and 15 c. sentences 11 and 12
_____39. Who is the mother of the baby?
a. the wife of King Solomon b. first woman c. the second woman

For numbers 40-42, identify the following graphs. Write your answer in the provided blank.

Savings 2018 Savings 2018 Savings 2018

1000 1000

500 500

0 0
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.

40. ________________________ 41. ________________________ 42. ________________________

C. Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows.
Graph 1

Savings 2018




Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June

____43. What is the title of the graph?

a. Savings 2018 b. 0 – 800 c. monthly
____44. The first six months of the year is the __________ of the graph.
a. scale b. label c. title
____45. What is the interval of the scale?
a. 200 pesos b. a month c. 6
____46. Which month has the most savings?
a. March b. April c. May
____47. Which months indicate the same amount of savings?
a. January and April b. January and June c. none
____48. What kind of graph is this?
a. bar graph b. line graph c. pie graph
____49. How much is the savings by the end of June?
a. Php2,800.00 b. Php2,700.00 c. Php2,750.00
____50. Which statement is true based from the graph?
a. May has the highest savings.
b. The graph indicates same savings for January and April.
c. Savings for the month of January is higher than month of April.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education



Name: _______________________________________________ Score Over No. of Item: _____________

Grade & Section: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________________


Direction: Read carefully each item. Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the space provided
before each number.
_____1. They are also called connectors.
a. intonations b. conjunctions c. adjectives
_____2. It is the rise and fall of our voice.
a. intonation b. pause c. stress
_____3. This is the emphasis given to a syllable by saying it relatively louder or longer.
a. stress b. pause c. intonation
_____4. It is used to give the characteristics of a person, place, thing, event or idea.
a. conjunction b. stress c. adjective
_____5. This is the temporary stop of the voice.
a. stress b. pause c. intonation
_____6. This is compose of at least one dependent clause and at least two (2) independent clauses.
a. compound sentence b. complex sentence c. compound-complex sentence
_____7. It has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
a. compound sentence b. complex sentence c. compound-complex sentence
_____8. It is a group of words with subject and predicate which expresses a complete thought.
a. phrase b. clause c. sentence
_____9. It is used to connect two independent clauses.
a. coordinating conjunction b. subordinating conjunction c. correlatives
_____10. It introduces a dependent clause and connects it to the main clause of the sentence.
a. coordinating conjunction b. subordinating conjunction c. correlatives
_____11. Which among the following is true about compound sentence?
a. It is composed of compound subject and compound predicate.
b. It has a dependent clause and an independent clause.
c. It has two or more independent clauses.
_____12. “She objected when he treated her like an object.” What indicates the difference of “objected” from
a. stress b. pause c. intonation
_____13. If you are to ask someone to do something, how will you say it with respect?
a. Use the correct stress on the right syllable.
b. Observe proper pause, saying the words slowly.
c. Say it with falling intonation.
_____14. Which will complete the sentence? You will need an ____________ to get through the security.
a. escort b. escort c. escort

Read the paragraph for the answers on questions 15-21.

Do you know that Manila Bay has the finest harbor in the Philippines? It is also famous for its beautiful
sunset. Tourists observe that Manila Bay has one of the most glowing sunsets in the world. Roxas Boulevard,
formerly Dewey Boulevard, runs along the shore of Manila Bay. There are many high-rise buildings along the
street, mostly hotels and restaurants, towering other small establishments. Luneta, a big park with fountains and
ornamental plants, faces the bay. People can be seen strolling daily and enjoying the cool breeze from the bay.
On Sundays, people go to Luneta to listen to band concerts and to view performances at the opera theater. _
_____15. What is the meaning of harbor?
a. park b. port c. play area
_____16. What clue is given for the meaning of the word “harbor”?
a. its beautiful sunsets b. along the shore of Manila Bay c. fountains and ornamental plants
_____17. This gives a clue on the definition of the word “high-rise.”
a. mostly b. establishments c. towering
_____18. What is Manila Bay famous for?
a. beautiful sunset b. ornamental plants c. many buildings
_____19. What is Luneta today?
a. a harbor b. a park c. a building
_____20. Where is Luneta located?
a. facing Manila Bay b. at the tip of Manila Bay c. at the shore of Manila Bay
_____21. Where are most performances held?
a. at the open theater b. along the shores c. at the harbor

B. Choose the correct degree of comparison of adjective.

Positive Comparative Superlative

GOOD 22. ________ BEST _____22. a. gooder b. goddess c. better
23. ______ WORSE WORST _____23. a. wore b. wear c. bad
PRETTY 24. ______ PRETTIEST _____24. a. pretty b. prettily c. prettier

C. Choose the word that has the correct stress.

_____ 25. To write down
a. record b. record c. record
_____ 26. To bring under control
a. subject b. subject c. subject
_____ 27. A gift
a. present b. present c. present

D. Identify the intonation pattern used in the following sentences. Write A for falling intonation and B for
rising intonation.

_____28. Are you ready to start?

_____29. What time is it?

_____30. What did you just say?

E. Supply the word/words that will complete the sentence.

_____ 31. Pagsanjan Falls was known for its ________________ rapids.
a. enormous b. enormously c. most enormous
_____ 32. The __________________ water is a common habitation of mosquitoes.
a. clean b. flowing c. stagnant

F. Identify the conjunction used in the following sentences. Write A for coordinating conjunction and B for
subordinating conjunction.
_____ 33. It was a warm day so we took off our sweaters.
_____ 34. She could not go out because she felt ill.
_____ 35. We went out when the rain stopped.
G. Supply the appropriate conjunction to be used in the following sentences.
_____ 36. Tell the truth ____ I’ll not punish you.
a. or b. so c. but
_____ 37. Anton lost his book _____ he didn’t look for it.
a. when b. so c, but
_____ 38. Josie studied hard for the test ___she got a good grade.
a. yet b. because c. so
_____ 39. It was growing dark _______she reached home.
a. if b. when d. that

H. Identify the word or group of words joined by the conjunction.

_____ 40. The skills which you will learn are important.
a. words b. word and phrase c. word and clause
_____ 41. Which do you prefer, doing your bed or washing the dishes?
a. words b. phrases c. clauses
_____ 42. You can get a college education if you try.
a. words b. phrases c. clauses
_____ 43. I have a feeling that I will never get out of here.
a. word and phrase b. word and clause c. phrases

I. What kind of the sentence are the following? (according to structure)

_____44. The mother, working on the garage, was assisted by her son.
a. simple sentence b. compound sentence c. complex sentence
_____45. Good manners which were taught by your parents are important as you deal with people.
a. compound sentence b. complex sentence c. compound-complex sentence
_____46. Do not just stand there but do something.
a. simple sentence b. compound sentence c. complex sentence
_____47. Children react faster than their elders do in tight situation.
a. simple sentence b. complex sentence c. compound-complex sentence
_____48. I have a feeling that I will never get out of here.
a. simple sentence b. complex sentence c. compound-complex sentence

J. Which of the following used the pause appropriately.

_____ 49. a. I am an African child / born with a skin / the color of chocolate.
b. I am an / African child born / with a skin / the color of chocolate.
c. I / am an African child born with / a skin the color of chocolate.
_____ 50. a. bright, brilliant / and articulate
b. bright, / brilliant and articulate
c. bright, / brilliant / and articulate

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