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Sacred Earth: Reflection and Response

Stage 1 Religion | Year 11


According to Genesis, it told the story of Adam and Eve, and how they were the first man and woman to be made in the image
of God. God told Adam and Eve that they were able to eat freely from all the trees found in the Garden of Eden; the only
exception was that they were not allowed to take anything from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. One day, the devil,
took the form of a serpent, appeared to Eve and deceived her to take and eat an apple from the forbidden tree; and so, she did. She
took a bite from the apple, then gave some to Adam. So forth, they gained knowledge and wisdom, but additionally conjured a
negative and destructive perception in a part of their minds. They perceived concepts such as evil and shame. God later became
aware of the situation, knowing it was the devil’s fault for deceiving Eve, so God curses the serpent to have no legs. Adam and
Eve’s actions have turned to consequences from God, as they disobeyed his one rule, not to take from the forbidden tree. God
banished Adam and Eve from the Garden.

“And I brought you into a plentiful land to enjoy its fruits and its good things. But when you came in, you
defiled my land and made my heritage an abomination.”

- Jeremiah 2:7
From a catholic stand-point, it is believed that we are all born with sin as we are descendants of Adam and Eve. Sin is an innate
characteristic of human beings, and it is normal . As time flies, we have become more educated and more aware of the fact that
our Earth is ‘decaying’ away. Humans rely on the resources that the Earth provides, for us as a race to survive. God teaches us to
care for the Earth, as it is a gift from God. In previous times, humans widely consumed resources from the Earth for our own
needs, and we just continue to take and take, without caring for the environment itself. During the industrial revolution,
production of objects was done in a factory, which in order for production, coal was required for energy.

As coal was being burned, it emitted carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which nowadays is considered pollution. This
process was continued until humans were educated, and became aware of greenhouse gases which was negatively affecting the air
we breathe. Humans commit small thoughtless, reckless acts in the world which contribute and continue to build up the pollution
existing in our decaying world. From small acts such as throwing our rubbish elsewhere and not in the bin, leaving the
environment in a poor state and an unappealing sight. Waste dumping into the sea, so that there is more space for humans to
utilise. Deforestation occurs, because most everyday materials such as paper and pencils, are made entirely from trees.
Scientifically speaking, cutting down trees will not help as the trees take in the carbon dioxide and other gas emissions from
power plants and so on, which reduces the amount of pollution found within our atmosphere.

“You shall not pollute the land in which you live, for blood pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made
for the land for the blood that is shed in it, except by the blood of the one who shed it. You shall not defile
the land in which you live, in the midst of which I dwell, for I the LORD dwell in the midst of the people of

- Numbers 35:33-34
To prevent a near future of unimaginable consequences, humans in time have devised plans to reduce pollution in the world.
Bettering the world led to the idea of renewable energy, which is energy that can be reused over and over again, from natural
resources such as sunlight, wind, and wave power. In schools, children are being educated about pollution, and they are taught the
different ways to reduce this effect by little tasks done at home, or out at public. Even I went through this stage at school, we were
taught how to save the environment. To things such as conserving energy by turning off the lights, or electric appliances when
they are not being used; and putting rubbish in the right bins, recycling. Basically, being energy efficient and environmentally
friendly are the key points.

I usually attend church on Saturdays, and one mass I could remember distinctly, relating to the environment. I could not
remember what the Gospel reading was, but one message from the priest’s homily stood out to me. It was, “We must appreciate
God’s gifts, he gifted us life and a home to care for.” It reflected upon the values I uphold, and now I’ve become more grateful for
the life God has given me, and care more for the environment by committing small acts, to bettering the Earth.
With the help of a Footprint Calculator, I was able to identify my own personal environmental footprint. After a survey, this was
the result.
It made me aware of my own affect towards the Earth. It
would require 3.9 Earths to inhabit a civilisation that acted
like the way I do on a daily basis. Consumption of food,
shelter, materials, and other resources contribute to that

Without the Earth, we wouldn’t have a home. We should

all be grateful for God’s gifts, but humans continue to
negatively affect the environment in their own way. So,
more humans need to be aware of the Earth’s situation,
because it continues to decay as we keep requiring resources
from the Earth and leaving the environment in an unhealthy


1 Global Footprint Network 2018, Footprint Calculator, accessed 7 November 2018,


2 Open Bible 2018, 100 Bible Verse About Caring for the Environment, accessed 7 November 2018,

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