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Persuasive Speech: Self-Love

Good day everyone, Let me start this off with a question. How can one love
oneself? For some, this maybe an easy question to answer but for some, answering this
question is hard like answering an unsolvable riddle. This question is like a mystery for
people who lack self-love. Lack of self-love comes from many factors, it include
insecurities, discrimination, comparison, self-shame which leads to depression and
anxiety and the worst of all suicide.

There is this girl that I knew. This girl has a very low self-esteem. She is full of
insecurities and always talks bad about herself that resulted to the loss of self-
confidence and worth. This is the girl who asks me that same question, she ask me,”
How can one love oneself? Is it really possible to receive love from someone like me?
The ‘me’ who has no talent, beauty, brains, full of flaws, disappointments, and burden to
others? If so, do I even deserve that love?” then she cried. This is the mentality that the
girl had at that time. Even though she wants to love herself, she can’t find a reason to
do so. But as time goes by she realized that nothing’s going to change if she keep doing
like this. So she accept herself, she decided to push those negative thought and
discrimination away and putting herself a priority of her life. She starts reading
inspirational quotes, books, listens to inspirational music, has time for herself and
started a journal to express her emotions. And with that the girl starts to believe a little
by little that she is worthy, priceless, unique, and believes that she is a person who
deserves to be loved. Today, that girl is still in the process of loving herself. And I
assure you that is never easy to love oneself. Why do I say so? Because I am that girl.

Actually there are many ways to love yourself it depends on you on how you do
it. To those people who lack self-love, I know it’s never easy but please, choose to love
yourself now. It’s because the relationship with yourself is the most important
relationship. Without self-love, you limit your ability to love and add value to other
people. Without self-love, how can you love others if you can’t love yourself, and how do
expect that people love you if you yourself don’t love who you are. If you are a person
who lacks self-love, who is like me, then decide today to make a change, follow me and
let’s love ourselves together.

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