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Toni Rose T.

Tahil DBM 210 February 14, 2020

Speech on Self-Love

You are sitting in the office; it’s a busy week at work. There’s an important meeting
you have to prepare for, loads of paperwork, and your calendar is jam-packed with
tasks and events. So, how do you make room for all these things? You overwork,
cancel your yoga session, cut back on socializing, and even skip a few meals.

To keep up with this roadrunner form of living, we don’t think twice before putting
self-care on the back burner. More often than not, it takes a wake-up call to notice
the toll this kind of lifestyle takes on our lives.

To love yourself means to accept yourself as you are and to come to terms with
those aspects of yourself that you cannot change.

It means to have self-respect, a positive self-image, and unconditional self-


Needless to say, it does not mean being arrogant, conceited or thinking that you are
better than anyone else. It means having a healthy regard for yourself knowing that
you are a worthy human being.

It is important to remind ourselves that no one is perfect.

We all have strengths and weaknesses and we certainly possess the resources to
work on improving ourselves.

Each of us is unique and has specific talents and abilities to offer.

In order to appreciate yourself it is up to you to discover what makes you unique and
to further develop those talents. We have a responsibility to ourselves to do so.

You cannot sit around and wait for approval from others. Work on accepting yourself.
You are the only "you" that you have. It is in your best interests to be the best you
can be.

Until you love yourself, you will not be able to love anyone else.

How do you love yourself?

You do so by investing in and working on your personal growth and development.

You work on being the best you.

You understand that you are human, but you acknowledge that you have the
potential and spiritual capability to rise above whatever conditions and obstacles are
put in your path.

Here’s my challenge for you today: Take a picture of your face and remember that in
10 years time you will be amazed at how gorgeous you were. Be amazed now.
Today is the day you can love yourself totally with no expectations.

Love is something we can choose, the same way we choose anger, or hate, or
sadness. We can choose to forgive someone who has hurt us and begin to finally
heal. We can choose to be grateful for what we have. We can choose love. It’s
always a choice within us.

Let’s begin right now in this moment to choose love.

It’s the most powerful healing force there is

Love makes the world go round, but it all begins with you. If you want others to treat
you well, treat yourself well first. If you seek love from another, fall in love with
yourself first.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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