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Lesson 5 Find Your Seats and Sit Down, Please

1. Let’s meet in the movie theater. 9. A: Look, this is my new cellphone. 13. Please don’t close the door, Dan.
= Let’s meet in the cinema. B: Wow, it’s iPhone 4. Cool!! = Dan, don’t close the door, please.
我們在電影院見吧! A: 看,這是我的新手機。 = Dan, please don’t close the door.
2. A: Jerry, we are about to leave. Hurry up! B: 哇,是 iPhone 4。真酷! = Dan, please leave the door open.
B: Wait for me! This is a very cool cellphone. Dan,請別關門(請讓門開著)。
A: Jerry,我們要走了。快點! = This is a very cool mobile phone. Please don’t run in the hall, Kevin.
B:等等我! 這是支很酷的手機。 = Kevin, don’t run in the hall, please.
3. Is that gift for me? Thanks! 10. It’s time to sleep. = Kevin, please don’t run in the hall.
那個禮物是要給我的嗎?謝謝! Let’s turn off the light. Kevin,別在走廊上奔跑。
That book is for you. = Let’s turn the light off. 14. This note is for my dad.
那本書是要給你的。 = Let’s turn it off. (it 代替 the light ) 這張便條是給我爸的。
Let’s save a seat for him. 睡覺時間到了。我們關燈吧。 15. Don’t forget our date.
我們留個座位給他吧。 Tom, please turn on the computer for me. 別忘了我們的約會(別忘了我們有約)。
4. Babies don’t like dark rooms. = Tom, please turn the computer on for me. Let’s forget about the sad story.
嬰兒們不喜歡黑暗的房間。 = Tom, please turn it on for me. (it 代替 the computer) 讓我們忘了那件傷心事吧!
I like your dark blue jacket. Tom,請幫我開一下電腦。 16. Please don’t forget your money and student ID
我喜歡你那件深藍色的夾克。 11. Please open the window, John. card, and be on time, Bob.
5. Look, our seats are over there. = John, open the window, please. Bob,請別忘記帶錢和學生證,且要準時。
看,我們的座位在那裡。 = John, please open the window. Please call your mom tonight. She misses you.
Look, the sea is so beautiful. John,請打開窗戶。 今晚請記得打電話給你媽。她很想你。
看,大海多麼漂亮。 Please leave the light on, Howard. 17. A: It was a nice date. Thank you. See you
Look at me. I’m very different today. = Howard, leave the light on, please. tomorrow.
看著我。我今天很不一樣。 = Howard, please leave the light on. B: See you.
6. Please be quiet in the test. Howard,請把燈留著(讓它保持開著)。 A: 這場約會很棒。謝謝你!明天見。
考試時請保持安靜。 Please take the garbage with you, Sam. B: 再見!
7. Find your seats and sit down, please. = Sam, take the garbage with you, please.
請找到你們的座位並坐下。 = Sam, please take the garbage with you.
Thanks for coming! Take a seat. Sam,請把垃圾隨身帶走。
感謝前來!請坐。 12. I need to talk to you, Susan.
8. Please find this book for me. = I need to have a talk with you, Susan.
請幫我找這本書。 Susan,我需要和妳談談。

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