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Anti Intellectualism Facts

Authoritarianism and conformism are two of the features of culture that contribute to the anti-
intellectualism among the Filipinos which also help them feed on each other. Instead of captivating a
person who has something interesting to say, their ideas are considered as a threat as if the person was
exploiting insults when he/she was just telling the truth. Smart-shaming is an issue that needs to be paid

“Edi, wow!”, “Ikaw na magaling!”, “Ang dami mong alam!” “O lage, brayt na ka!” "Sige na, matalino ka

People who are smart-shamed are afraid to speak up or open up the matter because they might be
considered as overreacting, too sensitive, or someone who doesn’t get the joke.

Raising this issue could also give people the wrong impression; they would probably see it as if you’re
trying to show them how smart you are because you experience those things.

We Filipinos are known for a lot of things such as creativity, talent, work ethic, hospitality and closeness
to family. But we do have a negative habit that we just can’t seem to shake: Lack of discipline, crab
mentality and smart shaming.

if we continue to neglect it, we might as well prevent ourselves and our country from intellectual growth.

Anti-intellectualism is to put it simply, the glorification of stupidity and dissing of intelligence in favour of
so called "common sense". Anti-intellectuals believe that science, expertise and "book knowledge" are
less valuable than "street smarts" and "common sense." They also believe that they don't have to read
anything about a field of knowledge before dismissing it with their own "theories".

Anti-intellectualism is notably prevalent among young Earth creationists who feel that the Bible is proof
enough for their beliefs and empirical evidence simply does not matter.

One of the most vicious anti-intellectuals was the Maoist Pol Pot, who, during the Cambodian genocide,
ordered the murder of people with glasses (since they were seen as academics).

Believing that academics or experts (even in their fields of expertise) aren't worth listening to because
they lack "common sense" or are "out of touch."

Believing academics are "others" and have little concern for the common people.

Pushing conspiracy theories around places of higher education.

Believing academics are "elitists."

Anti-intellectualism is an attitude of distrust towards intellectual pursuits with science, art, and history
being the most obvious. Proponents of this worldview reject ignore facts that do not fit their preconceived
notions. According to some people, anti-intellectualism has been a significant part of the United States
since the very beginning. The power of anti-intellectualism n this country has led to illogical policy choices
in many areas, including: teaching evolution, climate change and gun control.
Anti-intellectualism is the reason many school districts do not teach evolution, no meaningful changes
have been attempted that will slow climate change, and guns killing Americans at a rate roughly twenty
times that of other industrialized countries.

More than 2 out of 5 Americans do not believe in evolution

Less than one-fourth of public education students can name the first President of the United States

Almost 1 in 5 Americans believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth

The majority of Republicans in both houses of Congress do not believe climate change is real

Not being smart continues to be cool. Rejecting the collective wisdom of scientists, economists,
academics, and journalists is applauded

As if intelligence is now a liability and scratching beneath the surface is a negative, invalidating ideas that
go against the grain seems to be more common than being intrigued enough to look further.

With free and open access to unlimited information online, there is hardly any excuse to remain
complacent about knowledge.

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