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Topic sentence : Taman sari is one of beautiful place in jogja

Controlling idea : one of beautiful in jogja

Major supporting sentence : Tourist attraction

Minor1 : many tourists visit

Major : spot photo

Minor 1 : have many photo spots

Concluding : So Taman sari is a place that must be visited in jogja.

Tourist attractions in jogja

Taman sari Yogyakarta is the site of the former park or palace garden of the Yogyakarta
hadiningrat palace, which can be compared to the bogor botanical gardens as a garden of the
bogor palace. This garden was built in the days of sultan Hamengku Buwono I in 1758- 1765.
Initially, the park which received the title “ the fragrant garden “ has an area of more than 10
hectares with around 57 buildings in the form of buildings, bathing pools, suspension bridges,
water canals , and artificial lakes along with artificial islands and underwater passages. This
garden used effectively between 1765-1812 initially stretched from the southwest of the
kedhaton complex to the southeast of the magangan complex. Taman sari is visited by hundreds
of thousands of tourists a year, both local and foreign. Taman sari has four different buildings,
each of which has a different beauty and is good for a spot photo, so Taman sari is a place that
must be visited in jogja .

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