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Globalization as a New Trend

People around the world started to get closer to each other than ever before. Goods and services
that were created in a specific country will be immediately shown and advertised in the others.
Transfers and communication between the countries are increasing geometrical when we talk in
numbers because everyone want to get profit from each deal so they are trying to sell and gain
more. For describing this present time, I want to use the term: Globalization as a New Trend.
This phenomenon influence on economic business and exerts a wide effect on nation at that
point. The growth of the developing countries is the main cause of globalization and it brings
both opportunities and disadvantages to them.

Globalization is a procedure and this process makes developments over these nations. Above
everything that we are going talk about is the independence of each of developing countries.
With the entry of the trend of globalization, the world has embraced a new concept of the world
which is now closely interlinked, countries acting like small communities that houses citizens
that can freely interact with citizens of another country in real time despite the thousand miles of
separation and the difference in time zones.

One of important things is that cooperation between the developing nations and created nations
opens another window to those change from claiming economy for every country; it effectively
reduces the cause of organizational risk and interest payments in different situations.
Deregulation is a major factor to boost competition and maintain a free trade. When government
and industry associations deregulate the particular rules, companies can find better providers and
offer cheaper and better quality of products for customers. In addition, comparative advantage
leads the economic growth and does a lot of trade together, so both countries can produce goods
efficiently, increase profits and satisfy the demand of goods for numbers of people.

The development in industry, economy, culture and polity gives solutions to social problems.
The most serious problem of all of the governments in the world is unemployment, which leads
to poverty, social crime, illiteracy, can be easily clenched as most of the labour in developing
countries are very cheap. Globalization also creates an aggressive competition in industry. For
the progression of industrialization, less developing countries cooperate with more developing
countries to get new technology or instruct employees to know some modern methods. With
these advantages, governments have a basic background to build their country with better
conditions to exist and grow with the massive success.

In this part, I want to discuss about globalization’s advantages and disadvantages and you can
clearly see that the positive effect is way more than the negative, because it brings more
opportunities and hope for the better future; in brief it is worth it.

Following are some of the important advantages:

 Globalisation helps to boost the long run average growth rate of the economy of the
country through.

 Globalisation attracts entry of foreign capital along with foreign updated technology
which improves the quality of production and paves the way for removing inefficiency in
production system.

 Globalisation facilitates consumer goods industries to expand faster to meet growing

demand for these consumer goods which would result faster expansion of employment
opportunities over a period of time.

Following are some of important disadvantages:

 Globalisation paves the way for redistribution of economic power at the world level
leading to domination by economically powerful nations over the poor nations.

 Globalisation usually results greater increase in imports than increase in exports leading
to growing trade deficit and balance of payments problem.

 Globalisation has been slowing down the process to poverty reduction in some countries
and now they cannot withstand the competition arising from well organised multi-
national corporations and is also posing as a threat to agriculture in developing and
underdeveloped countries of the world. It thereby enhances the problem of inequality.

In another point of view, the spread about globalization makes large portions researchers caution
us around its harms as a result it off will settle on a portion issues around global economies.
Globalization makes territorial or globe monetary delicacy and interconnected due to common
interconnection of economies on the globe. A significant number masters say that we compelling
reason an alternate sort of globalization in our globe today. There must make approaches will
verify that know nations benefit from the great sides from claiming globalization. We must do
some specific activities in order help poorer nations providing for them superior training,
demonstrating to them how new innovation meets expectations.
I want to conclude this essay by saying that globalization need discriminating impacts on the
headway for economies, society religion, open administrations also existing standard, and
innovation in the country as well as in the entire planet. Despite globalization reveals to show
fate from claiming disservice effects, those profits of globalization still stay similarly as
necessity in international society.

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