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Dev psych

Define and give 2 example



 The active learning puts the responsibility on student and encourages them to get and
stay engaged in class discussions and exercises and compel them to read, speak,
listen and think.

 Active beings who are the prime determiners of their own abilities and traits.

1. Medical Practice. In medical practice, they have to undergo a lot of procedures,
lectures and training in order for them to properly perform their duties and to treat
their patients well

2. Giving a group an assigned topic and they will share their thoughts or opinions to their
group members.


 Passive learners always quietly take in new information, but they typically don’t
engage with it. They do not interact, share their insight or contribute to it.

 Passive beings whose characteristics are molded either by social influences (parents,
other significant people, and outside events) or by biological changes beyond their

1. Observing new culture or environment
2. Reading Theories of Personality for self- knowledge


 Continuous development is that which occurs gradually over time

1. As the child age their height also develops gradually over time
2. A child learning how to stand and walk on his own

 Discontinuous development, however, is categorical and refers to changes in stages.
 People pass through stages of life that are qualitatively different from each other.

1. Psychosocial Development of Erik Erickson. As we get older, we undergo different

crisis in life but there’s a virtue we can develop after experiencing a crisis and
each of us has different perspective of how they will cope up with those stages

2. Puberty. Each of us undergo to a puberty where in different changes happens not

affects the physical appearance but also the cognitive and emotional development
of person

 a practical approach to a comprehensive learning system where physical, social,
emotional, mind and spiritual growth of a child is taken care. This style of education
not only focuses on mere learning but also on implementing what is learn.

1. Taviel loves to draw. His parents will take that chance to expand the Taviel’s ability
in arts by giving him drawing books, art materials and by exposing him into art
museums which he will allow to discover different types of arts or creations to
boost his passion in drawing.

2. Professor X saw that his student Anna has a potential in robotics. To improve Anna’s
efficiency and to boost her drive in field of robotics, Professor X guided Anna the
fundamental in robotics and guide her until she will master that field.

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