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Revista Român de Bioetic, vol. 5, nr.

3, iulie – septembrie 2007


Mihaela Mnescu *
The death of a child is a great loss to family, friends, and community. Understanding the circum-
stances surrounding a child’s death is one way to help make sense of the tragedy and may help pre-
vent deaths of other children. Reducing infant deaths is a major priority. Sudden Infant Death Syn-
drome (SIDS) is the number one cause of death in infants between one month and one year of age.
For this reason, it is important to focus on risk reduction activities related to SIDS and to support
families at the time of the death of a child. A preventable death is one in which an individual or the
community could have reasonably done something that would have changed the circumstances that
lead to the death. Frequently, people at the scene of a child fatality fail to document critical infor-
mation that is vital in determining the cause of the child’s death. All around the world there are
many different opinions about ethical issues. For example, in Holland, there have been many dis-
cussions about euthanasia. It is very important to guide the family and their volunteers through
every step including: organizing and training the campaign committee, planning successful events
and activities, working with the media, and finding multiple sources of funding.

Key words: euthanasia, eugenics, child death.

1. Cauze, definiie i generaliti anomaliile congenitale, infeciile intra-

sau extraspitaliceti, afeciunile sisteme-
Mortalitatea infantil este un parame- lor nervos i digestiv, precum i la diver-
tru ce cuantific negativ starea de snta- sele tipuri de accidente. Comentând ulti-
te a copilului i indic destul de fiabil mul factor dintre cei anterior enumerai,
nivelul socio-economic al populaiei. Din s spunem c, în Occident accidentele ru-
punct de vedere statistic, face referire la tiere reprezint prima cauz de mortali-
frecvena deceselor în primul an de via tate. Desigur c mai exist i alte tipuri de
la o mie de copii nscui vii. mori accidentale, îns într-un procent
Etiologia este dificil de schematizat mult inferior: intoxicaii, cderi de la înl-
datorit variailor factori implicai în ime, catastrofe naturale, înec.
mortalitatea infantil. Prsind cauzele medicale, mortalita-
Principalele cauze medicale se refer tea este un fenomen complex, rezultat din
la patologia perinatal i respiratorie, interaciunea factorilor socio-economici

Medic rezident, Spitalul Clinic San Carlos, Madrid, absolvent a Institutului Teologic din Bucureti,
Teologie pastoral, e-mail:


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