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Mentor Training Manual

Transforming Families Through:

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Communication Advocacy Research Education Support

Apply the skills and knowledge learned in the preceding module to the development of professional
practice in real world situations (casework, school-based work). You will also focus on reflective practice.
This will enable you to continue to improve your practice, long after you have completed this module. Take
part in a rich variety of activities. Build on your understanding of how to evaluate, implement and review
strategies for identification and intervention in relation to communication issues and develop your
confidence in engaging with and commissioning other professionals to improve support in your setting.

Reflective analysis: Produce a reflective log on the the current practice in either listening to and
understanding children or parents and carers. This will be carried out in each student’s existing educational
setting and will be compared with their research findings (3,000 words or equivalent). Practice analysis:
Plan, transcribe and review a meeting with a parent/child or review and develop your practice in listening
to and understanding children, parents or carers (3,000 words). - See more at:

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Unit 1: Digital Parenting
Unit 2: Web 2.0 and 21st Century Learning
Unit 3: Social Media
Unit 4: Media Literacy
Unit 5: Digital Citizenship and Digital Footprints/Digital Dossiers
Unit 6: Other
Unit 7: Software (Classroom pratice)

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The use of technology has grown at an astronomical rate especially amongst children and adolescents. Parents
have been investing in smartphones, gaming systems, iPads, or other digital devices and with access to the
internet; these devices allow children to connect to others in ways we never could have imagined.

With the increase of devices and access to the internet concerns regarding cyberbullying, screen time, digital
citizenship, media literacy and exposure to inappropriate content have emerged. Yet, for most parents,
keeping up with their children's use of technology can be a daunting challenge. The question then becomes,
what can parents do to help kids use these devices responsibility? When online, how can parents make sure
their children are safe? What can parents do prevent the sharing of personally identifiable information?

The 21st century parenting module will provide participants with the skills needed to navigate their way not
only through the various computer applications as well as implement virtual structure around their children

 Learn how to guide children in appropriate and safe interactions on the Internet
 Increase awareness of the potential challenges around the use of technology
 Explore the Web and how to conduct research
 Understand the fundamentals of information technology
 Identify computer risks and safety
 Accomplish creating basic documents, worksheets and presentations

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Unit 1
Digital Parenting
Digital parenting is the methods used to monitor children when they are using technology such as smart
phones, tablets, computers (PC, laptop, notebook) and smart TV to access the World Wide Web (WWW).
These methods of application (apps) software are used to restrict what the child can and cannot have has
access to as well as for how long. This method is called Parental Control.

Parents are 21st Century Learners Too

The 21st Century is the technological era and as such how we were taught growing up as oppose to how our
children are now being taught have changed significantly. Gone are the days when we used encyclopedia
books or visit the library to gather information from the numerous archive books and newspaper clippings or
physically attend college and/or university.

In this era we can enroll in a college or degree program that is in England and stay in the comfort of our homes
in Jamaica and further our education. If our children need help in their school work we can research online
find a free or paid for curriculum that facilitates the age group and area of study and download that app. All
this is being achieved through technology and as such parents have become the 21 st Century Learners
because they can gather the necessary resources to help their children to learn.

Useful Resources

Websites Description Video-sharing website Search Engine Search Engine Search Engine Search Engine Typing tutor Free tutorial website on math, reading, technology and
Microsoft Office (2003, 3007, 2010, 2013 & 2016)

You Can’t Choose Connectedness but You can choose Not to be Distracted

Connectedness is the term used to describe being connected on the internet via technology. Therefore, in this
era we are always connected (plugged in) to the internet using our gadgets (Smart phone, tablets, computer,
smart watches & smart TV). As a result of always being connected we are often times distracted from what we
are doing.

Ask yourself these questions.

1. How often am I on my gadget?

2. Do I use it when I am talking to my child(ren) or husband or friends?
3. Do I use the gadget when I am watching TV or eating dinner?
4. Do I use it when I am driving?
5. Can I function without my gadget for a day?
6. Do I talk to my spouse or children via whatsapp?

If you answer yes to two (2) or more of these questions, this is a clear indication that you are very much
distracted by connectedness. Most parents, children and young adults are always on their gadgets for one
reason or another, whether it is on social media, sending/receiving emails, blogging, listen music and playing
games just to name a few. We are constantly connected and don’t even realize that we have become a slave
to connectedness and as a result we are losing out on a lot.

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There are ways of reducing screen time and spend quality time with our family by doing the

1. When you go home put the gadgets away and if you can turn off the phone(s).
2. Set a time that allows family interaction and during this time no one is allowed to use
their technology.
3. Ask husband and children how their day was as this is one way of starting a conversation.
4. Home work time no matter what age they are should be a family affair. This allows parents to determine
which subject area or topic(s) the child is weak in and give you the parent(s) an opportunity to assist or get
the necessary help needed.

These tips will give you the time needed to bond with your family and have dialog going on a daily basis.
Remember children live what they learn and as such you are teaching them how to interact with you and in
turn interact with their future family.

Parenting Digital Kids: It’s the Rules, Not the Tools

We as parents are excited about the benefits of technology but the drawbacks are numerous as our children
are exposed to cyber bulling, strong sexual contents and other materials that are not age appropriate and as
such we need to look at Parenting Digital kids. Parenting Digital Kids refer to setting rules and regulations for
the use of technology. Children need to be guided as to why they are not allowed to view or visit certain sites
(websites or Webpages) or view certain types of movies or listen to certain type’s songs or play certain types
of video games.

Ground rules have to be set in order to monitor our children such as screen time and internet rules. If they
disobey the rules then there are consequent that they will have to face. This in and of itself is a method of
teaching the child valuable life lesson, that for every action no matter the age, there is a reaction/consequent.

Brain Storm: Sample Ground Rules

Get the children involve in the decision making of rules.

1. Technology is only used for free time between the hours of 5 p.m and 7 p.m Mondays to Fridays.
2. There should be no password on technology.
3. All technology should be in mom and dad's hand by 7 p.m. during the week.

Brain Storm: Sample Decisions for breaking rules

Get the children involve in the decision making for breaking rules (this should be age appropriate).

1. All privileges will be revoked and Technology will be confiscated.

2. Additional chores will be given for break rules.
3. Write an essay about the importance of following rules and regulations as a child and as an adult. (for
older children)

Avoiding Scams in the Connected World

A scam is the method used to trick/cheat unsuspecting persons out of their possession(s). There are different
types of scams, such as, phishing email scams, lottery, sweepstakes and competition scams, banking, credit
card and online scams and online shopping scams.

Phishing emails scams

This is an email sent to trick unsuspecting users into giving scammers access to your computer to get your
personal information by asking you to click on a link or an attachment. The email appears authentic as it
appears to come from an organization that you know and trust, such as the bank.

Lottery, sweepstakes and competition scams

This can be sent via email, text message or letter from an overseas lottery or sweepstakes company. The mail
will advise you that you won a lot of money or fantastic prizes in a lottery or sweepstakes competition that

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you have never entered. A fee has to be paid in order for your winnings be released or in some instances you
have to either call or text a number to claim your prize.

Banking, credit card and online scams

This type of scam uses emails or text messages that appears to be from a financial institution or an online
payment service. These messages usual advise the users that there is a problem your account and as such
they are asking you to verify your details on a fake website that appears authentic.

Scammers can copy your information from either your credit or debit card. This is done from the magnetic
strip of the cards. It is known as card skimming. In the ATM they can discreetly insert a device that captures
your PIN number as you enter it and the same goes for the credit card machines. Once card is skimmed they
can make changes to your account information.

New credit cards are now being built with a tiny antenna enabled microchip that allows the user to use a Point
of Sale (POS) terminal without actually swiping the card. This contactless technology is also being used at the
toll plazas and some organizations ID Cards operate the same way. The technology used is called Radio
Frequency ID (RFID). If a scammer has a pocket size radio frequency scanner or a smartphone equipped with
near field communications capabilities then they can steal your data through your wallet or purse.

There are ways to avoid being scammed in the connected world by using the following simple tips.

1. If you receive an email from someone you don’t know asking you to click on a link or
download an attachment. Please ignore and delete the email.
2. If you receive an email or text or a letter from an overseas company stating that you won
the lottery. Ask yourself this question, “Did I enter any monetary competition overseas to win anything?” If
you answered no to this question please ignore and delete or throw out the mail.
3. If you receive an email or text message asking you to verify your banking information. Please contact your
financial institution advising them of the suspicious email or text message you received.
4. If you need to withdraw cash from an ATM that is not by the bank before inserting your card check to
ensure that the card slot has nothing inserted in it.
5. To prevent your card information from being scanned in your wallet or purse you can purchase a protective
case to put your cards in. If you can’t purchase the protective case then wrap your cards in aluminium foil.
You can also request that your banking institution give you a traditional card instead of a contactless card.
6. If you see anyone acting suspicious and holding their smartphone close to your purse or pocket move away
from that person.

Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. Explain the term Digital Parenting in your own words. (2 marks)


2. What is connectedness? (2 marks)


3. Read the passage below and answer the following questions:

Mary Jane came home from a busy day at work. She hugged her son, Jordan then asked “how his day went
at school?” In the middle of their conversation her cell phone rings and she answered. It was her

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supervisor calling her to talk about the days’ activity. Jordan stood and waited for a few minutes before
walking to his room to play video games on his IPAD. After Mary Jane completed her call with her
supervisor she proceeded to the kitchen to cook dinner. She had completely forgotten that she was having
a conversation with her son.

a. What conclusion can you draw from Mary Jane and connectedness based on the passage? (2 marks)

b. How would you use the statement, ‘You can’t choose connectedness but you can choose not to be
distracted’ to change the outcome of the passage. (2 marks)

c. What recommendation would you give to Mary Jane about reengaging her son? (2 marks)

4. Explain the phase “Parenting Digital Kids: It’s the Rules, Not the Tools”. (3 marks)


5. Define the term scam. (1 mark)


6. Identify two (2) types of scams and explain how to prevent it from occurring. (6 marks)


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Unit 2
Web 2.0 and 21st Century Learning

Web 2.0 is the second generation of the WWW and as such has placed its focus on the ability for persons to be
able to create, collaborate, edit and share user generated information online. This has now created 21st
Century Learning. 21st Century Learning refers to unlimited access to information on various subject areas and
topics using the internet.

Understanding Blogs

A Blog is “a means of communication used to examine a topic that often consist of written text, video, audio,
or other ways to exchange information”. It could be classified as an online journal or diary site. There are two
(2) types of blogging sites: free blog sites and self-hosted blog sites.

Blog Sites
The only good thing when using a free blog site is that you don’t have to spend any money for hosting or
paying for the domain name. Hosting is the method used to allow persons to view your site and the domain
name is the name given to your website. Free blog sites are not owned by the blogger and that includes the
content. A blogger is the person writing the content for the site. As such you share a domain name and you
will not be able to make money on a free blog site. For example, See useful
resources for free blog sites.

Useful Resources

Website Description Allow users to create personal blogs, online
portfolio, e-commerce sites and any other
types of sites. Allows user to create personal blogs, niche
focused blogs and for beginners trying to start
blogging. Owned by Google Allows advance users to create and design
blogs, online businesses and allows persons to
blog with a large group of writer. Allows user to create personal blogs however
authors and musicians use it to blog.

Self-Hosted Blog Sites

The self-hosted blog sites are owned by the blogger and that includes the content. Therefore, the blogger has
to search for a hosting company online and purchase the domain name. You can now make money with your
blogs. See useful Resources for Self-Hosted Blog sites.

Useful Resources

Web Hosting

Web 2.0 Tools: What Are They?

The Web 2.0 Tools are used online and doesn’t require you to download. These tools are presentation, video,
mobile, community and related links. They are easy to use and can be mastered in minutes.

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Presentation Tools
These presentation tools have basic slides, bullet point and allow creativity. You can upload, create, edit and
share presentation at anytime, anywhere and with anyone via SlideShare, Prezi and Picsviewr. You don’t have
to know how to use PowerPoint and this makes presentation to students, teachers or even colleagues simple
and easy.

Video Tools
This tool allows you to integrate video into shared projects, presentations, parents meeting and much more
via animoto and photopeach.

Mobile Tools
This tool is perfect for podcasting, blogging, media sharing, quizzes and much more via PollyEverywhere, and Jott. This tool allows cell phones to become smart teaching tools.

Community Tools
This tool fosters teachers and students to community building by allowing them to communicate, collaborate
and share work via Edmodo, Google docs, Wikispaces and Ning just to name a few.

Related Links Tools

New tools are published each week and covers many of the categories mentioned above via Class Blogmeister,
Smilebox, Voicethread and Glogster just to name a few.

Podcasts: Listing Fun

Podcast are free downloadable videos and audio series distributed over the internet using podcast manager.
A podcast manager is software used to help you locate podcast that you can listen. Podcast manager uses
different types of technology such as desktop, web-based and mobile to assist you with choosing what you
want to listen to and if you like what you hear you can subscribe to it.

Desktop technology some persons use are iTunes, VLC and Clementine just to name a few.

Web-based technology some persons use are LearnOutLoad, Digital Podcast, CNN Podcast and
Nationwideradiojm just to name a few.

Mobile technology some persons use are AppSlappy, Android Central and Engadget Mobile just to
name a few.

Get Started with Blogging: Starting Your Own Blog

So you want to create your own blog. Here are a few tips to help you along the way.

1. Why start a blog?

 Make money while working from home
 Author of a book
 Get exposure for your existing business or club
 Just writing
2. What type of blog do you want to create?
 Business
 Personal
 Recreational
3. Who will be your target audience?
 Mothers
 Teenagers
 Adults
4. Choose a blogging platform
 Hosted
 Self-hosted

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5. If self-hosted find a host
6. Choose a domain name
7. Begin blogging

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Unit 3
Social Media

Unit 3: Social Media

According to Social Media are “websites and other online means of communication that are
used by large groups of people to share information and to develop social and professional contacts.” There
are over 60 Social Media Websites.

List of commonly used Social Media

Name Description
Facebook Allows user to follow persons, post pictures, comments, videos as
well as share other users’ comments, pictures and videos. It also has
instant messaging capabilities. Users can market and promote
businesses, brands and products by using paid Facebook ads.
Whatsapp Allows user to communicate via messaging, voice and video calls.
Tumblr Allows user to follow things they like and posting of videos.
Instagram Allows user to share pictures and videos
Twitter Allows user to share short messages.
Skype Allows user to connect with people through voice calls, video calls
and text messaging.
SnapChat Allows user to chat with friends through pictures.
Pinterest Allows user to view pictures for do it yourself (DIY) projects.
YouTube Allows user to share videos, comment, private message, like, etc.

Getting Up to Speed with Facebook

Facebook has several features associated with it and it is broken down into five (5) categories such as
structure, applications, features, privacy and security. Each category will be further broken down in more
details and the terms associated with the category explained.

The structure includes the following headings: news feeds, friends, wall, timeline, reactions, messages and
inbox, notification and groups.

News feed are content the user sees when they login to their profile by persons they follow on the
network such as friends, groups and pages.

Friends list is a group of persons that the user added to their profile such as friends, family and/or

Wall is the virtual space provided for the user to added content on their profile for anyone who has
access to their page to view. The content added to your wall will become available for viewing by your
friends in their news feed.

Timeline is the virtual space provided for organized content to be displayed by the user. This is shown
by the date, time and by whom.

Reactions allows the user to give feedback on comments, status up dates, photos and links shared by
friends, pages, groups and advertisements by clicking on the various options available on the button.
These options are like, haha, wow, sad and angry.

Messages and Inbox allows the user to send messages to a group of their friends at the same time.
Deleting message from your inbox does not delete the message from the other user’s inbox. Facebook

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chat allows users to send emojins (small image or icon used to express an idea or emotion), pictures,
GIF (images that animate) and also has the ability to attach files.

Notifications advice users when things are added to their profiles.

Groups are created by an individual who allow members to post content such as editable documents,
links, questions, media, events and comments on the issue. There are three types of security
associated with groups; open, close and secret.

Open means the group, its members and non-group members (the general Facebook users) are
able to view comments made. The public is unable to interact with the group and its members
unless they join the group.

Close means the group and its members are visible to public but their comments can’t be seen
unless they join the group.

Secret means nothing can be viewed by the public unless a member invites an individual to join
the group.

Applications include the following headings: events, marketplace, notes, places, photos, videos and Facebook

Events are used to advice the users’ friends of an event that they are having. The event contains the
following information the name of the event and the type of event, the date, the time, the location,
the host(s) and a guest list of invitees. Events can be private or public. Private events can’t be found in
searches and are strictly by invitation. Persons who are not invited are unable to view the events
descriptions, walls and/or newsfeeds. The user who is setting up the event can choose to allow friends
to upload photos and/or videos.

Marketplace allows the users to post free classified ads within the following categories: for sale,
housing, jobs and other as either wanted or available. (No longer available in Facebook)

Notes’ is a blogging feature available on facbook and it allows persons to import their blogs from other
blogging services.

Places’ is a mobile feature that allows the user to let friends know where they are at the moment with
“check in”. There is also a subset of Places called Deals, this allows the user to be rewarded with
discounts when they check in from a restaurant, bar, etc. using a mobile phone.

Photos allow the user to upload a picture and be able to tag a friend in it by using the facial recognition

Videos allow the user to share a video with friends by uploading and tagging their friends.

Facebook Mentions allows public figures to with verified accounts to upload content with ease.

The features include the following headings: listening with friends, ticker, live streaming, mood faces,
subscribe, hash tagging and say thanks.

Listening with friends allows the user to discuss tunes with a friend or a group of friends while
listening to the music. In the group setting one friend will act as a DJ and up to 50 friends can listen and
discuss. Once you use this feature a “story will be posted to the users friends” ticker and/or newsfeed.
The user can choose who sees when he is listening with a friend.

Ticker allows the user to show all their friends and pages when updates are made to their page such as
comments or likes and status updates.

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Live streaming allows the user to broadcast live video streams which will appear on the news feed and
have comments made in real-time. Real-time means as the event is occurring or instantly.

Mood faces allows the user to choose how they feel at any given time when they are making a

Subscribe allows user to following public updates.

Hash tagging allows the user to search for the topic being discussed over the web easily clicking on the
hash tag.

Say thanks allow the user to create a personalized video greeting card for friends.

The privacy feature include the following headings: who can see my stuff, who can contact me and who can
look me up?

Who can see my stuff?

Under this setting the user has the option to choose who can see future post, who can see people
pages and lists you follow and limit the audience for post you’ve shared with friends of friends or
public by changing the answer from either public, friends or only you.

Who can contact me?

Under this setting the user can choose who can send you friend requests by selecting everyone or
friends of friends.

Who can look me up?

Under this setting the user can choose who can look you using the email address you used, who can
look you up using the phone number that you used and do you want search engines outside of
Facebook to link to your profile by selecting friends, everyone, yes or no.

The privacy feature includes the following: social authentication, full time https, malicious software
protection, guardian angels, remote logout, one time password and clickjacking scam removal.

Social authentication prevents unauthorized persons from logging into your account by forcing them
to look pictures and identify their names.

Full time https (hypertext transport protocol security) is used at the beginning of an URL (uniform
resource locator) to prevent persons from stealing sensitive information. You can enable this feature
by going into the security setting and select “browse Facebook on a secure connected (https) when
possible”. This option should be used when browsing Facebook via public WIFI.

Malicious software protection (malware) allows Facebook to temporarily shut down your account if
you fall victim to malware and perform a scan until it is clean.

Guardian Angels allows the user to select up to five (5) friends to help you log back into your account if
you forgot your password or don’t have access to your email. How this works is that you would contact
your “trusted friend” and they would advise you of the security code necessary to help you log into
your account.

Remote logout allows the user to log out of their account from a different machine if they had
forgotten to do so. Visit the security page under account settings to view the list of all the “active
sessions” and close them off.

One time password allows the user to use a public computer by using a temporary password which is
valid for only twenty (20) minutes. To activate this send a text message saying “opt” to 32665.

Clickjacking scam removal scans links on your page to determine if they are bad links and remove it.
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What in the World is Twitter?

Twitter is an online news and social networking service which allows users to post messages (tweets) up to
140 characters. Only registered users can post comments while unregistered users can only view. The logo
for the social media is a light blow bird.

Instruction: Discuss the following questions in no more than 50 words.

1. At what age do you think a child/teenager should be allowed to be on social media?


2. What are the Pros and Cons of social media?


Instruction: Read each sentence carefully and tick True or False to select the correct answer.

3. Social Media can be defined as an internet community used for sharing information and to develop
social and professional contacts.

4. Social Media is for teens and young adults.


5. There are over 60 social media websites available.


6. Once I have access to the internet I am automatically a part of the social media community.

7. I can only make social media post on weekends.

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8. Read the scenario below and answer the questions.
Marcus visited an internet café and he signed into Facebook. He spent an hour commented on his friends
pictures and updating is wall. He got a phone call from his mother and he rushed out without signing out
of his page. When he got to his mother’s house he realized he had not sign-out. He was about to call the
café when he saw you walked in and he asked you for help.
a. Recall the steps used to remote log off of Facebook for Marcus.


b. Explain the safety feature one time password to Marcus.


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Unit 4
Media Literacy
Media literacy “is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media.” It encompasses digital literacy,
information literary, news literacy, visual literacy and digital citizenship.

Digital literacy looks at “how we make informed decisions online, how technology affects our
behaviour and perceptions, and how we create and effectively communicate with digital tools”.

Information literary looks at “how to find, evaluate, and use information effectively to solve a problem
or make a decision”.

News literacy looks at “helping us to discern verified information from spin, opinion and propaganda,
and produce news accurately, fairly and responsibly”.

Visual literacy looks at “allowing us to effectively find, interpret, evaluate, use, and create images and
visual media such as: photographs, videos, illustrations, drawings, maps, diagrams and

Digital citizenship “refers to the norms of safe responsible technology use” or how to use technology
responsibly through promoting integrity, morals and respect.

Advertising on the web

There are different ways to advertise on the web through social media, search engines optimization through
local listing services of Google Place, Bing and Yahoo!Local, blogs and putting up multimedia on YouTube and

Social media gives clients and prospective clients direct access to your business through ads and other
offerings such as discount, give a ways just to name a few.

Search Engines Optimizations (SEO) through local listing services of Google Place, Bing and
Yahoo!Local gives businesses a competitive edge by drawing customers through visibility. Once the
users begin to type keywords that is related to the name of your business or the category that your
business falls under, the search engine will make a suggestion as to the companies relate to the search,
driving customers to your page.

Google Place allows businesses to advertise the business hours, address, telephone number
and direction to your business for free at

Bing is similar to google place and you can import your information from google place so once a
potential client types a keyword in Bing your business pops up at It is relatively free as the only time you pay is when a
customer clicks on your ads and there is no minimum fee.

Yahoo!Local is also similar to Google Place and Bing as it allows yahoo search engine to display
your business information once you sign up for it at

Blogs is another way of advertising and drive customers to your business.

YouTube and Flickr is another inexpensive way to drive customers to your business.

Media Literacy and Your Family

William saw a message on his phone and it read, “POTUS shot dead at the white house.” He immediately
called his wife advising her that all hell was breaking loose in the US and he was worried about his sister Lisa.
After hanging up with his wife, he immediately called Lisa who resides in Florida to ask her when she was
coming home as he heard that the President was assassinated at the white house.

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Shocked at his statement and not hearing any breaking news where that was concerned she asked her brother
where he got that information from. He told her that he received a message on his phone from an
independent media house that he subscribed to that gave him current news as it happens. Lisa told her
brother that the news he got was incorrect.

Instruction: Discuss the following questions.

1. What should William had done before raising an alarm?


2. Explain why the independent media house was not a credible source?


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Unit 5
Digital Citizenship and Digital Footprints/Digital
Digital Citizenship can be described as educating persons on how to use technology responsibly through
promoting integrity, morals and respect. In order to use technology wisely we need to look at the following
topics: digital access, digital commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital law,
digital rights and responsibilities, digital health and wellness, and digital security.

Digital Access looks at accessibility to all by way of technology. Not everyone has access to technology
and if they do have access it is very limited. For example, parents and/or child has access when they
are at work, school, library, community center or internet café. With digital citizenship the common
goal is to provide access to all and ensure that no one is denied digital access.

Digital Commerce looks at users exchanging legitimate and legal goods and services via the internet.
The internet has becomes a commonplace for users to purchase goods and services online, however,
we have seen conflicting activities taking place where the laws and morals are concerned such as illegal
gambling, pornography and downloading. As a digital citizen we need to learn to be effective

Digital Communication looks at how the user make an appropriate decision when faced with different
digital communication options. Gone are the days when we used the traditional ways of
communicating as the technological era has introduce us to email, instant messaging and mobile

Digital Literacy looks at teaching learners to be able to learn anything, anytime and anywhere as new
technologies have found their way into the work world that is not being taught in the classroom. As
new technology emerge learners need to learn how to use the technology quickly. Some of these fields
that are constantly changing are medicine and business just to name a few. Digital citizenship involves
educating users in a way that fosters information literacy.

Digital Etiquette looks at appropriate conduct while using technology. There is a code of conduct that
we ought to follow but often times ignore or is ignorant of it. Digital citizenship promotes responsible

Digital Law looks at the ethics of technology within the society. Users need to understand that stealing
or causing damage to an individual’s property, life or work online is a criminal offense. Please be aware
that these rules applies to anyone using the internet.

Digital Rights and Responsibility looks at the user as they navigate through the use of the internet via
technology. For example, the user has a right to privacy, however, it is the user’s responsibility to
ensure that security features are enabled to prevent the general public from having access to sensitive

Digital Health and Wellness looks at the constant usage of technology on a day to day basis. We as
users spend so much time staring at the technology that will eventually lead to eye problems, back
problems from poor ergonomics and repetitive stress syndrome just to name a few. Digital citizenship
educates its users though teaching and training exercises of the evident danger when it comes to our
health and wellness while we use technology.

Digital Security looks at self-protection by using virus protection, backups of data and protection of our
technology through surge protectors and/or UPS in the event of a power surge or failure.

©National Parenting Support Commission 2015 Page 19

Digital Citizenship Moments in your Home
We need to ensure that certain behaviours’ that we display around our children can be emulated by them
when the time comes and they are tested. For example, you received a WhatsApp video from a friend showing
a child fighting in the bus park and you can identify the school the child attends. What would be your initial
reaction be?

Is Digital Citizenship or Just Plain Citizenship?

Is there a difference between digital citizenship and traditional citizenship? The answer to this question is no.
Ask yourself this question, what values are important to me as a person? Is it honesty, trust, moral, integrity
and/or loyalty? These values that we hold for ourselves is the value system that we expect when we are using

Digital Footprint/digital dossier is the electronic data trail of activities, actions and communications of a user
while they are using the internet. This can be viewed by the user when the browser history is viewed. It shows
the sites that you visited, the day, month and year as well as the time. With this in mind we now have to turn
our focus on Internet Safety.

Internet Safety looks at how you the user protect your information from getting in the wrong hands. For
example, when you use a public machine to check your emails, social media websites or financial institution
information do you log out of your page? If your answer to this question is no, then you are an easy target for
internet hacking and scamming. When you close the browser not all sites automatically log you out of the
website. As such anyone can open the web browser and go through the history to access your page. Make it a
habit to always sign out after signing in and not store your password.

Digital Footprints: What does your child’s digital dossier look like? From all that you have learned it is time to
see what your child’s digital footprints look like. This is not spying but making sure that your child is safe at all

Instruction: Answer the questions below.

1. What do you understand by the term digital citizenship?


2. Read the scenario below and answer the questions.

Andy works at a prominent financial institution. He and his friends went to ATI Dream weekend where
they witness an underage child being beaten up by an older man. The behaviour displayed clearly
indicated that they were in a relationship. Andy was a bit put off as the girl reminded him of his niece and
he begins to record the beating.
After the security got involved and removed the man from the party, Andy told his friends that he
captured what transpired on his phone. They suggested that he shared the video on social media to
expose the man and what he did.
a. Explain to Andy why it would not be wise to post the video on social media.

b. What would you recommend Andy do with the video?


©National Parenting Support Commission 2015 Page 20


3. List two (2) rights and responsibility as a digital user.


4. Identify two (2) attributes of a digital citizen.


5. Read the following scenario and answer the questions.

Annmarie’s eight (8) year old son was playing games on her cell phone. He got tired of playing the same
game and decided to go through her phone. He accessed her stored videos from her Whatsapp profile and
proceeded to watch an ex-rated video she received from a friend. The video has been circulating on social
media about a teenage girl being raped. Twenty seconds into the video Annmarie walked in and caught
her son watching the video. She grabbed the phone from her son and cursed him for searching her phone.
a. Annmarie is your sister and she told you what happened. Explain to Annmarie about digital footprint
and the importance of what is stored to her phone.

b. What course of action should be taken as her son was exposed to adult content?


©National Parenting Support Commission 2015 Page 21

Unit 6
Keeping Your Computer Secure

In order to keep your computer secure ensure that you do the following:

1. Anti-virus software is installed on your machine such as AVG, Avast, Norton, Avira and Kaspersky just to
name a few. This prevents malware, spyware and other threats from attacking your computer.
2. Computer updates are required to help protect your machine. These updates are called security patches
which are used to fix software vulnerabilities.
3. Educate yourself by not downloading software you know nothing about, don’t open attachments or click
on links you are uncertain about. Use complex passwords such as a combination of upper case, lower case,
numbers and symbols.
4. Secure your home network by ensuring that your home WIFI has WPA-2 security enabled so no one can
walk by and access the network as well as change the default password. For your mobile connection using
free WIFI ensure that sensitive website access uses the https connection.
5. Backup your data why you might ask because if you encounter a security issue you would be able to
retrieve your lost data. For example, your email and contacts should be backed up in the event that your
online account gets compromised.

Parental Protection Applications

There are applications out there that can help parents monitor your child(ren) devices. Below are a few free
applications you can use to help secure your children and you can also research do your own research as well.
For the tablets and android devices you can find free protection apps in the play store.

KuuKla Parental Control

 For android devices.
 Only approved applications are shown
 Schedule time to use applications and the internet on smart phone.

Kids Place – Parental Control

 Only approved applications are shown
 Prevent downloading and purchasing of new applications.
 Block incoming calls
 Disable all wireless signals.

Screen Time Parental Control

 Manage how much ‘screen time’ your child gets.
 Blocks different apps according to time set.
 Blocks all apps when it’s time for lights out.
 Set daily time limit on the apps

Abeona - Parental Control & device Monitor

 Monitor the mobile apps usage.
 View call logs and check whether the device is online or offline.

SecureTeen Parental Control

 Monitor online activities.
 Monitor apps downloaded and their location.
 Can shut down apps you don’t like that was installed.

Stay Alert (notes came from google play store)

©National Parenting Support Commission 2015 Page 22

 Has four features to it ireport, panic mode, the law and alerts.
 Ireport allows the user to send anonymous information to the police in the form of video recording,
audio recording, photo or a message.
 Panic mode allows the user to make contact with the police if you are in distress or in “a panic
 The law allows the user to receive or search for specific Jamaican laws and simple to understand
‘law notes’ under these laws
 Alerts allows the user to receive information in the form of text only, text and video, text and audio
or text and phot.

©National Parenting Support Commission 2015 Page 23

Unit 7
Software (Classroom Practice)
Starting Microsoft Word
 Create a new document
 Manipulate the following keys – spacebar, capslock, arrow keys, Shift(for capitals and symbols), Delete,
 Insert and delete blank spaces/lines
 Open and save a file (using Save and Save as…)

Formatting text
 Block Text
 Underline, embolden and italicize text
 Change fonts and font sizes
 Change the case of text
 Align text – center, left, right, justify

Editing Text
 Indent text using the Tab key
 Insert bullets and numbered lists
 Copy/cut and paste text
 Check text using Grammar and Spell Check Tools

 Create a table
 Format text within a table
 Change alignment of table

Modifying Tables
 Insert/delete rows and columns
 Format table using Table Auto format

 Insert pictures/autoshapes/WordArt
 Change size of picture/auto shape/WordArt

Formatting pictures & page printing

 Format pictures/auto shapes
 Change position of pictures/auto shapes/WordArt

 Change page margins and page orientation
 Printing multiple copies, current page, specific pages, text segments

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Word - Basic – Exercises

Exercise 1

 Open a New Word document (Click on File tab and select New)
 Select Blank Presentation
 Return to the File tab and choose Save As
 Name your document Pet Talent Contest Poster so you can find it again
 Once it is saved then look on the top of the screen – note the change
 Now you are on the Home tab

 Look for the group called “paragraph” and check line spacing
 On the first line put in Pet Talent Contest
 Push “enter” two times so you have a new line
 (you should still be on the Home tab)
 Type Saturday, November 2nd, 3 PM
 Push “enter” two more times and then type the word at
 Push “enter” once and then type Pampered Pets
 Push “enter” two more times and then type:
 Can your pet sing?
 Can your pet dance?
 Can your pet tell jokes or do tricks?
 Bring them along! Winners and consolation prizes.
 Now go to the Insert tab and find the Illustrations group and then click on Clip Art and search for
 Click on the image you want and it will now move to your document
 Now return to the File tab and “Save As” Pet Talent Contest Poster
 Let’s add a border together

Exercise 2 – Try to make a new document but use a Template instead of a Blank Document (start at the
beginning of the steps in Exercise 1)

Exercise 3 – Insert a picture or clip art from the Insert Tab and play with the Formatting that appears.

©National Parenting Support Commission 2015 Page 25

Microsoft Excel

Excel Basics
 Create a new worksheet
 Identify a cell’s address
 Format data – bold, underline, change alignment, Auto Format etc.
 Use different blocking techniques – to block a row, column, entire worksheet, a non-adjacent set of cell

Formatting worksheet
 Format data – currency, comma, percentage, decimal etc. using the Formatting toolbar
 Insert/delete rows/columns
 Increase/decrease the height/width of rows and columns

 Write simple formula (sum, subtract, multiply and divide)
 Copy formula to other cells
 Use AutoSum


 Set/clear a print Area

 Change page orientation
 Printing multiple copies, current sheet, specific sheet

©National Parenting Support Commission 2015 Page 26

Excel– Basic – Exercises

Exercise 1

 Open a New Excel document (Click on File tab and select New)
 Select Blank workbook
 Return to the File tab and choose Save As
 Name your document Cricket Statistics so you can find it again
 Once it is saved then look on the top of the screen – note the change
 Now you are on the Home tab
 Select cell D1 and type Hitters Cricket Club
 Select cell D3 and type Top 5 Cricketers
 Select cell A4 and type Name
Now that you have got the hang of it, enter the remaining labels and all the values in the appropriate

Exercise 2

 To centre justify the labels in row 4:

o Select the cells A4 to F4 by clicking on A4 and dragging the mouse to the right.
o Click on the Centre button in the toolbar.
 To change the width of column A:
o Place the pointer between columns A and B.
o Click and drag the mouse to the right until the complete names are displayed.
o Click save

Exercise 3

 Select cell G4 and type Total Runs.

 Select cell G5 and type formula:
= B5 + C5 + D5 + E5 + F5
This formula calculates the total runs scored by Vinai Birbal. The answer will be shown in G5

 Move to the other cells in column G and type in the formulae that corresponds with that cell.
 Click save.

Exercise 4

 Select sheet 2
 Replicate the worksheet below

©National Parenting Support Commission 2015 Page 27

 Select rows 3 and 4
 Click the Insert tab
 Select Pie from the chart type on the ribbon
 Select a Pie chart of your choice
 Click save

©National Parenting Support Commission 2015 Page 28

Microsoft PowerPoint

Understanding PowerPoint
 Explain the purpose of different views of presentation
 Create a simple presentation
 Navigate among slides
 Choose appropriate slide layout
 Copy, delete, move slides
 Insert a picture
 Insert a table
 Delete/add rows/columns from/to a table
 Insert an autoshape
 Apply a fill colour/effect
 Insert a chart
 Insert an organizational chart
 Insert a diagram
 Insert design templates
 Apply slide transition effects
 Set up a presentation that runs automatically

Make Presentation
 Presentation

©National Parenting Support Commission 2015 Page 29

PowerPoint – Basic - Exercises

Exercise 1

 Open a New PowerPoint Presentation. Click on File tab and select New.
 Select Blank Presentation
 Return to the File tab and choose Name As
 Name your presentation so you can find it again
 Once it is saved then look on the top of the screen – you should see your presentation with the name
you gave it
 On the first slide put in Poudre River Public Library District where it says Click to add title
 Click where it says Click to add subtitle and type Created by “Your Name”
 You are on the Home tab, now find where you add a New Slide (but not the little arrow, just the image
of New Slide)
 Your second slide will now allow you to add another title – click and write Harmony Library Hours
 Still in the second slide, this or type this where you see Click to add text:
Monday - Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Friday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
 Switch to Outline View by clicking on the left sidebar
o Insert a new slide as you did before (remember you are entering text into the left hand outline
 Type Library Services for the title and press the Enter key
 Press the Tab key on your keyboard to get the first bullet and type
o Programs for all ages
o Computer Classes
o Local History Archive
o Research and Reference assistance
 Go to the left sidebar again and change to “Slides” instead of “Outline”
o Make sure you are still on the Home tab and then click on New Slide but this time choose the
little arrow and find a “Title Slide”
o Type “See you soon at the Library!”
 Go to File tab and Save As
 Find the Design tab and click on it
 Find the Themes “group” and select a theme by clicking on it (can hover over it to get an idea of what it
will look like)
 Change the colors in the design by staying in the Themes “group” and play with fonts and effects if you
 Click on the View tab and look at your presentation from the options in the Presentation Views
 View your presentation by clicking on the View tab again or look on the very bottom right for some
image on how to view your slideshow (Normal, Slide Sorter, Reading View, or Slide Show)
 Remember that you can click on Esc on your keyboard to return to editing your presentation

Exercise 2 – Try to make a new presentation but use a Template instead of a Blank Presentation (start at the
beginning of the steps in Exercise 1)

Exercise 3 – In any of your presentations, add some transitions and animation to your text through the
Transitions Tab and/or the Animations Tab

©National Parenting Support Commission 2015 Page 30

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