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Wijayati, Ririn. 2018. The Relationship of Family Social Support With The Level Of
Hiperemesisi Gravidarum in the First Trimester Pregnant Women at the
Gynecology Clinic Of dr.R.Soedarsono Hospital, Pasuruan City. Thesis,
Hafshawaty Health College Zainul Hasan Genggong. Supervisor: (1) Iis Hanifah,
SST., M.Kes, (2) Evi Susiyanti, SST., M.Kes.

Social support is a process of relationship between family and their social environment.
The family is a group of people which is bonded with marriage, birth, and adoption.
Hyperemesis gravidarum is excessive nausea and vomiting that disturb daily works so that the
general condition becomes bad.
The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship of family social support with the level
of hyperemesis gravidarum in pregnant women at the RSUD dr. R. Soedarsono Pasuruan in
2018. This study uses an analytical correlation design with a cross sectional approach, where the
data were taken at the RSUD dr. R. Soedarsono Pasuruan from April to May 2018. The
population are 40 people of first trimester pregnant women motnhly, and the sample are 30
respondents who fulfill the inclusion criterias with Quota Sampling techniques. Data collection
includes coding, editing, and tabulating, then the data are analyzed by computer using lambda
coefficient with p value <α 0.05.
The analysis results (1) information support with significant numbers 0.007 < 0.05, and a
strong correlation at 0.650, (2) assessment support with significant numbers 0.044 <0.05, and a
weak correlation at 0.294, (3) emotional support with significant numbers 0.034 <0.05, and a
strong correlation at 0,550, (4) instrumental support with a significant number of 0.309> 0.05,
and a weak correlation at 0.250. The conclusion of this study is there is a relationship of family
social support with the level of hyperemesis gravidarum in the first trimester pregnant women.
The given advice regarding with this study is that the familiy should provide social support
to the first semester pregnant women so that the level of hyperemesis gravidarum will be mild
and not burden the pregnancy process that will be felt by the pregnant mothers.

Keywords : social support, level of hyperemesis gravidarum.

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