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I’m going to let you in a little secret: I’m actually a superhero. But, “you can’t be a superhero
without having superpowers,” you say? Well actually, I have some secret super powers of my own;
those of which I use to help save a person. Another thing that can prove to you that I’m one of those
power-yielding, evil-destroying types is that I fight villains on a daily basis. Ranging from monsters under
the bed to monsters inside my head, I fight these villains with everything I have. Armed with my super-
secret color-coded sticky notes, late night encouraging conversations with my mirror, and my faith, I can
safely say that I’ve fought many battles with the villains and won.

Now that you know I’m a super hero, I’m going to let you in another little secret: I have three
super powers; three powers that are of equal importance. My first power is that I am well-organized.
This includes being organized with my school supplies, the list of my assignments, and the occasional
goals and plans for my future. When I mentioned my stash of color-coded sticky notes, I wasn’t just
kidding. It’s to show that I am indeed an organized person and I consider this as an advantage against
my villains. Being organized has made me stronger in a way only a few things can. Because I am
organized, I am able to set goals for myself step by step. It has encouraged me to plan and to do my very
best to achieve each and every goal. Being well-organized taught me to persevere and not give up until
I’ve reached my goals because whenever I failed to achieve a goal, I cannot move on to the next ones.
Planning step by step also taught me to not take shortcuts just to be able to reach my aims quickly
because the best lessons are learned as you go through life slow and steady. Others may confuse well-
organization with nitpicking and may find it annoying but to me, it is an irreplaceable power.

The second superpower I have is self-confidence. I have absolute faith in my abilities and what I
can do. For me, self-confidence isn’t just about knowing what you can do, but it is also about knowing
what you can’t do and accepting that. I know my weaknesses, and the advantage of being self-confident
is that you just know that you’ll be trying your hardest to overcome those weaknesses and grow
stronger, but not to the point of endangering yourself and others. I think of myself as self-confident
because I’m exactly like that. I thank God everyday for giving me talents but honestly, not all the abilities
I have today are with me since birth. Most of them I gained by doing my best to develop and use them
everyday and because of all that hard work and effort, I can say that yes, I believe in myself and my
abilities; and I think that’s what being self-confident means.

The last super power I have is faithfulness. If I wasn’t faithful, I could never believe in myself and
by extension, never achieve my goals. Not only do I believe in myself but I also believe in God. I have
faith that He will always guide me in whatever I do and lead me back to the right track whenever I have
gone astray. I am also a person who believes in everyone. Now that might sound naïve, but honestly, I
have faith that everyone is good inside and that’s what drives me to ‘save’ others. I am also faithful to
the things I find right. I will take a stand when faced with conflicts and do my best to defend this stand
as long as it is needed while being respectful to others’ stand. Believing in myself, others, and especially
God is what I do best. Trust me, whenever you’re faced with trials in life or when you’re suddenly tossed
in a whirlpool of problems, once you remain faithful to God, you’d suddenly find yourself in the center
of that whirlpool and then you’ll feel that somehow, everything’s going to be okay.
They say that a superhero is undefeatable, unconquerable; but one cannot be these things
without being faced with villains first and emerging victorious at the end. I have faced villains such as
failure, disappointment, and doubts and through defeating these monsters I have earned my powers.
Superpowers that have helped me become who I am today. Because of these powers I am able to
overcome the problems I face a lot easier and with the help of God, I know that even if I’m standing at
the brink of a catastrophe and then soon fall, I’ll be flying; undefeated and victorious. You say that a
superhero cannot be without superpowers but all I can say is yes, I do have superpowers. I am
superhero, and I am unconquerable.

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