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How e-cigarettes still affect our society’s health

E-cigarettes had been on trend for the last years ago, creating different thoughts on people’s
mind because most of them do not get to understand if it’s better or not than normal cigarettes,
so there are opposite opinions all around the world, some users defend it claiming that this
device is better since they are not directly smoking trapping the chemicals substances in their
lungs and also that it has way less chemicals than cigarettes. Most of them are mainly made
of nicotine aerosol (known as vapor).
As it was mentioned before, one of the main components of these devices is nicotine, but
also flavoring, that’s why you can find it in different flavors, but it also has another
components (metal) that are toxic in some cases and dangerous for user’s health. First, vaping
irritates the airways, which results into irreversible lung damage and over the time can lead
to several lung conditions. Secondly, some metal components f e-cigarettes are toxic and
some of its particles are ending in the vapor that produce e-cig. And last propylene glycol
and glycerin are the main component of e-liquids that causes respiratory irritation that mostly
ends affecting the central nervous system.
Also, vaporizers are considered as an introduction to another type of drugs because the liquid
inside of it are not only from nicotine, there are various types of e-liquids with substances
that also cause addiction. They are also filled with cannabinoid and tetrahydrocannabinol,
that are some derivates from cannabis which is the mainly component of marijuana, another
type of it, are DTM which is a vaping drug with hallucinogenic and addictive affects, is
known that an abuse of this substance can cause respiratory arrest, coma and even seizures.
Additionally, Flakka is used for vaping, this drug is like methamphetamine and cocaine.
In addition to what has been said, the fact of being electronic, can produce explosions and
burns such as normal cigarettes do, turning the device into a time-bomb just because; as they
need to be charged, an over-charge of e-cigarettes contributes to the warming of the battery
that in some cases ends up exploding, not only that, when the battery is failing can evoke a
short circuit and react with atmosphere-chemicals also causing an explosion, similarly,
moving around with spare batteries in the pocket, can come in contact with metallic objects
causing a short circuit. All the examples mentioned had ended up in the death of users.
Because all of those causes, vaporizers should be banned or at least regulated by the
government because the product itself its potentially toxic, changing smoking for vaping it’s
not a good solution for the ones who pretend to leave the cigarette smoke.

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