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Ryan Cottillion

Mrs. Cramer

Comp Pd 4

6, September, 2019

Have you ever walked in the woods and stood completely still? I love just hearing the

birds and the trees creaking. It sounds as if they are going to fall over. In a small town such as

Bradford there aren't many places that are peaceful and relaxing. I am fortunate enough to have

found this place - Marilla Reservoir. This is a multiuse large body of water for walking and

fishing. In my case fishing is what makes Marilla so special. Marilla was constructed around

1898 and is a beautiful piece of land. One thing that makes Marilla so special is the peacefulness.

Another reason Marilla is so special is the memories it has brought me about friends and family.

Lastly, it’s a great fishing spot.

The first reason Marilla is a special place is because of its peacefulness. Marilla is so

peaceful because most people are respectful and aren’t loud. Another example of why Marilla is

so peaceful is because of the wildlife. The wildlife makes it peaceful because you can see just

about every wild animal native to Pennsylvania such as Deer, Snakes, Birds, Squirrels. The last

reason for Marilla being so peaceful is because there is no one out there to bothering others and

is often a place to relieve stress.

The second reason Marilla is so special to me is because of the memories I have made

there with friends and family. One of my most memorable moments is when my best friend first

took me there and got me hooked on the activity of fishing. Another memory is when I took my

dad fishing at Marilla, It was special because it was good bonding between the both of us.
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Another memory that Marilla has brought to me is falling into the water with my phone in my

pocket I dropped my rod but was lucky enough to catch a fish.

The last reason Marilla is so special is because it is a great fishing spot. You can go there

with hooks and worms and catch fish all day. It’s a good fishing spot is because I have caught

some of my biggest bass there. Another reason Marilla is so special because of its fishing is

because you can go there and catch fish all day depending on what time of year it is. Another

really great thing about fishing at Marilla is the amount of species that you can catch. You can

catch up to eight species of fish. Lastly, Marilla is a good fishing spot because you can bring kids

there and they will have fun catching fish.

In conclusion, Marilla Reservoir is a sentimental spot. This is because of the peacefulness

that it brings to me. Marilla is special because of all the memories that I have made there. Lastly

Marilla is a great place because of how good the fishing is there. Therefore, Marilla is a very

special place to me for many reasons.

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