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Argumentative/Persuasive Essay on “Tell me, what is it you plan to do?

From an early age, I had an inclination towards bringing a positive difference in people’s lives,
human behaviour towards each other and how do the masses interact in a community. This
curiosity never left me, only growing more profound and passionate with every new discovery I
made. Presently, I aspire to be a Certified Public Accountant which I find beneficial to purse a
financial career.

I feel it will not only empower me to enhance my skills, but also broaden my horizons in terms of
knowledge regarding Finance and Accounting. I am confident that it will help me with financial
tax laws & regulations and payroll accounting. I am looking forward to this challenge.

Study has shown that lack of research can lead to failure. The first and foremost step I would take
after passing my CPA would be to research for the relevant job as it will not only add to my
experience but will also be crucial in securing the job. Even while starting my own business, only
a well-chalked out plan along with complete research and finance planning could prove fruitful.
Apart from that, if one does not formulate an action plan and works aimlessly whether with how
much devotion, his efforts are most likely to go astray because he cannot cope with various
problems without a properly devised plan. Hence, we have that, proper planning is the road to
It is said that criticism is an indirect form of self-boasting. At times, it is insulting to see people
devaluing your work but the fact here is that if they are doing so then there must be room for
improvement. That is the vital lesson I learned from my peer review this semester and it has been
quite a success. As far as my class fellows’ reviews are concerned I had quite satisfying remarks
and having to do with criticism, I have learnt to deal it with an open mind to cope with it fairly.
Conversely, assume if there is no criticism than everything would seem to be fine-tuned and well
in order whether it may or may not be, whether there may be some deficits or not, whether there
are many flaws as one could imagine. The fact here is that why do critiques criticize? Because they
find that there is something missing, something could be improved, there is space for betterment.
So we see that criticism is an essential part of learning and building one’s character.
Reviewing other people’s work is not as easy as it seems. I believe that as an initial it requires for
the peer to be experienced enough to be able to review the artefact. He must also have a good time
management strategy in order to fulfil the requirements of the review within the specified time. In
short, he must have a well-organized action plan which is the key to success for each work in every
field of life.
I would like to conclude that Financial and Accounting requires a sound understanding of how
accounting is structured and to become a successful CPA it is important to identify where the
insights lie just as Chris Grosser said:

"Opportunities don't happen. You create them."

DeMers, Jayson. “51 Quotes to Inspire Success in Your Life and Business.”, Inc., 0ADAD,

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