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 Enigma looked from the outside like an

oversize typewriter. Enter the first
letter of your message on the keyboard
and a letter lights up showing what it
has replaced within the encrypted
message. At the other end, the process
BOMBE BY ALAN TURING is the same: type in the “ciphertext”
and the letters which light are the
HISTORY/ BACKGROUND decoded missive.
 The Bombe searched through different
 The Enigma machine is an encryption possible positions of Enigma’s internal
device developed and used in the early- wheels, looking for a pattern of
to mid-20th century to protect
keyboard-to-lamp board connections
commercial, diplomatic and military that would turn coded letters into plain
communication. German. The method depended on
 It was employed extensively by Nazi human instinct, though; to initiate the
Germany during World War II, in all
process, a code breaker had to guess a
branches of the German military. few words in the message (these
 Enigma has an electromechanical rotor guessed words were called a crib). The
mechanism that scrambles the 26 Polish Bomba, a simpler 18-drum
letters of the alphabet. machine, was a forerunner of the
 The rotor mechanism changes the Bombe, but it was based on Rejewski’s
electrical connections between the
method for finding the wheel positions
keys and the lights with each keypress. at the start of the message. Unlike
 While Germany introduced a series of Rejewski’s method, the more powerful
improvements to Enigma, and these crib-based method invented by Turing
hampered decryption efforts to varying survived the May 1940 change. The
degrees, they did not ultimately
war on Enigma was transformed by the
prevent Britain and its allies from high-speed Bombes, and the
exploiting Enigma-encoded messages production of Ultra grew as more of
as a major source of intelligence during them were installed in Britain and the
the war. Many commentators say the United States.
flow of communications intelligence
from Ultra's decryption of Enigma, IMPACT TO THE SOCIETY
Lorenz and other ciphers shortened the
war significantly and may even have  By speeding up the process of breaking
altered its outcome the day’s Enigma settings, Turing’s
invention meant staff were able to
ALAN TURING decode quickly and pass on intelligence
often with enough time for it to be
 who made major contributions to acted upon. Intelligence uncovered
mathematics, cryptanalysis, logic, prior to the battle of El Alamein in 1942
philosophy, and mathematical biology. contributed to victory in this Egyptian
 The inventor of BOMBE. campaign,which proved to be a turning
BOMBE point of the war. The use of Bombes in
intelligence gathering had a huge
 was an electro-mechanical device that impact across many land, sea and air
replicated the action of several Enigma campaigns. The German battleship
machines wired together. Bismarck was located with the
 The standard British bombe contained assistance of Enigma decrypts and
36 Enigma equivalents, each with three sunk by air and surface attack in 1941.
drums wired to produce the same Later, in 1944, Enigma decrypts
scrambling effect as the Enigma rotors. provided details of German defensive
 A bombe could run two or three jobs preparations for, and reactions to the
D-Day invasion.
simultaneously. Each job would have a
menu that had to be run against a REFERENCE
number of different wheel orders. If the
menu contained 12 or fewer letters,
three different wheel orders could be
run on one bombe; if more than 12
letters, only two bih=508&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQSw0-

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