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Official Certificate of Attendance & Registrar Certification

Please keep this copy for your records.

Certificate of Attendance: This is an Official Certificate of Attendance which is serialized and can be verified by SeminarWeb at 800-701-5161. The
certificate includes a list of continuing education authorities which have approved this program for credit. This information may be useful for presumptive
approval in other jurisdictions, however, this Certificate may or may not be accepted by other continuing education authorities in other jurisdictions.
Please consult the specific rules of your continuing education authority for clarification. SeminarWeb cannot provide additional information or file for
certification in other continuing education jurisdictions once a program has completed.You are responsible for keeping a copy of the materials and
Certificate of Attendance for your records and for following the continuing education guidelines with your continuing education authority.

Registrar Statement of Authenticity: This certificate is submitted to ROBERT YOCOM because SeminarWeb can certify that the participant attended
this program for the specified duration of the program (minutes are shown), and ROBERT YOCOM additionally attests to his/her attendance by his/her
signature. This Certificate of Attendance is NOT provided to participants who did not attend the program; this policy is strictly enforced. Additional
materials and evaluations may be obtained by calling SeminarWeb at 800-701-5161.

Program Status by Continuing Education Accrediting Authority: (as of May 19, 2018)
Credit Approved: TBPTE - 62683TX - 6.0 CCUs
Credit Pending: (none)

Selected Continuing Education Accrediting Authority

Authority: Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners

Sponsor: Texas Consortium for Physical Therapy Clinical Education, Inc
Approval Number: 62683TX - 6.0 CCUs credits

Program: *Clinical Instructor Certification - Register Here!

Original Date of February 6, 2017


Format: This was a self-paced, online, distance learning program. The participant was able to ask questions of the moderators in the
program. Materials were provided to the participant. The program was completely web-based; there was NOT a live component
to this self-paced program. The program included papers and reading materials and video. The program included successful
completion of an online exam.

SeminarWeb Attendance at this program is certified by SeminarWeb as follows:

Verification of
Activity: Participant Identifier: 633835
EL PASO, TX 79934

Participant started program at 5/19/2018 11:33 AM CENTRAL

Participant exited program at 5/19/2018 10:16 PM CENTRAL
Examination Requirement Satisfied: YES

Registrar: Olivia Reinoso, SeminarWeb®

Participant I, ROBERT YOCOM, certify that I completed this program in its entirety.
Verification: Approval Number: 62683TX - 6.0 CCUs credits


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