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Delta fitness

Exercises after back surgery 2

By: ExorLive Content Publisher

These exercises are an example of exercises that can be performed after back surgery. Consult with your
physiotherapist or doctor to make sure you comply with your restrictions during training. The exercises should be
performed daily, preferably up to 2-3 times. Some pain can be expected during and up to 30 minutes after exercise.
When pain persists longer than 30 minutes it is recommended to execute with lower intensity the next time.
1. Lying leg lift 2
Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Cross your arms over your chest. Pinch your buttocks
together, lift your pelvis and lower back up from the mat.
Hold for 5 seconds and then rest for 5 seconds.
Reps: 10 , Sets: 3
2. Lying diagonal arm swing and knee lift
Lie on your back with the soles of your feet on the floor
and your arms straight, above your chest. Tilt your pelvis
backward. Activate the lower and profounder part of your
abdominal muscles, pull your navel inward, making a
"flat abdomen". At the same time, slowly lower one arm
backward over your head to the floor and Raise your
opposite leg until your hip bends about 90 degrees.
Reps: 10 , Sets: 3
3. Supine hip bend 2
Lie supine with your legs stretched. Maintain the entire
leg stretched while lifting it up off the mat by bending
your hip. Lift the leg as high as possible. Repeat the
exercise with the opposite leg.
Reps: 10 , Sets: 3 8/9/2019 @ 2:52 PM Page 1 of 2 Show video

Delta fitness
Exercises after back surgery 2
By: ExorLive Content Publisher
4. Standing alternating arm swings above the head
Stand with your feet together, slightly rotated outward. Lift
the arms in front of the body to approx. chest level.
Exhale and lift one arm towards the ceiling while lowering
the other towards the floor, keeping both palms facing
forward. Continue the movement backward with both
arms until you feel a stretch in the chest muscles. Avoid
swaying the back. Inhale and return to the starting
position, and then repeat the exercise oppositely.
Reps: 10 , Sets: 3
5. Standing knee lift 3
Place all your weight on one leg. Find the balance point
and lift the opposite knee. Stabilise the abdomen and
back, avoiding any movement in the lower back. Slowly
lower the knee and repeat with the opposite leg.
Reps: 10 , Sets: 3
6. Toe lift 1
Stand on the floor, feet about hip-width apart. Raise your
heels and push up until you are on your toes. Return to
the start position and repeat. The exercise is performed
with or without support.
Reps: 10 , Sets: 3
7. Sideways weight transfer
Stand with your legs wide apart. Lean to one side, rest
the weight on one leg, while bending slightly at the knee.
Slowly stretch your knee and move the weight over to the
opposite leg.
Reps: 10 , Sets: 3 8/9/2019 @ 2:52 PM Page 2 of 2 Show video

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