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Delta fitness

Frozen shoulder phase 1

By: ExorLive Content Publisher 4

This phase is usually the most painful one, your range of motion (ROM) will gradually decrease. The focus at this
phase is pain control and maintaining your ROM. If the exercises worsens your pain, they should not be performed.
1. Forward-leaning circular arm movements
Allow your body to lean forward, supporting yourself with
one hand on a chair or table. Allow one arm to relax and
hang down. Move the arm slowly, making small circlular
movements in the air.
Reps: 15 , Sets: 2-3
2. Shoulder lift
Sit on a chair. Place a hand on your collar bone. Raise
your active shoulder upward toward your ear.
Reps: 15 , Sets: 2-3
3. Shoulder blade contraction 1
Stand upright with your arms down by your sides. Bring
your shoulder blades together and slightly down.
Reps: 15 , Sets: 2-3
4. Seated outward arm move
Sit with your side to a table and put one arm on it. Turn
your palm face down and move your arm sideways by
leaning your upper body over to the side and actively
moving your arm outward. Pull back. Change sides.
Reps: 5 , Sets: 2-3 8/9/2019 @ 2:22 PM Page 1 of 2 Show video

Delta fitness
Frozen shoulder phase 1
By: ExorLive Content Publisher 4
5. Sliding towel on the table top
Sit at the table with a folded towel under the clenched
hands. Slide the towel diagonally away from the body and
back. Alternately left and right.
Reps: 5 , Sets: 2-3 8/9/2019 @ 2:22 PM Page 2 of 2 Show video

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