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Delta fitness

Senior- Mobility training standing 1

By: ExorLive Content Publisher 4

The program consist exercises for mobility, upper body and neck. Perform the exercises with gentle movements.
Breathe deeply in and out when you are in the outher position.
1. Spiral twist
Stand with your feet hips width apart. Let your arms hang
relaxed by your sides. Slightly twist in your upper body.
Increase the twist downward in your back, while swinging
your arms heavily from side to side. You can supplement
with focussed breathing and bending your knees slightly.
Reps: 20 , Sets: 3
2. Standing side bend 6
Stand on the floor with a hip-width distance between your
legs. Let your arms hang down the sides. Move your
arms down the side of the leg while you bend your upper
body to the side. Make sure not to lift the opposite foot
from the ground, or move your hip forward. When you
cannot bend anymore to the side, move up again and
repeat to the opposite side.
Reps: 20 , Sets: 3
3. Chest and shoulder 1
Fold your hands behind you, push your chest forward and
pull your arms back until you feel a good stretch in your
chest and shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds.
Holdetid: sekunder 30-60
4. Sideways head tilt
Tilt the head to one side, placing the ear towards the
shoulder. Hold for about 30 seconds. Maintain a forward
look, and avoid rotating the neck or raising the shoulders.
Repeat the exercise to the opposite side.
Holdetid: sekunder 30-60 8/9/2019 @ 3:42 PM Page 1 of 2 Show video

Delta fitness
Senior- Mobility training standing 1
By: ExorLive Content Publisher 4
5. Sideways head turn
Alternately turn the head side to side, as far as possible.
Holdetid: sekunder 30-60 8/9/2019 @ 3:42 PM Page 2 of 2 Show video

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