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The reviews of maternity practices and their effects on breastfeeding indicators both found that

separation of the newborn from their mother at birth is not beneficial. The Moore et al. (9) review found
that mothers practicing early skin-to-skin contact were more likely to be breastfeeding in the first four-
months post-partum (risk ratio [RR] 1.24; 95% CI: 1.07, 1.43) and on average breastfed their infants for
43 days longer than those mothers not practicing early skin-to-skin contact (95% CI: 37.96, 89.50)
although data were somewhat limited for the effect on breastfeeding duration (six studies with 264
participants). Infants had better cardio-respiratory stability with early skin-to-skin contact (standardized
mean difference [SMD] 1.24; 95% CI: 0.76, 1.72), however data were limited (two studies with 81
participants). Blood glucose 75 to 180 minutes following birth was significantly higher in early skin-to-
skin contact infants (mean difference [MD] 10.49; 95% CI: 8.39, 12.59), and they also reportedly cried
less, though the latter result was based on only two studies.

IMD terbukti sangat membantu proses kontak kulit ke kulit (skin to skin contact) dan hal ini sangat
bermanfaat untuk membantu stabilisasi proses adaptasi kardio respiratori neonatal. Data dari 2
penelitian dengan 81 subjek menyebutkan bahwa pada 3 jam pertama kehidupan, gula darah pada
bayi/neonatal yang di IMD kan lebih tinggi daripada bayi yang tidak di IMD kan dan ini berhubungan
dengan adanya kontak kulit ke kulit antara ibu-neonatal. (WHO 2019)

The two reviews of early initiation of breastfeeding and neonatal mortality and morbidity both found a
positive effect. The Debes et al. review (11) reported the results of random effects meta-analyses of
data from 3 studies, which demonstrated that initiation of breastfeeding (within 24 hours of birth) was
associated with lower risks of all-cause neonatal mortality among all live births (RR 0.56; 95% CI: 0.40,
0.79) and among low birth weight babies (RR 0.58; 95% CI: 0.43, 0.78), and lower risks of infection-
related neonatal mortality (RR 0.55; 95% CI: 0.36, 0.84). The Khan et al. (12) meta-analysis found that
initiation of breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth was associated with a reduced risk of neonatal
mortality. Neonates who started to breastfeed after the first hour of life had twice (pooled odds ratio
[OR] 2.02; 95 % CI: 1.40, 2.93) the risk of dying in the first month of life compared to those breastfed
within first hour.

Dalam penelitian meta analisis data dari 3 penelitian oleh Debes et al tahun 2019 membuktikan bahwa
IMD dalam 24 jam pertama mampu menurunkan resiko kematian neonata; pada kelahiran idup (RR 0.56
; 95% CI : 0.40-0.79) dan pada bayi dengan berat lahir rendah (RR 0.58 ; 95% CI : 0.36, 0.84). begitupun
dengan penelitian Khan et al tahun 2019 membuktikan bahwa IMD dalam 1 jam pertama kelahiran
mampu mengurangi resiko kematian neonatal. Neonatal yang tidak di IMD-kan dalam 1 jam pertama
beresiko mengalami kematian pada bulan pertama kehidupannya disbanding dengan neonatal yang di
IMD kan pada 1 jam pertama kelahiran (WHO 2019)

Cakupan asi eksklusif pada 2012 adalah 42%. Pada 2013 cakupan pemberian asi eksklusif adalah
54.3%. Asi eksklusif jateng 2013 58.4% 2017 54.40% (Infodatin Asi 2014 dan PRofil kesehatan
RI 2017) cakupan imd nasional 34.5% dan 18 propinsi masih dibawah cakupan nasional pada
tahun 2013. Cakupan imd nasional pada 2017 73.06% bayi dapat imd 77.05% jateng 2017
Persentase pemberian ASI eksklusif pada bayi 0-6 bulan di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2018
sebesar 65,57 persen, meningkat bila dibandingkan persentase pemberian ASI eksklusif tahun
2017 yaitu 54,4 persen

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