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“Aceh, Pasigala and Sunda Strait Tsunamis”



Pingkan E Mirah (101217032)

Rizalul Wafda (101217038)

Dekha Fardiansyah (101217054)

Yohanes Trisandrya A (101217062)

Achmad Athoilah (101217090)






I. Marine Disaster

Marine disasters are natural disasters originating from the sea or drastic changes in the
natural ocean, occur in the coastal zone and seriously endanger the community, the economy,
life events and properties. The examples of the marine disasters phenomenon are:

1. Storm Waves

Storm waves are ocean wave phenomena that occur due to hurricane winds, which
are above the size of normal waves, the winds pointing to land. This phenomenon
often occurs in Indonesia, examples of storm wave warnings are on the southern
coast of Java with sea waves as high as more than 5 meters on 2-5 February 2019
based on BMKG observations.

2. El Nino and La Nina

La Nina and El Nino are symptoms that indicate changes in the Earth's climate. El
Nino is an event in which the temperature of sea water in the Pacific Ocean heats
above the average normal temperature. While La Nina is the event of falling sea
water temperatures in the Pacific Ocean below the surrounding average
temperature. Examples of cases are water dryness in some areas affected by El
Niño, while La Nina increases rainfall even in the dry season.

3. Tsunami

Tsunamis are very large water waves that are generated by various types of
disturbances on the ocean floor. This disorder can be in the form of earthquakes,
plate shifts, or erupting mountains. The tsunami is not visible when it is still far in
the middle of the ocean, but once it reaches the shallow area, the fast-moving
waves will grow even bigger. The most phenomenal case example is the Tsunami
in Aceh in 2004 which was caused by a 9 magnitude earthquake.


2.1 Types, Causes, Characteristics and Signs of Tsunamis

Tsunamis are disasters related to ocean waves. When at sea, the tsunami wave height has an
altitude of about one meter, although the height is not too high but the speed can reach 700 to 1000
kilometers per hour. The closer the tsunami wave is to the beach or land, the speed will decrease
further and the wave height will increase until it reaches more than 20 meters. Tsunami waves are a
type of wave that can move in all directions at very far distances up to thousands of kilometers and can
cause a great deal of damage.
Aceh Tsunami

The tsunami that occurred in Aceh was the third largest tsunami in the world. This Tsunami
wave reached various local countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand and India, and other countries. In the
tsunami disaster, many people died and many places and buildings were destroyed.

The cause of the tsunami was an earthquake that occurred under the sea, the earthquake
occurred because of the displacement of the Indian plate which was driven by the Burma plate causing
a massive earthquake and triggering a large tsunami. The type of earthquake was the megatrusth
earthquake. The earthquake is a meeting of two plates, namely the continental plate and the oceanic
plate. This earthquake occurs when the two plates meet or collide with each other.

Signs of the tsunami that hit Aceh were sea water receding suddenly. This receding water is
usually a sign that a tsunami will occur. The sudden water of this usurt will spout water again. Not all
receding water is a sign of a tsunami. What distinguishes it is, the smell of salt is very strong when the
sea water recedes suddenly. Then there was a thunderous sound from a distance, the sound was so big
and loud. After the roar was followed by a high-strength tectonic earthquake that caused a tsunami.

Sunda Strait Tsunami

The Sunda Strait is a strait that connects Java and Sumatra, and connects the Java Sea to the
Indian Ocean. In this strait there are several small islands such as Mount Krakatau.

The tsunami that occurred in the Sunda Strait in 2018 was caused by an avalanche that
occurred from Mount Krakatau. The magnitude of the krakatau eruption caused landslides around the
mountain. The avalanche descended down to the ocean and caused a large tsunami in the Sunda Strait
area. There are no known signs of the tsunami because the cause was an avalanche. The type of
tsunami in the Sunda Strait is local tsunami type, triggered by an underwater avalanche. This type of
tsunami can reach the coast in less than ten minutes, therefore it is difficult for local authorities to
issue a tsunami warning.

The cause of the tsunami was a combination of tidal waves and also the eruption of Mount
Anak Krakatau. This was also supported by statements issued by the Head of the BMKG Earthquake
and Tsunami Center Rahmat Triyono that the Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and
Mineral Resources (ESDM) and the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation
(PVMBG) had detected eruption at Gunung Anak Krakatau at 21 December 2018. Eruption caused an
avalanche of the mountain so that the avalanche could trigger a tsunami Unlike a tsunami caused by
tectonic activity, the tsunami in the Sunda Strait did not show characteristics such as receding sea
water shortly before the tsunami. However, Gunung Anak Krakatau Activity has indeed shown a small
eruption starting from June 2018 which continues until the tsunami disaster occurs, but when the
tsunami occurred it was not the largest eruption of Gunung Anak Krakatau. In addition, the tsunami
sign in the Sunda Strait is also preceded by tidal phenomena that occur due to the full moon.
Pasigala Tsunami

The tsunami in Palu was caused by an avalanche from under the sea. This avalanche is caused
by a fault fault called the Palu Koro Fault. Apart from faults, the avalanche is caused by a long sea
water channel with a dead end in the lowland area of the city of Palu. The shape of the bay is very
important in increasing the size of the wave because the bay functions like a funnel in the entrance of a
tsunami wave. The signs of the tsunami were a longitudinal fault that caused an underwater avalanche
and earthquake, then caused a tsunami.

2.2 The Impact of The Tsunami Disaster

Aceh Tsunami

The tsunami in Aceh was the biggest tsunami in the 21st century and resulted in as many as
170,000 fatalities, all destroyed buildings around the coast, hundreds of people homeless. This disaster
also affected the psychological side of survivors, namely the emergence of trauma to the sea. With the
destruction of infrastructure by the tsunami we can find out the extent to which prevention of natural
disasters will occur later.

Pasigala Tsunami

With 7.4 SR earthquake, the tsunami did not cause too many victims, namely 1 person died 10
people were injured and a number of property residents on the edge of the coast were damaged. The
tsunami also caused a break in communication lines which hampered the evacuation process in Palu.
From an economic standpoint, a tsunami that damaged various infrastructures in Palu resulted in
people losing their jobs and losing business.After the tsunami there was a liquefaction which caused a
lot of fatalities and severe damage.

Sunda Strait Tsunami

The tsunami in the Sunda Strait caused 281 deaths, 1016 people injured and 57 missing. And
also this tsunami severely damaged people's property around Banten and Lampung. Ujung Kulon
National Park in Banten also feels the impact of the Sunda Strait tsunami. Fortunately the animals that
are there have a strong instinct to save themselves. After the tsunami disaster, various research teams
and local administrators immediately planned the construction of a second habitat for animals

2.3 Post-Tsunami Response

Post-tsunami response in Indonesia is divided into several stages

Pasigala Tsunami

• The first step is to continue the evacuation of searches and rescue victims. This stage requires a lot
of equipment because many victims are suspected of being hit by rubble, landslides, and buried mud
that still needs to be evacuated

• The second stage, namely the funeral of the body. Mass burial must be carried out because after
several days the post-earthquake victims who have died have produced odors

• The third stage is accelerating the recovery of the electricity network. This is because all electricity
in the wolf area is still not lit, and is needed as soon as possible to restore the electricity network so
that it is quickly resolved.

• The fourth stage, namely accelerating the procurement of fuel oil (BBM), especially generator sets
for cellular operators and hospitals. Conducted so that the healing of the victims goes well and asks
for help from other families who are around the area that is not affected by the disaster.

• The fifth stage is logistics and food distribution for refugees. Distribution and food is very important
for victims to be able to maintain their survival and need support from other regions.

• The sixth stage, namely the acceleration of communication networks. Since the earthquake, there
have been many casualties and good communication is needed to find out the number of survivors

Sunda Strait Tsunami

• Pre-disaster stage. For the pre-disaster stage, several logistics and facilities have been provided. It's
like a community understanding of tsunamis and their dangers.

• Stage during disaster. Disaster management is carried out with a National Cluster system that has
been coordinated with the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB).

• Post-disaster phase. Mobilizing Disaster Preparedness (Tagana) personnel, Disaster Alert Village
(KSB), Disaster alert vehicles, Inventory items, evacuation equipment, and communication system
Aceh Tsunami

The first stage, namely the emergency response phase.

The initial stages of disaster management include rescue through shelter, provision of food, medicine,
clean water and clothing carried out by relevant departments such as the Ministry of Social Affairs, the
Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Transportation and the Department of Public Works.

The second stage, namely the stages of physical and non-physical rehabilitation.

Each of these departments works according to their respective fields of work, for example for food
(MOSA), medicines (MOH). These agencies are at the national level under the coordination of the
National Coordinating Board for Disaster and Refugees headed by the Coordinating Minister for
People's Welfare.


1. Dudley, Walter C. & Lee, Min (1988: 1st edition) Tsunami! ISBN 0-8248-1125-9 website

2. Kenneally, Christine (December 30, 2004). "Surviving the Tsunami." Slate. website

3. Lambourne, Helen (March 27, 2005). "Tsunami: Anatomy of a disaster." BBC News.

4. Nasional.tempo (N/D). Mekanisme Penanggulangan Tsunami Aceh. Didapat 5 Febuari 2019, dari

5. Nasional.tempo (2018/10/01). Prioritas Penanggulangan Tsunami PASIGALA. Didapat 5 Febuari

2019, dari

6. Regional.kompas (2018/12/31). Upaya Penanggulangan Tsunami Selat Sunda. Didapat 5 Febuari

2019, dari

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