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Research theme:

My area of interest for research is Waste to energy.

Research plan:
Waste is a common problem for several countries including Japan and Pakistan. Though Pakistan
is an under developed country, there are some waste management institution in major cities of P
akistan like Faisalabad waste management company (FWMC) in Faisalabad. These institutions a
re working in this domain to some extent but this is not enough. These institutions are just collect
ing waste and dumping this waste on land fill sites. Unlike developed countries, there is no prope
r segregation of waste at domestic level in Pakistan even in major cities. The small cities of Pakis
tan and villages, and even the villages with in the vicinity of major cities are facing the problem
of waste generation and throwing of waste on open lands because there are no proper waste mana
gement institutions in these areas. One of the ways to handle this waste is the use of a part of this
waste for generation of energy which is being practiced in several developed countries of the wo
rld including Japan.
Japan is one of the leading countries working in domain of waste to energy. Japan operates world
leading waste incineration facilities. Japan dominates over 60% of Asia pacific industry for wast
e to energy incineration. Japan is disposing its waste through incineration since 1965. Another in
spiring fact about Japanese waste incineration is that chimneys of waste incineration plants emit
vapor not smoke that does not contain harmful substances. Heat energy produced by the incinerat
or is used to supply the electricity needs of the entire facility, with any remainder being sold (ear
ning approximately JPY 9.8 billion annually, or USD78.6 million, in income from electricity).
Following the examples of several developed countries, Lahore Waste Management Company (L
WMC), Lahore Pakistan has also taken an initiative of installation of waste to energy plant. This
plant will be the first ever waste to energy plant of country. The proposed plant will be of 40 M
W capacity and will bring into use around 2000 tons of municipal solid waste. I hope so that in f
uture such plants will be installed in other cities of country.
In rural areas of Pakistan, huge quantities of organic waste including the dunk cakes are generate
d which can be used for energy purposes. Despite that there are few small scale bio gas plants in
several villages installed on experimental basis, they will not give us maximum benefit without i
ntroduction of new technologies in this context. A huge quantity of waste generated from differe
nt sources including urban agriculture industrial sectors and vegetable markets might be treated a
naerobically not only to generate significant quantity of biogas but also to reduce load on landfill
sites. Conventional composting produces only manure as by product after decomposition of soli
d waste. However, anaerobic biogas technology is an excellent technology for treating organic w
aste which produces both the biogas as well as organic fertilizer (manure) as end products. This
waste to energy on one side helps us to get rid of the waste and on the other side it is an excellent
source of energy. Moreover, waste to energy recovery products in place of fossil fuels have an e
xcellent potential for high energy content which can serve as an excellent source of energy for th
e increasing population of the developing countries like Pakistan which are also under crisis of e
In this scenario, I want to attain this scholarship, so that, I learn about new technologies from Jap
an in field of waste to energy and implement these technologies within my own country.

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