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Mindfulness Practice

~ Response vs. Reaction ~

1. Read the following quote:

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies

our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies
our growth and freedom.”
–Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

What do you think this quote means? Try to put it in your own words.

2. Think about your body and the way that you breathe. Check where you feel or notice
your breathing the most:
□ Is it your nose?
□ Your chest?
□ Your stomach?
□ Somewhere else? _________________________

3. In mindfulness practice, the place where you feel your breathing the most is called
your ___________________________.
4. Imagine that someone has just done something that makes you very angry. How do
you react? In the box below, use words, pictures, or a combination of both to show how you
normally react.

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Reflection. Write a reflection on your experience today. Write anything that comes to
your mind. Questions to consider: What did you learn? What thoughts or feelings do you
have about this lesson? How can you apply this to your life? Do you have any questions
about today’s practice? Write 3-5 sentences.

Challenge! How can you use this lesson in your life this week?
Let’s face it, you’re going to get stressed this week. Maybe it’s walking
into your least favorite class, or taking a big test, or your friend or
family made you mad. This week, try to stop and notice that stressful
moment. Just be aware of it. Then take a few moments to focus on
your breath and see what happens.

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